My God of Wealth, Zhao Gongming, would rather die than be in the mountains

Chapter 93 Prepare for a rainy day, design land pressure

Chapter 93 Prepare for a rainy day, design land pressure

After thinking about it, Zhao Lang had some doubts.

"It shouldn't be waiting for me, I won't come out of the mountains, it's useless for you to wait until the end of time..."

This idea is a little unrealistic, and Zhao Lang was also a little confused for a while. Although a saint can start to see through cause and effect, but between saints and saints, no matter who is strong and who is weak, they cannot see through each other.

If you were Daoist Yang Mei, you can give it a try, his strength has far surpassed that of a saint...

Following the point of Xuanheihu Zhang Ling, the avatar looked towards the mountain gate.

Sure enough, it was densely packed, at least tens of thousands of people were staying at the foot of the mountain at this time.

Some are kneeling, some are lying on the ground, and they all look quite miserable.

These monsters are really damned!

Zhao Lang's heart was filled with unexplainable anger.

Although he didn't dare to go out and didn't want to be contaminated with too much karma, Zhao Lang's heart has always been jealous, and he can't see wronged.

Just like when he saw the Zhou Clan being destroyed, he was very angry, but he was beaten back by the Chaos Demon God before he could find out about that matter...

This only shows that his strength is still not enough.

However, this place is not chaos. In the prehistoric world, Zhao Lang is now a little afraid of Daoist Yang Mei who doesn't know that it will appear suddenly, and even Hongjun is not particularly afraid now.

Looking at the options in his consciousness, Zhao Lang finally chose the third one.

Then he asked Xuan Heihu and Zhang Ling to arrange all the disciples to go down the mountain to help those human races gain a foothold at the foot of the mountain.

There are too many of them. Originally, Zhao Lang wanted them to go up the mountain, but when he thought that if there were monster races or some powerful people who came to find fault with the clone, they might be involved, and innocent people would be injured or killed. Lang didn't want to see it.

So they were simply let at the foot of the mountain. With the help of all the disciples cultivating immortals, they soon built a house here and resumed their old life.

The whole process didn't take long. In just half a month, Zhao Lang controlled his avatar Zhang Tian and came to the human race at the foot of the mountain. Looking at the people who were gradually recovering their lives, he showed a gratifying smile...

When everyone saw the celestial master, they also bowed down one after another, calling him a great good!
Zhao Lang didn't want the avatar to take on so many topics, so he used the avatar to say that these were all arranged by the sage of Zhoushan, so countless human races bowed down to Buzhoushan again.

"Sage Zhoushan is very kind!"

Zhao Lang smiled, and arranged for the avatar to go back to the Taoist temple to practice, while he opened his left eye to look at the Chaos Palace.

The three women have been practicing for some time, but since they came back from the Chaos Realm, their cultivation has stagnated, and Zhao Lang is not clear about the specific reason.

Looking at a futon in front of him, Zhao Lang was a little puzzled.

Isn't this derived futon belonged to Empress Nuwa?What is the use of the system using this as a reward?
Just when he was wondering.

On the other side, in Wa Palace.

A woman in plain clothes sits upright, with extraordinary temperament and extraordinary beauty.

It's just that for some reason, she suddenly felt like something was missing under her body...

Looking down, he was also taken aback.

"Where's my futon?"

At the beginning, Hongjun gave each of the six saints a futon cushion, which was not very effective and could only simply trap people, but this thing is indispensable for practitioners.

The derivative futon disappeared, Nuwa got up, and the fairy boy beside him hurriedly followed behind.

I was still sitting on it just now, why did it disappear all of a sudden?

Nuwa was very puzzled and couldn't figure it out...

Chaos Palace.

Zhao Lang smiled, now he has figured out what is the use of this thing. After thinking about it, he secretly lamented the mystery of the father of the system, who even thought of how to help him calculate Lu Ya.

Afterwards, he used the sound transmission technique to transmit the sound to Kong Xuan who was in the prehistoric world, and asked him to come to the Chaos Palace.

Kong Xuan didn't go back to Fengqi Mountain but just practiced in the prehistoric. At this time, the relationship between him and the dragon clan eased, and he would occasionally go to the prehistoric ocean to exchange and practice with some great powers of the dragon clan.

Hearing Zhao Lang's voice, he hurriedly bid farewell to the Dragon Clan, then got up and rushed to Mount Buzhou.

It took only half an hour for the quasi-sage and top powerhouse to go from the Great Desolate Ocean to the Chaos Palace with a single thought.

Coming to the top of Buzhou Mountain, Kong Xuan was amazed.

Almost every time I come here again, I have to change my appearance. Now I see that there are many spiritual plants in Buzhou Mountain, and the Chaos Palace on the floating island is even more celestial. I secretly lament the power of Master Zhao Lang in my heart.

