Chi You of the Great Desolation

Chapter 343 Fusion of Lotus Lamp, 4 of 1 Magic Lamps

Chapter 343 Fusion of Baolian Lantern, one of the Four Divine Lamps
Chi You's magic sword is open and close, upright and powerful, and it emphasizes the invincible and indomitable momentum, which is also the essence of Chi You's fighting spirit.

But the Nine-Mouth Tianmang Divine Saber is dexterous and ever-changing, good at splitting and attacking together, and cunning and changing. It is a dexterous and changeable route, which is not in harmony with Chi You's sword intent.

Therefore, Chi You would rather not merge, and would not operate indiscriminately easily.

If you want to do it, you must pursue the best. This is also Chi You's plan from the beginning.

Putting down the magic knife, Chi You looked at the spear and the magic lamp again.

Chi You has very few long spear magic weapons, so the fusion of long spears is directly ignored.

Finally, Chi You looked at the magic lamp. Chi You actually had one of the magical treasures of lamps, which he had snatched from Empress Nuwa, the Lotus Lamp!

The origin of this lotus lamp is very special. Some say that the lotus lamp was transformed from a part of the chaotic green lotus, while there are also legends that the lotus lamp is a treasure of the chaotic period.

But what is the specific situation, Chi You has no way of research.

Now holding the lotus lamp in his hand, Chi You can feel a kind of unyielding will, as if the light emitted from this magical lamp can drive away all the darkness in the world, and illuminate the nine heavens and ten earths into a piece of light.

Chi You brought the Lotus Lantern close to his divine weapon, and for a moment, infinite brilliance radiated out. The light was dazzling and warm, with a breath of fire like fire.

This kind of light is more like the light of a flame than the light of the sun, moon and stars.

Chi You mobilized his magic soldiers, so that the phantom of the magic lamp and the lotus lamp met each other, making each other shine.

For a time, the entire Heavenly Palace was filled with brilliant light, as if a huge light source lit up the entire Heavenly Court.

Chi You was also awed by this miraculous change, he observed it carefully and comprehended the mystery in it.

Circles of halos are emitted from the lotus lamp, and the colors are multicolored, continuously emitting from the wick, and then circles, like ripples, illuminate the sky, penetrate the heavens, and spread to the boundless wild land.

At this time, Empress Luwa, who was far away on Penglai Xiandao, felt the changes in the heavenly court. She originally planned to practice meditation, but when she saw Chi You refining the lotus lamp, Empress Luwa had a ferocious expression on her face.

This precious lotus lamp originally belonged to her treasure, but was deceived by Chi You, and now seeing the divine light of the precious lotus lamp, how could Empress Luwa not be annoyed.

Chi You didn't know all this, he was trying his best to activate his magical power at this time, so that the shadow of the magic weapon lamp and the lotus lamp could merge with each other.

With Chi You's continuous movements, the lotus lamp slowly merged with the lamp shadow, and the blazing light not only did not weaken, but became even brighter.

At the moment when Chi You completely merged the Baolian Lantern and the Shenbing Lantern, a fierce light radiated out in a circle, shining once in the entire heaven.

At this moment, all the distracting thoughts in Chi You's mind dissipated instantly, and those restless thoughts also hibernated one after another.

The magic lamp flashed, eliminating all the chaotic emotions in Chi You's body, making his Lingtai clear, approaching the Dao, and almost falling into a kind of Dao state.

Chi You was not the only one who got this kind of benefit, the monks in the entire Heavenly Court also benefited a lot.

"I didn't expect this to give the magic lamp a new ability!"

Chi You looked at the phantom of the magic lamp with satisfaction. If the four magic soldiers before were all like a phantom, now the magic lamp looks more like a solid object.

But Chi You stretched out his hand to grab it, but he still couldn't hold the shadow of the magic lamp.

"Although it is very close to the essence, it has not yet manifested. It seems that this phantom of the magic weapon can continue to merge!"

Chi You looked at the magic lamp behind him, these magic weapons could be used by his giant shadow in battle, but if he wanted to hold them, he had to mobilize infinite mana.

Now after the fusion of the lotus lamp, Chi You also found that the phantom of the magic weapon has not reached its saturation state, and it is obvious that some spiritual treasures can be fused again, but Chi You does not have any suitable things in his hand now, so he can only give up on this.

"The White Tiger Clan has taken refuge in Emperor Jun of the Monster Clan. Now is the time to take the opportunity to kill them. If they are combined with the Monster Clan more closely, or even moved to Penglai Xiandao, it will be really troublesome!"

Chi You is now planning to use troops against the White Tiger Clan. After all, the White Tiger Clan is huge in number. If left alone, the future Lich Wars will inevitably cause a large number of kills to the Wu Clan's sons.

Chi You immediately ordered to go down, let Yan rectify the army and horses, lead an army of one million lions and dragons, and go to the west with him.

Qin Yuan and Man Nu are in charge of guarding the Heavenly Court to prevent the monster race from raiding the Heavenly Court.

"Great Wu, can the army of millions of lions and dragons take down the White Tiger Clan?" Yan was a little worried. The White Tiger Clan is a large ethnic group in the Western world, and there are hundreds of millions of creatures among them.

Chi You used only a few million lions and dragons to attack hundreds of millions of white tigers. This is an exaggeration in Yan's view.

Chi You laughed and said: "We don't want to kill them all, we just need to wipe out the top leaders of the White Tiger Clan! As for the other White Tiger Clan, the western land is extremely barren, and it is impossible for them to achieve anything, and our Lion Dragon Army , enough to be a hundred!".

When Chi You said this, Yan could not object, so he had to urge the army to follow Chi You all the way to the west.

It's not that Chi You didn't want to bring more subordinates with him on this expedition, but the Heavenly Court also needed to be guarded. If they took away too many strong men, the defensive power of the Heavenly Court would be very empty.

When the time comes, the monster army will make a surprise attack and attack the Heavenly Court to relieve the White Tiger Clan. Chi You will have to give up the attack and return to the Heavenly Court.

After all, the territory of the Wu Clan is too large now, and the Wu Clan has very few available soldiers. After all, there must be strong guards everywhere.

The land of the East China Sea involved the three ancestor witches, and the Pangu Temple also needed the ancestor witches to sit in it, so now that Chi You acted, he had to consider all aspects.

It is easy to conquer the country, but difficult to defend the country. This sentence is a wise saying.

When Chi You's army moved, not only the White Tiger Clan received the news, but also the Monster Clan on Penglai Xiandao also got the information.

The two clans of liches have been fighting for so many years, and outside the two clans, there are a lot of eyeliners everywhere. It is impossible to completely hide the other party's movements.

But Chi You didn't intend to hide it this time, he came forward openly, with full confidence to crush the opponent!

"The magical lamp has just successfully fused, and now is the time to try its power!" Chi You smiled, and rode Qiongqi, heading straight to the west.

As for the White Tiger Clan who got the news, the head of the White Tiger Clan felt uneasy. He had seen Chi You's supernatural power on the Longevity Mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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