Chapter 66 Four Clans Brawl!Dozens of saints!

The world of chaos is different from the prehistoric world.

It seems that it is always day here, and there is no night.

The sky, like a red crystal, shrouded the world, making every place seem very mysterious and strange.

Several immeasurable calamities were launched at the same time, making the chaos world far more tragic than the prehistoric years.

Even if Zhao Lang and others were far away from here and hid in a dense forest, they could often hear the cries and roars of various races fighting each other.

Zhao Lang opened his eyes. His strength has already stabilized at the high level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and it is very likely that he will break through to the top powerhouse after ten thousand years of practice.

Then, there is Dao Sheng Ren!

Just when Zhao Lang was delighted, suddenly there was a violent shock in this mountain forest!
The ground trembled, and countless hundreds of feet tall trees were broken!
what happened?

Zhao Lang immediately used his spiritual power to cover Sanxiao who was practicing with his eyes closed behind him.

Zhou Zhan was fighting with a fierce beast whose strength was almost quasi-sage, and when he sensed the shock, he directly killed it and drove it back.

"What's going on? Brother Zhou?"

Zhao Lang frowned slightly and asked.

Zhou Zhan was also very puzzled, but when he came back, he saw the witch clan from the Chaos Realm, so he returned to Dao.

"It's probably a battle between the witch clan and the monster clan, let's go, don't get involved!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhao Lang nodded, and his spiritual power burst out. San Xiao followed, and everyone turned into rainbow light and came to the sky.

Look down.

Zhao Lang was shocked again!
That tall man is the Wu Clan of the Chaos Realm?
Take a closer look, those guys clearly have a face similar to that of a Chaos Demon God!

The Great Ancestral Witch was transformed by Pangu's essence and blood!
Could it be that the ancestral witch in the Chaos Realm was transformed by the Chaos Demon God?
this is crazy...

These guys look like Yama, and their mountain-like skin is covered with sharp black scales.

Definitely a descendant of Chaos Demon God, it's too obvious.

However, they are still much smaller than the Chaos Demon God. After all, the former is as big as a planet, while the latter is only ten thousand feet long.

But it was enough to make Zhao Lang nervous...

Zhou Zhan and San Xiao frowned and stared down. The three women were also a little pale. They were obviously shocked. Zhou Zhan seemed to be used to it, but he was just nervous. He was afraid that these guys would find them.

The dense forest they were in just now was trampled by dozens of ancestral witches and razed to the ground!
What do they seem to be after?
Zhao Lang observed carefully, but did not find it.


Tens of thousands of big monsters appeared from nowhere, compared to the huge size of the ancestral witches, they were like a swarm of bees, densely packed, overwhelming towards those ancestral witches.

The Demon God Ancestral Witch was instantly covered by those big monsters, and the latter attacked him frantically, causing a torrent of blood to spray out!

No matter how strong the physical body of the former is, it cannot withstand the attacks of so many monsters.

After a few seconds, he fell heavily to the ground!

Good guy, like a comet falling down, the nearby mountains trembled immediately.

The rest of the Demon God Ancestral Witch began to hammer those big monsters crazily, punching and kicking down, and hundreds of thousands of big monsters were smashed into plasma by them!
The picture is extremely violent!

Zhou Zhan became interested, he liked this kind of hand-to-hand combat, and watched it from the sky with great interest.

Just when the battle situation was getting out of hand, Zulong came...

It was obviously attracted by this bloody aura, and the dragon pupils were full of anger and killing intent.

Under the bursts of deep roars, the air of chaos swept over and quickly came towards this side.

However, at the same time, a huge volcano not far away burst into flames that soared into the sky.

Immediately afterwards, Yuanfeng also came out!
Yuanfeng in the chaotic world is at least among the top quasi-sages!Even stronger than Zulong.

Seeing the ancestral dragon heading towards the volcano, Yuan Feng thought it was coming towards him, and then spread his wings, and the temperature in the chaotic world suddenly rose!

Like a huge melting pot, Zhao Lang and others used their spiritual energy to protect their bodies. On the other hand, many monster races below were directly melted by this temperature!

The demon ancestor witch also noticed Zulong and Yuanfeng, and the war between the four clans broke out in an instant!
for a while!Dozens of demon god ancestor witches jumped up, they came to Zulong's body, beating crazily, tearing the black scales on Zulong's body!
What kind of body is Zulong?This kind of attack is like tickling in its eyes!
It opened its mouth to swallow the sky!

