Chi You of the Great Desolation

Chapter 550 Three Kings Fighting for Hegemony

Chapter 550 Six Kings Contest for Hegemony
It is said that several saints planned the great prosperity of the human race. After discussing here for a while, they dispersed separately.

However, today's Taoist saints have their own thoughts, and they are no longer monolithic as before.

After all, the saints are all leaders in charge of the great religion, so they naturally have to make more plans for their disciples.

There are no eternal enemies in the world, only eternal interests.

"The Master Tongtian is not here, should we inform him?"

In the end, the leading saint couldn't help asking, in his opinion, the Sanqing family was originally a family, and reuniting their brothers would be of great help to everyone fighting against the Wu clan.

However, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, and said: "Tongtian insisted on going his own way, and included all the people with hair and horns in the teaching. A big cut-off teaching has become smoky, and it is really damaging my face!".

After Yuanshi Tianzun said this, none of the saints could speak again.

Demon Emperor Jun and Empress Luanwa could have gloomy faces. The so-called wearing fur and horns, isn't Emperor Jun and Empress Luwa also in this ranks?

Even though they knew in their hearts that Yuanshi Tianzun was not talking about themselves, Di Jun and Empress Luanwa still couldn't help being angry.

Yuanshi Tianzun saw the faces of the two demon emperors, and he immediately knew that he had made a mistake, so he simply didn't say anything, and didn't say anything more.

"Since the discussion has been decided, let's proceed according to the plan. If there is any deviation in the future, I will discuss it later!"

After the Taiqing sage gave another warning, the several sages left Kunlun Mountain separately.

That escorted the saint all the way back to the western Lingshan, Taoist Zhunti hurried forward to catch him.

"Brother Dao, this time, the matter is over?"

Zhunti Taoist has been paying attention to this matter all the time. Now his strength has reached the peak of the sub-sage, and he has beheaded the three corpses in these long years. Only when the three corpses are finally merged into one can he prove the Taoism and become a saint.

Zhunti Taoist is also a person with great perseverance. These countless Yuanhuis have passed. Although he has never proved the Tao, he has never given up his efforts.

Before the prehistoric world advanced, Taoist Zhunti happened to be in retreat. He seized this opportunity and almost completely merged the three corpses into one. There is only a thin line between him and him.

Seeing that Zhunti's junior brother was so eager, the receiving saint nodded with a smile and said: "You don't need to worry, junior brother, this matter has already been completed. When the time comes, our Western religion will flourish, and you will be able to prove the Tao and become a saint!".

When Taoist Zhunti heard the news, his eyes instantly shot endless light. He was waiting for an opportunity, and he had waited for too long.

So after hearing the news, even though his mind was as firm as iron, there was a slight wave of waves.

"With the help of this opportunity, the aura of the race will definitely reach its peak, and our Buddhist sect can also take advantage of the momentum!"

Taoist Zhunti was overjoyed, he had already seen the hope of proving the Tao, and when the time came, he would be able to prove the Tao and become holy.

Taoist Zhunti returned to the Lingshan Mountain together with the leading saint. They spread a water mirror in the Hualong Pond and began to observe the situation in the world.

At this moment in the heavenly court, Chi You also felt the slowing down of the heavenly secrets.

The calculations of the several saints were immediately clear after Chi You made a simple calculation.

He looked at the mortal world. At that time, the situation was changing and the dynasties were changing, all of which were carried out according to the wishes of several heavenly saints.

Chi You shook his head and smiled, and he said to himself: "These sages of the Dao of Heaven don't dare to confront me head-on, and instead started to plot and plot!".

Chi You didn't take them seriously at all, in the face of absolute strength, all plots and calculations seemed meaningless.

The list of gods appeared in Chi You's hands. This list of gods was originally Chi You's treasure. Now even if the world changes, the two clans of liches, Buddhism and Taoism are all involved.

But as long as Chi You holds the Conferred God List, this changed Conferred God still has no meaning.

This time, the idea of ​​several heavenly sages is nothing more than stealing some luck from the human race, but their plan has been seen through by Chi You.

No matter how the luck is distributed in the end, it is just that there are more people handling it, and Chi You is still the biggest beneficiary in the end.

In order to compete for some luck, the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism have already entered the human race, and each assists their favorite monarch.

The idea of ​​the saints is naturally to provoke a war between them, and then push the luck of the human race to the highest peak.

This is very similar to the Battle of the Conferred Gods in the original history, but it is somewhat different after all.

Now the entire human race is not unified, they are their own masters, split into several big empires, conquer each other, and fight endlessly all year round.

Since the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, the human race has never achieved a great unification.

Nowadays, the six countries are fighting each other, and it is difficult to have a peaceful day.

A part of the descendants of the witch clan were also involved in this battle, and the monster clan also supported one side of the monarch.

The remaining three leaders of the Taoist sect belonged to the same line of Buddhism, and they all went their own way, eventually forming a dispute among the six kingdoms.

The blood of the Wu Clan is the one that Chi You left behind on the overseas fairy island. They have little contact with the Wu Clan on the Great Desolate Continent, so they do not communicate with each other.

The king supported by this witch clan is King Dayue, and the power of the monster clan is naturally manipulated secretly by the demon emperor Jun and Empress Luanwa, and they support the king of Nanzhao.

The Daoist Taiqing lineage assists the King of Xia, and there is Xuandu, the eldest disciple of the Taiqing sage, and the named disciple Du'e Immortal Master, who secretly protects him with the Eight Immortals of Shangdong.

Yuanshi Tianzun supported the king of the Zhou Dynasty, with twelve golden immortals sitting in the town, presided over by the Lantern Taoist.

There are thousands of immortals on the Jiejiao side, and they support the king of the Shang Dynasty. The Jiejiao has more than ten thousand disciples, many of whom are officials in the court, but it cannot be said who is the main one.

However, among them, Wen Zhong, a disciple of the Holy Mother of Jinling, is a high-ranking and powerful master, who is the most influential in the Shang Dynasty.

In the Buddhist lineage, Maitreya leads the eighteen arhats and 72 Dharma protectors, who secretly protect the Jialan Kingdom.

In this way, the conflicts among the six nations are on the rise, and the human kingdoms of all parties are fighting to kill each other.

Although this is not the original Conferred Gods War, it is more grand than the Conferred Gods War.

After all, the current prehistoric world is much larger than the original prehistoric world, and the human race has countless more tribesmen than the original human race.

There is such a grand act today, precisely because the development of the human race is too rapid.

Chi You had no intention of intervening in this matter. After all, the six kingdoms conquered each other. Under this kind of competition, the human race could work hard to become stronger.

As long as the human race continues to grow, this will make the prehistoric world more prosperous.

(End of this chapter)

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