Chapter 69 Zhao Lang Vs The Great Dao Saint!
The person in front of him is one of the people who appeared with Zhou Zhan's father and others before. He has a rather strange appearance and a short stature.

Zhao Lang had some impressions of him.

Why is he here?

Later, Zhao Lang appeared, he frowned and did not speak.

The person in front of him is a Daoist saint. Although the holy prestige is not particularly strong, it also brought an invisible sense of oppressive tension to Zhao Lang.

"You shouldn't be here."

The man opened his mouth slowly, squinting his eyes at Zhao Lang.

Zhao Lang didn't speak, he was puzzled.

I always feel that something is not right, this person is wearing a black Taoist robe and a black hat...

Avenue Palace!
Those Chaos Demon Gods!

Could it be that he is also the Chaos Demon God?
No, he doesn't seem to have the face of a Chaos Demon God, is it an illusion?
Seeing that Zhao Lang hadn't spoken, the man opened his mouth again and said, "It's good to follow suit, but it's a pity, if you can survive, you should be able to set foot on the great road in the future."

Zhao Lang finally spoke, he asked.

"Who are you? Shouldn't you be with Patriarch Zhou and the others?"

The man snorted coldly and didn't answer, just said: "The dead don't deserve to know this!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the spiritual power on his body burst out, and a strong wind gushed out from his body, like several invisible hidden weapons, blowing across the surrounding tree trunks, causing giant trees to break one after another!

However, he underestimated Zhao Lang a little. Although Zhao Lang was not a Daoist sage, the strength of Pan Gu's real body was by no means something that this force of wind could shake.

What's more, with the Yuqing Lotus Kungfu and other exercises in his body, he already has jade muscles and a golden body, which is invulnerable to water and fire.

Looking at Zhao Lang unmoved, the man was a little surprised, and then laughed out loud.

"Interesting, interesting!"

Zhao Lang asked in a stern voice, "Who are you?"

The man curled his lips and replied casually.

"I am Zhou Feng, but this will be the last name you hear! Ha!"

As soon as the words fell, Zhou Feng displayed his holy power, and the powerful coercion filled the surroundings!

Zhao Lang felt unable to move, but relying on Pangu's real body, he still struggled to resist and was able to move with difficulty.

"You find yourself here, don't blame me!"

Zhou Feng summoned a sword in his hand, and then used his spiritual power to sacrifice it. The sword rotated at the speed of light, twisting a living flat land in the dense forest!
Seeing the sharpness of the sword wind, Zhao Lang sighed secretly!

Then he summoned the Dao Jinlun, and dozens of light wheels that looked like golden butterflies appeared in an instant, spinning rapidly around him, resisting the gusts of sword wind!

Every time the sword wind strikes and hits the Dao Jinlun, Zhao Lang can feel a strong soul impact, as if the strength of the sword directly penetrates the defense of the whole body and hits his primordial spirit .

If he hadn't possessed Pan Gu's soul-refining method, I'm afraid his current primordial spirit would have disappeared like a cloud!
At this time, the system voice came out:

"Ding! It is detected that the host is in danger, and you can choose."

"One, beg for mercy immediately, there is a [-]% chance of surviving, and if you survive, you can get the Hunyuan Orb."

"Second, resist with all your strength, use all your strength to fight against the opponent, there is a [-]% probability of surviving, and if you survive, you can get the remnant map of the Zhuxian Sword Formation."

The probability is not 100%...

Zhao Lang was already in a cold sweat, but looking at Zhou Feng in front of him, he sneered.

If you don't resist, you may die, if you resist, you may die...

Then give it a go!
Even if you are a great saint, I will try it!

Zhao Lang shouted loudly!
Immediately, the spiritual power was exerted to the extreme, and the size of the Dao Jinlun instantly increased!

Like several shooting stars, they frantically confronted the sword wind.

Immediately afterwards, before he could react, Zhao Lang called Ding Haizhu out.

"The Twelve Capitals are gods and gods!"

Drink it according to the heart formula, and the 24 Dinghai Pearls will shine brightly!
Every two is a kind of power of Pan Gu's essence and blood, either Yin or Yang!
Twelve kinds of light instantly rendered and changed the color of the blood-red sky in the Chaos Realm!
Immediately afterwards, the aura erupted in the great array of gods and evil spirits, and twelve kinds of elemental forces swept across each other, mixed with the power of infinite chaos, enveloping Zhou Feng in it!

What is this?
Zhou Feng was shocked. He never thought that a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian could use such a magic weapon, and he couldn't move for a while?