Zhao Lang knew that he was coming, but just now he was refining the magic weapon and put the magic weapon in his sleeve before he waved Kong Xuan into the secret realm of the avenue.

When the latter came outside the hall, he saw Zhao Lang himself from a distance, and suddenly felt some indescribable feelings. He stepped forward quickly in three steps and knelt down on the ground.

Zhao Lang thought to himself, "I'm basically an ancestor now, and everyone who sees them will bow twice first..."

Laughed out loud, but Zhao Lang didn't stop Kong Xuan.

After prostrating three times and prostrating nine times, the latter slowly got up and gave another deep salute: "Master, you are finally back."

Zhao Lang smiled, "Why, I haven't seen you for hundreds of years, so you miss me so much?"

Kong Xuan shook his head, "It's mainly because I'm used to cultivating with my master. After leaving the prehistoric world, I realized that there are really few people like you in the prehistoric world. I'm really glad I worshiped you as my teacher back then!"

This is completely different from the Kong Xuan who was instigated by Zhun Ti before to come to find trouble.

Zhao Lang was relieved, nodded his head and said lightly: "I can protect myself now, but you are still not strong enough. If you don't have the patience to keep retreating with me here, I am afraid that there will be many accidents in the next catastrophe."

Kong Xuan obviously knew, nodded his head, "Master, what should we do next?"

"Don't worry, I won't let you all stay in this place like me for the rest of your life, come here, I have something, you can help me quietly put it in Lu Ya's dojo, you know where he is practicing now Bar?"

"I know Master, he is currently practicing in a cave next to Fengqi Mountain."

Kong Xuan replied.

This guy, didn't come to me in a hurry to seek revenge?It seems that I am a little self-aware and know that I am not my opponent.

Zhao Lang snorted coldly.

Then he handed the derivative futon to Kong Xuan, and cast a spiritual power on it, which could eliminate the cause and effect of Kong Xuan's touching it.


Zhao Lang laughed.

Kong Xuan was giving a salute, and just about to quit, he asked another question.

"Master, have you really become a saint now?"

This sentence contains a lot, some do not believe but more are looking forward to.

Zhao Lang didn't speak, and after nodding with a smile, he sent him out of the secret realm.

Kong Xuan was stunned outside, with countless emotions flashing across his eyes.

Unexpectedly, the person I was so provocative at the beginning would be willing to let go of the barrier and treat me like this, and the master has been sanctified in just a hundred years!

Kong Xuan's admiration for Zhao Lang has reached the extreme at this moment.

Watching Kong Xuan leave, Zhao Lang felt quite emotional.


Zhao Lang suddenly showed a smile.

Speaking of Kong Xuan, he couldn't help but think of Zhunti.

"This guy, he must be very happy to see more and more followers of the Western Church in such a leisurely way every day, no... I have to find some fun for him!"

Immediately, Zhao Lang took out the merit book and merit pen...

On Lingjiu Mountain, in Daleiyin Temple.

Looking at the few ignorant humans newly attracted by the Bodhi ancestor, Zhunti smiled like a flower.

Suddenly, he frowned.

Why do I feel that my merit is declining?
This feeling is very obvious. Although it cannot be seen from the outside, Zhunti can clearly feel it.

"Who dares to plot against me!"

He was a little annoyed.

After the spiritual detection, it was impossible to see who did it.

Wave your hands to let all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats retreat.

He looked at Jieyin, and Jieyin naturally felt it.

The two of them are in the same vein, and they are connected to the luck of the Western religion. The greater the merit, the more prosperous the luck.

"What's going on? Could it be Tongtian?"

Zhun Ti frowned, his face a little gloomy.

The latter shook his head without answering.

At this time, Hongjun's voice reached their ears.

"The seven saints all come to Zixiao Palace."

Daozu's summons must be urgent, no matter how upset the two of them feel, they must obediently go to Zixiao Palace first.

"Ding! It was detected that Hongjun summoned the Seven Sages to target Zhang Tian, ​​the Wudang sect. The host can choose."

Just as Zhao Lang put away the merit book and merit pen, such a passage appeared in his consciousness, followed by options.

"One, go out of the mountain immediately and protect the avatar, you can get the fragments of the good fortune jade plate, but there is a chance to attract Taoist Yang Mei."

"Second, the deity can't die on the mountain, but secretly arranges to help the avatar and others to stabilize the foundation, and can obtain advanced materials for the God-killing Spear."

Zhao Lang scanned the options with a smile.

As expected, he had already figured out what to do.

The avatar Zhang Tian is a role that he protects his disciples to act on his behalf in the wilderness, and it is also a way out for Zhao Lang. After all, Zhang Tian has half of Zhao Lang's soul.

He must not be allowed to die, but his relationship with himself must not be exposed either.

Hongjun will definitely remind Luya this time, and he will probably come in person by then.

But Zhao Lang is not worried, Lu Ya has his own troubles to solve.

(End of this chapter)

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