My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 90 Teaching Bodhi, Jade Emperor's embarrassment

Chapter 90 Teaching Bodhi, Jade Emperor's embarrassment
This was within Zhao Lang's expectation. At this time, the Master Tongtian was too conceited, thinking that he could really avoid the catastrophe.

"I won't leave the customs."

Zhao Lang shook his head with a firm tone.

Master Tongtian was a little surprised, and suddenly stepped forward and asked, "Why? You have become a saint now, immortal, what are you still worried about?"


Zhao Lang smiled wryly.

He has seen with his own eyes that Daoist saints are dead and Daoxiao, although they are immortal, but if the other party's strength is far superior to his own, such as Taoist Yang Mei.

If the latter makes a move, I'm afraid I will end up the same as Clan Chief Zhou...

"You still don't know enough, Master Tongtian, do you think that the saint of the Dao of Heaven is the strongest? There are people beyond human beings, and there is heaven beyond heaven."

Zhao Lang's words are meaningful, but his meaning is ambiguous.

What do you mean?
There are people outside the sky?

Master Tongtian began to think about it, Zhao Lang shook his head when he saw this, and waved him out of the secret realm of the Great Dao.

It seems that these saints in the wild know nothing about chaos!

Zhao Lang sighed, then opened his right eye.

Two eyes, the left eye is his body, and the right eye is opened through the eyes of the avatar Zhang Tian, ​​who can observe the prehistoric world from the outside world.

Since Zhao Lang couldn't go out, it shouldn't be a problem to manipulate the avatar to change the situation. After all, the identity of the avatar is still kept secret.

Standing up, he started to walk out of the Taoist room, cast his eyes on the disciples who were practicing in the door, and then he went to find Yang Jian.

After a simple arrangement, Yang Jian was ordered to go down the mountain and go back to find real Yuding.

And Zhang Ling lost his opponent, a little sad, Wudang teaches the dragon and tiger factions to compare with each other, so that they have the motivation to improve their strength.

If it is truly invincible, people will naturally be lazy.

Manipulating the avatar to go down the mountain, Zhao Lang saw two people descending the mountain at a glance.

And these two people, he is quite familiar?

After observing, Zhao Lang was startled.

Is it Patriarch Bodhi again?

Let's mention this guy, it's really hard to change the nature.

Looking again, Patriarch Bodhi is standing in front of Shen Gongbao, constantly instilling his own ideas in the latter...

"Benefactor, I think you are doing well, why not follow me to Lingshan."

"But... I am a disciple of the Heavenly Master."

"What is a celestial master? The Western religion has the right to mention and guide two saints!"


Patriarch Bodhi continued to influence him, and Zhao Lang was not in a hurry to go out, so he observed secretly.

It's so wonderful that Zhunti actually recruited people on my head.

After Zhao Lang snorted coldly, he controlled the clone and walked down the mountain slowly.

"This fellow Taoist, who are you?"

Zhang Tian came to the two of them and asked with a calm expression.

When Shen Gongbao saw him, he quickly bowed deeply, "Tianshi!"

Bodhi narrowed his old eyes and looked at his clone Zhang Tian.

"Goodness! You are his master? I think you are also extraordinary, why don't you bring the whole sect back to Lingshan with me, and I will recommend you..."

While he was talking there, in Zhao Lang's consciousness, the options of the system had already appeared.

"Ding! It has been detected that Patriarch Bodhi invited the host's avatar to convert to Buddhism, and you can choose."

"[-]. Immediately accept the invitation, and indicate that the identity is the avatar of the host. If the host breaks through and joins the Western religion, he will be shocked by the acceptance and introduction."

"Second, refuse the invitation, and teach Patriarch Bodhi a lesson, you can get the materials for refining treasures."

What do I want the shock of those two old dogs in the West?
Before he finished speaking, ten thousand golden lights flashed from behind Zhang Tian, ​​the avatar, and brushed on Bodhi's head, and the latter fell severely.

"Why come here! Why do you do it?"

He was a little confused, and then looked at Zhang Tian with a puzzled expression.

"It's been like this for a long time. Back then, I wasn't strong enough, but now that I've become a saint, I can't let go of the old dog's avatar!"

Zhao Lang in the treasure hall immediately felt relieved.

Seeing Shen Gongbao going up the mountain behind Zhang Tian, ​​Bodhi's eyes were full of shock.

On Lingshan, Zhunti suddenly opened his eyes.

"what happened?"

Jieyin changed his usual way of asking.

Zhunti squinted, a little puzzled: "How can a small Daluo Jinxian be so powerful?"

Without speaking, Jieyin shook his head and continued to practice with his eyes closed.

As for Zhunti, the more he thought about it, the more he felt strange, and then he summoned the Buddha beside him and asked him to find Lu Ya...

Zhao Lang was a little happy.

He now has a kind of happiness that he can beat others but others can't beat him. This kind of confidence is all given to him by the secret realm of Dao.

Although Zhunti's strength is not as good as Zhao Lang's now, the latter is not afraid of him.

But there are also those two guys, Hongjun and Taoist Yangmei.

Zhao Lang always felt that the two of them had some unknown plans, and it was definitely not as simple as the Great Tribulation of Gods.

After conferring the gods, the saints basically withdrew from the prehistoric times.

Especially Hongjun, who took the lead.

After that, although there were some who claimed to be saint clones, such as Patriarch Bodhi.