"Okay! I underestimated you, you will die if you say anything today!"

Zhou Feng opened his palms, and the chaotic spiritual power suddenly gathered in them, forming two crazy tornadoes, in which several sword shadows could be seen faintly!

The two gusts of wind collided with the great formation of the gods, producing a strong spiritual reaction, causing the surrounding void to be distorted and torn apart in an instant!
Zhao Lang stared at the Shensha formation, and then summoned the Yuan Zhan Sword, pouring spiritual power into it, and the Yuan Zhan Sword suddenly glowed golden!
Then he sacrificed the sword, and the sword instantly went towards Zhou Feng in the formation!

The latter seems to have discovered the Zhanyuan Sword long ago, and at the same time fighting against the great array of gods and demons, he summoned a hurricane to come towards the Zhanyuan Sword!

The Yuan Zhan Sword was actually torn into pieces by that wind force?

Zhao Lang was shocked, that thing was a magic weapon after all, and it was given to Zhao Lang by the Jade Emperor, so it was damaged like this?

"Hmph, don't waste your energy, wait for me to break through this formation, and it will be your death!"

Zhou Feng's face is distorted. He is a great saint. Although his strength is not top-notch in the chaotic world, at least he is invincible under saints.

I didn't expect to be trapped by a Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian today, and suddenly, I was angry!

He began to frantically use the sword wind to attack the Shensha formation, but the Dinghai Pearl Sacrifice was in the air, and the light in it did not fade at all.

"This thing is really weird!"

"I'll just see when your spiritual power is exhausted?"

Zhou Feng sneered, while resisting the elemental pressure in the Shensha formation.

The corner of Zhao Lang's mouth twitched...

The former will not be able to break through this formation for a while, if he is not a saint, he should have been transformed by the gods and demons at this time, and his body will die and his dao will disappear.

But the strength of Dao Sage is indeed terrifying!
He was able to fight without changing his face. Although he couldn't break through it for the time being, if his spiritual power was exhausted and the power of the big formation was reduced, he might not be able to trap him anymore!


Zhao Lang stared closely at Zhou Feng in the formation, beads of sweat slipped from his forehead.

You have to think of a way, it's best to kill him with one blow!
But how difficult is it to kill the saint?

What's more, this is a Dao sage, not the way of heaven. The way of heaven is immortal, so how can it hurt the Dao sage?

Even if Zhao Lang had infinite spiritual power to trap him in the formation, he would never be able to kill him.

He was frantically thinking about countermeasures in his mind.

Suddenly, he remembered one thing!

Before Pangu created the world, he used the Sky-Opening Ax to kill countless Dao Demon Gods. According to their strength, the Dao Demon Gods are much stronger than the Dao Saints. If they can be killed by the Heaven-Opening God Axe, it means that the treasure of chaos can hurt saints!
Even... can kill a saint!

Zhao Lang's confidence doubled, he quickly summoned the Qinglian Sword, and that jade-like sword burst out an extremely shocking spiritual power in his hands.

Zhou Feng frowned when he saw this thing.

"Treasure of Chaos!"

Why does this guy have such a thing?
no!I need to get out of here quickly!
As a Daoist saint, Zhou Tian actually felt a little fear at this moment!
This feeling was the first time after he was sanctified!
He began to increase the output of spiritual power, and the two hurricanes in his hands were like tornadoes reaching the sky, sweeping through the gods and demons crazily!

However, the Great Formation of Shen Sha was formed by the power of Pan Gu's essence and blood. It was so strange and powerful that even this kind of mana could block it!

Zhao Lang sneered, "Although I don't know why you did it, I know that you are definitely not a good person! Today, if you want to take my life, I will let you die first!"

As soon as the words fell, the Qinglian sword in his hand was instantly filled with the spiritual power of his whole body, and then a vast green glow bloomed!
With the input of spiritual power, Zhao Lang felt a little weak, but he couldn't relax at this time!
He stabbed the Qinglian sword towards Zhou Feng who was in the great formation of Shensha, and the sword came out of his hand, turning into a blue light piercing the chaos of the sky, mixed with infinite spiritual power!

The Qinglian sword is so fast that even a saint can't catch it!
The divine evil formation gradually faded away, and Dinghaizhu fell back into Zhao Lang's hands.

He felt his legs go limp, as if exhausted.

And the opponent is worse than him at this time!

As a Daoist saint, I never thought of death!
Today, he realized it!

(End of this chapter)

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