Several ancestral witches were instantly pierced by its [-]-meter-long sharp dragon teeth!
Unable to withstand the tens of millions of tons of bite force of the former, several ancestral witches were instantly bitten and shattered, and their bodies turned into scattered parts and fell to the ground!

The Wan Yao Clan rushed towards Yuanfeng crazily, his eyes were full of anger and killing intent, irrational at all!

Yuan Feng looked up to the sky and screamed!
The wings flapped, and countless flames struck, turning the demon clan into ashes in pieces!

Just crazy!
Zhao Lang and the others had already hid, and they were secretly observing the scenes in that Shura land.

"Let's hurry up and go!"

Zhou Zhan said to Zhao Lang.

Seeing countless ancestral witches and big demons participating in wave after wave, he was really worried.

And Zhao Lang was speechless at this time...

Nodding his head, he also thought it would be better to leave first.

Just when they got up, more than a dozen human races suddenly appeared behind them, and they were looking at Zhao Lang and others.

"Zhou Zhan, what are you doing here, be careful not to accidentally hurt you, hurry up and dodge!"

One of them stood up and scolded.

Shocked, Zhou Zhan quickly turned around, and when he saw this person, he gave a deep salute.


This is probably a person from the human race, but when did they come here?
To Zhao Lang's surprise, his strength is at the high level of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and the person who can appear suddenly without being discovered by him can only be...


Before he could react, the person who spoke to Zhou Zhan threw something to Zhou Zhan, and then said, "Go back to the tribe and wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, more than a dozen people burst out their spiritual powers one after another!

Zhou Zhan was silent, looking down as he was thinking about something.

Zhao Lang watched their strength unfold...


Great saint!

More than a dozen avenue saints!
Zhao Lang's eyes widened. This was the first time he had seen Daoist saints. The strength and prestige of these saints were far stronger than Hongjun's!

It gave Zhao Lang a feeling of shock!

They joined in, using spells and magic weapons one after another, the power is extraordinary!
Wherever they went, a bunch of big monsters and demon ancestor witches fell to the ground!

Zu Long Yuanfeng obviously also noticed these people who joined suddenly, and immediately started fighting with them.


"Ding! It is detected that the Great Dao Saint is fighting, and you can choose."

"One, join it immediately, show your strength, and you can get the approval of the Great Dao Saint."

"Second, one thing more is worse than one thing less, leave immediately, and you can get Chaos Sticky Gold."

Join the fray?

Don't be kidding, saint-level battle, what am I, a Hunyuan Da Luo Jinxian, messing around with?
Let's hide honestly!

Zhao Lang immediately made a choice and got Chaos Sticky Gold.

Information flooded into his mind at any time, and Zhao Lang's eyes lit up.

This thing can be advanced magic weapon?

Apart from the Chaos Supreme Treasure and the Innate Supreme Treasure, almost everything can be advanced?
Do the math, I have countless magic weapons now.

Counting the magical treasures that the system used to assemble the Myriad Treasure Immortal Formation for him, most of them were at the level of acquired spiritual treasures and innate spiritual treasures.

There are only a few that he can use.

Dinghaizhu, the power of the Twelve Ancestral Witches is preserved by him, and Pangu's real body has been fused by himself. When necessary, he can use Dinghaizhu to launch the Twelve Capitals of Gods and Demons!
The Pangu Zhanyuan Sword, the acquired treasure given to him by the Jade Emperor, has not been used much, and it is mostly used to engrave letters on the plaque of the Chaos Palace...

Killing God Spear, killing treasure, infinite power If Zhao Lang of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian uses this thing at this time, the power may reach the innate treasure!

Another one is the Chaos Supreme Treasure that he made with the stems of Chaos Green Lotus, that jade sword, which Zhao Lang named Qinglian Sword!

The Supreme Treasure of Chaos is already the top of the magic weapon and cannot be advanced, but if you gather all the magic weapons to activate the Myriad Treasures Immortal Formation, and use the Qinglian Sword as the eye of the formation, the power may be stronger than the ordinary Chaos Supreme Treasure!
Putting the chaotic sticky gold into his sleeve, Zhao Lang looked at Zhou Zhan, and then turned away into a rainbow.

Looking back at everything behind him, Zhao Lang shuddered.

What would happen if these guys were placed in the wild?

Fortunately, this kind of thing will not happen, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!
(End of this chapter)

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