But after all, the saint never appeared again, as if they never existed.

Could it be the fusion of the Dao of Heaven, that is, the fusion of the Dao?

Became the Dao Demon God?
Zhao Lang didn't dare to think about this horrifying thought, but he didn't have to think about it now.

As long as I don't go out to die.

Then invincible!

Thinking of this, Zhao Lang was very happy.

Calling out the Dao Dao Jade Slip, Zhao Lang looked at the two characters that looked a little lonely on it.

Wind, thunder.

It's a pity, if I can stay in the chaotic world for tens of millions of years, I should be able to collect more laws of the great way.

But even if there is a way to get rid of Chaos now, Zhao Lang dare not take the risk easily.

Putting it in his sleeve, Zhao Lang summoned the Lian Bao Ding.

Because of that Yuanfeng before, he seemed to feel for a while that he would never be able to refine [-] magic treasures, even the lowest-level spirit treasures, the former wanted.

Looking at Lian Baoding, Zhao Lang actually missed that expressionless guy.

After a moment of silence, he started to make treasures.

Kunlun Mountains.

Yuanshi Tianzun smiled.

It seems that there is something happy, but if you observe carefully, his smile is obviously a bit mocking.

Naturally, it was because he saw the Master Tongtian coming out of Buzhou Mountain with a sullen face.

Jujiao's recent momentum is too great, but Yuanshi Tianzun seems to have realized something after this period of retreat.

For Zhao Lang, although he still had some lingering fears, he didn't hate him as much as before.

What he has to do now is to concentrate on dealing with the catastrophe.

However, the change that occurred before Bu Zhoushan also made him understand that Zhao Lang's strength at this time has improved to a higher level.

"Master, are we not in retreat?"

Guang Chengzi stood aside and asked respectfully.

Nodding slowly, Yuanshi Tianzun called out another spirit bead and handed it to him.

"Give it to Taiyi, and let him keep it safe. We will use this thing in the catastrophe in the future. What happened last time must never happen again."

The latter complied, and then took the Lingzhu and exited the main hall of Yuxu Palace.

Yuanshi Tianzun watched as the snow on Buzhou Mountain gradually melted, and then disappeared into a breeze.

Ever since the snow on Mount Buzhou began to melt and all living creatures revived, the saints had no choice but to pay attention to this Zhao Gongming again.

no way.

This guy is just too perverted.

People can't help but want to guard against him. In fact, Zhao Lang really just wants to stay quietly in the secret realm of the avenue, observe whether there is any change in the chaos in the mirror of the avenue of chaos on weekdays, and refine the magic weapon.

The day was very clean.

But on this day, a person whom he hadn't seen for a long time came from the secret place of the avenue.

" there?"

The Haotian Jade Emperor asked cautiously, looking up and down the Chaos Palace, attracted by this magnificent building.

Zhao Lang naturally discovered him a long time ago, but for some reason, he had a feeling that he didn't want to see him.

But he still waved his hand, and then Haotian was moved into the hall.

Seeing Zhao Lang on the throne, the Jade Emperor was in awe, and then gave a deep salute.

"How is Tianting recently?"

Zhao Lang asked with a smile.

"The Heavenly Court has been calm recently. Since the war between the gods and demons, the demon clan has not troubled the Heavenly Court again. What's more, there is Lu Ya Yaosheng controlling them, so they dare not be too arrogant."

The Jade Emperor cupped his hands.

I dare not be too arrogant.

Zhao Lang snorted coldly, those guys are just looking for trouble for the human race in the mainland of the prehistoric China.

Lu Ya became a saint with the help of Hongmeng Purple Qi, so naturally he would not do anything against the way of heaven. Hongjun is the way of heaven in the future, and the Jade Emperor is his fairy boy, so Lu Ya dare not.

"Senior, I came to see you because there is actually one thing... I don't know if I should say it or not."

It seems that the Jade Emperor seems to be hesitant.

Zhao Lang waved his hand and said with a smile, "I guess Hongjun asked you to come to me."

The Jade Emperor was taken aback, looked at Zhao Lang, and was shocked after careful observation.

Although the appearance of the senior in front of me has not changed much, why does it make me feel a strong coercion?

And this coercion is Shengwei?

Could it be... Zhoushan Saint is really sanctified!

That's not right, Taoist ancestor just gave Lu Ya the primordial purple energy, how could he give it to Senior Zhao?
"Senior, you guessed right, Daozu asked let you accept a disciple."

When the Jade Emperor said this, he couldn't lift his head.

"Ding! It is detected that Hongjun asked the Haotian Jade Emperor to worship the host as his teacher, and he can choose."

"One, accept the Jade Emperor and accept him as a disciple, and you can get the Haotian Seal."

"Second, if you reject the Jade Emperor and drive him out, you can get the Haotian Sword."

"Three, don't refuse or agree, everything is for the purpose of retreating, and you can get a merit book and a merit pen."

Zhao Lang smiled wryly.

What a cunning old dog, you can figure out this trick.

Cursing Hongjun secretly in his heart, Zhao Lang immediately made a choice.

He didn't want to refuse or agree, and his attitude towards the Jade Emperor has always been ambiguous.

"Do you think it fits?"

Zhao Lang asked a question.

The Jade Emperor instantly felt that he couldn't hold back his face, and at this moment he wanted to plunge his head into the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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