My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 8 Continuing to retreat, the killing gun reappears

Chapter 8 Continuing to retreat, the killing gun reappears
Under the tremendous pressure, Zhao Lang finally couldn't hold on.

But then, he seemed to feel that something was supporting his body, keeping him from falling down.

This is?

Open your eyes slowly.

Under him, a lotus throne appeared at some point, and it was continuously transmitting spiritual power into his body.

Yuqing lotus skill?
Overjoyed in his heart, Zhao Lang hurriedly used the subtle spiritual power transmitted by it to gather in his dantian and regained his state.

Quasi holy!

I am coming!

"It is detected that the host has been promoted to quasi-sage, you can choose!"

"One, break through the customs, travel the prehistoric times, become famous, and get fragments of Hetu Luoshu."

"Second, continue to practice, retreat for thousands of years, and you can get the god-killing gun."

Still use choice?
Demon Ancestor Luohu's god-killing guns are all out!

Definitely continue to practice!

The last thunderbolt turned crimson, which seemed to represent the wrath of Heaven!
But after that, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dispersed, and the vibration of the sky and the earth stopped.

The dilapidated Buzhou Mountains regained their calm.

Looking at the thick smoke gradually dissipating on Buzhou Mountain, all creatures held their breath, their pupils dilated!
Above Kunlun, the Taoist Ran Deng and the Antarctic Immortal led the Twelve Golden Immortals to watch.


The Antarctic fairy felt a little unbelievable.

"It saved me a shot..."

Taoist Ran Deng snorted coldly, disapproving.

33 In the sky, Hongjun opened his eyes again, his eyes were full of surprise, but then he laughed.


At this moment, Zhao Lang felt his whole body merged with the air, extremely light, suspended in mid-air.

Immediately afterwards, a golden pill the size of a pearl appeared in his body.

This is?

Hunyuan Daoguo!

Looking inside, it looks like a night pearl, with countless mana restrictions lingering around this mana golden elixir!

Zhao Lang is in a mysterious state!
The spiritual power consumed to resist the catastrophe also quickly recovered, and the spiritual energy around him was being sucked into his body at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The information about the supernatural power Pangu Kaitianzhang also flooded into my mind after being promoted...

This is……

Quasi holy!

Opening his eyes, a golden light bursting out from his eyes!

Come out of the fairy cave destroyed by the thunder, illuminating the world!
Sanxiao, Chanjiao, and all creatures were extremely surprised!
It worked?The quasi-sage was born!
Feeling the boundless spiritual power of chaos in his body, Zhao Lang leaped forward, stepping on the clouds and straight to the sky!

The golden light wrapped around it makes it look like a shooting star, rushing into the sky from Buzhou Mountain!
It worked!
Coming above the clouds, Zhao Lang looked at this brand new body and felt the vast chaotic spiritual power in his body.

I am quite amazed!

After retreating for tens of thousands of years, I finally reached the quasi-sage!

Although he has entered the quasi-sage, Zhao Lang also felt an unprecedented sense of crisis because of this, as if a pair of eyes were staring at him firmly!

"Yes, it can resist the punishment of heaven."

A phantom appeared in front of Zhao Lang, floating in the air, looking at the latter with a smile.

Taking a closer look, Zhao Lang almost fell off the clouds with a sudden jolt!



Although it's just a soul clone, the mighty saint's coercion is overwhelming!
The future saint of heaven!
After joining the Dao, Hongjun and his disciples were scheming, and there was a high probability that he arranged the matter of conferring the gods. This person is too dangerous!

His hands were trembling in his sleeves, Zhao Lang tried his best to hide it.

"Daozu, you..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Hongjun.

"With such strength, wouldn't you be born and walk in the prehistoric world?"

Zhao Lang frowned.

Is this starting to plot against me?
The sound of the system also sounded at this time:
"It is detected that Daozu Hongjun suggested that the protagonist be born, and you can choose!"

"One, listen to his advice, come out of the world, make a name for yourself in the prehistoric world, and gain Hongjun's attention."

"Second, refuse to go out of the mountain, return to the fairy cave and continue to retreat, you can get the secret realm of the Dao."

Get Hongjun's attention?
That's not a good thing!
Zhao Lang would rather be an unknown pawn, live to the end, and don't want to attract Hongjun's attention, at least before proving the Tao, he will disappear if he can!
"I have no intention of being born in the world. Even if I reach the quasi-sage, I just want to continue to retreat and practice, to be pure and at ease."

Hearing this, Hongjun seemed a little surprised.



Zhao Lang is very determined. Although he has reached quasi-sage, he is still like an ant in front of a saint. This is not just a word difference, but the difference between heaven and earth!
"That's all right, I have decided to follow the way of heaven and will not interfere with the choices of all creatures..."

You cannot interfere.

That doesn't mean you won't let your apprentice Liusheng and boy Haotian interfere!

Zhao Lang smiled wryly and did not speak.

"In that case, you can continue your cultivation, but you have to do one thing."

Zhao Lang felt a little bad.

"You have to contribute to the Heavenly Court. How can you just sit by and watch when you absorb the aura of the wilderness to cultivate?"

Zhao Lang frowned and asked, "Then what should we do? Let's say it first, I won't leave the customs."

"You don't need to go out, but at this time the Heavenly Court is re-established, Haotian is in charge of the Heavenly Court for the first time, and there is a shortage of manpower. You can send a disciple to enter the Heavenly Court as a god."

Hongjun stared at Zhao Lang with a casual tone.

For some reason, Zhao Lang always felt that there was a smile in his eyes...


Zhao Lang reluctantly agreed.

Hongjun nodded in satisfaction, and the afterimage disappeared in front of him.

Zhao Lang let out a long breath.

Hongjun put too much pressure on him.

After all, this guy is the strongest saint, the future heaven!
If I want to go against the way of heaven, I must not let him know!

The body disappeared into the clouds, and Zhao Lang returned to the Pangu Immortal Cave.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it has been devastated by the catastrophe.

With a wave of his hand, the fairy cave was restored to its original appearance.

These did not come out of thin air, but were formed by the condensation of his mana.

After all, it is a dead thing, if it can directly create a living thing, it will be a great fortune!

Zhao Lang stared at the piece of jade that appeared in his hand, thoughtfully.

"The secret realm of the avenue?"

As the voice fell, a memory flooded into the brain.

Great Dao Secret Realm: You can choose a space to open up your own secret realm. In the secret realm, no one except the peak saint can break in, and can withstand attacks below the peak saint!
In other words, if this thing is cast outside the Pangu Immortal Cave, completely covering it, unless Hongjun, Lao Tzu, even the Heavenly Leader and Yuanshi Tianzun cannot enter!

However, Hongjun had already noticed his existence, which made Zhao Lang quite a headache.

San Xiao rushed into the cave at this time.

Looking at Zhao Lang who was unscathed and even more energetic than before, the three women breathed a sigh of relief.

As a cultivator, it is normal to be promoted to a calamity, but a catastrophe like this one is really rare.

"Send disciples to heaven?"

Zhao Lang smiled wryly, he would definitely not let Sanxiao go, entering the Heavenly Court was like completely handing over his fate to the Jade Emperor and Tiandao.

Looking at these three people, Zhao Lang sighed.

Immediately afterwards, he displayed the secret realm of the Great Dao, spreading it all over the Pangu Immortal Cave.

Soon, Zhao Lang was ready to devote himself to practice again.

After tens of millions of years of practice, you can get the God Killing Spear.

The God Killing Spear was still very strong in his memory, it was a weapon wielded by Demon Ancestor Luohu, and its power depended on the strength of the user.

Luo Hu was on par with Hong Jun in strength before the Dragon Han Chu Tribulation, and the weapons he possessed must have been extremely powerful!
Continue to retreat, thousands of years!

After reaching the quasi-sage, I want to go further, but it is difficult!

However, Zhao Lang firmly believed that with his own patience and focus, it was only a matter of time before his physical body became a saint!

Soon, he went into retreat again.

Don't pass it by.

"The host has completed the task of retreat for tens of millions of years, and obtained the God-killing Spear."

Suddenly, the temperature in the entire fairy cave dropped sharply.

A black mysterious light burst out from the god-killing gun, and the terrible evil spirit made Buzhou Mountain shake violently.

Zhao Lang's eyes widened.

What a terrible evil spirit!

Could this be the God Killing Spear? From the looks of it, could it have absorbed the karma of the Great Tribulation during the early Long Han period?
Zixiao Palace.

Hongjun suddenly opened his eyes, with some suspicion in his eyes, and then began to calculate.

"It's him again?"

Hong Jun frowned, and in a moment he figured out it was Zhao Lang.

Where did he get the god-killing gun?
After the battle with Luo Hu ended that year, he also looked for the God Killing Spear in the prehistoric wilderness, but he never found it.

Strangely missing for hundreds of millions of years, it was actually obtained by Zhao Lang.

Hongjun hesitated, whether to step forward and suppress him.

"Forget it, the God-killing Spear is no longer able to endanger the entire prehistoric world."

Sigh, then close your eyes.

During the period when Rahu ruled hegemony, there were no saints.

Even if Luo Hu at his peak meets a saint, there is only one end.


The birth of the God-killing Spear made the surrounding area of ​​Buzhou Mountain seem to be coming to an end.

Fortunately, Zhao Lang is now at the quasi-sage level, so it is not difficult to make the God-killing Spear recognize the master.

Holding the gun to kill the god, Zhao Lang's heart was surging.

At this time, a person suddenly appeared outside the cave, which surprised Zhao Lang!
Why is he here?

(End of this chapter)

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