Chapter 552
That Huang Tianxiang didn't know the depth, he heard Zhang Guifang yelling on the horse: "Huang Tianxiang is not getting off the horse yet!".

At this time, Huang Tianxiang only felt dizzy, his three souls and seven souls were scattered, he couldn't sit still on the horse, and fell headlong from the horse.

Zhang Guifang laughed out loud, there were infantry behind him who rushed forward and tied Huang Tianxiang up.

Huang Feihu's side saw clearly in the formation, seeing his younger brother fell off the horse and was captured, Huang Tianlu yelled and galloped out of the formation.

"Zhang Guifang, don't leave! Huang Tianlu is here to fight you!"

In order to save his younger brother, Huang Tianlu forgot the difference in strength between the enemy and us.

Huang Tianxiang was born with supernatural power and unparalleled bravery. Although Huang Tianlu was older and had superb martial arts skills, he was inferior to Huang Tianxiang.

Zhang Guifang had just captured Huang Tianxiang alive, when he saw another Huang Tianlu was killed, he immediately smiled and said: "I caught my younger brother, my elder brother came, and I happened to take you too, so I can show my bravery."

Zhang Guifang came to fight Huang Tianlu with a gun. The two fought on horseback for twenty rounds, and Huang Tianlu was already exhausted.

Although Huang Tianlu's martial arts were superb, he was still inferior to Zhang Guifang. In the first [-] rounds, he relied on his blood and courage to resist Zhang Guifang.

Now that his courage is gone, he can no longer resist Zhang Guifang's offensive.

At this time, Zhang Guifang shot like a dragon, he found a loophole and shot Huang Tianlu off the horse.

Huang Tianlu was terrified at this moment, he was struggling to escape.

Zhang Guifang urged the horse to catch up, and shot Huang Tianlu to death from the back of the heart.

"Who dares to fight!"

Zhang Guifang pointed his spear at the sky, and his horse stepped on Huang Tianlu's body, looking vigorous and unparalleled in fighting spirit.

Huang Feihu was under the tent of the Chinese army. He saw that another son had been killed and died tragically on the spot. Suddenly Huang Feihu roared angrily, and he urged the five-colored bull to kill him.

Huang Feihu was King Wucheng of the Zhou Dynasty, needless to say his physical strength, at this time, he was carrying a reed spear in his hand and charged towards Zhang Guifang.

Zhang Guifang urged the horse to go forward and fought Huang Feihu.

Bulls and horses meet, two generals fight for the front, and cold lights rise one after another, all of which are means of killing one's life.

The respective commanders of the two armies went to battle in front of the battle, and the sound of drums suddenly burst into the sky.

The two generals fought for dozens of rounds, Huang Feihu was faintly worried. After dozens of rounds, he was already a little bit powerless.

Seeing that the battle was invincible, Huang Feihu hurriedly mobilized the five-color bulls under his seat, and was about to walk back into the formation.

Zhang Guifang saw that Huang Feihu was about to escape, but how could he agree to it.

"Huang Feihu hasn't laid down a cow yet, when will he wait!"

Zhang Guifang yelled, Huang Feihu became dizzy for a moment, his eyes went dark, and he fell down immediately.

The infantry rushed out behind Zhang Guifang, tied Huang Feihu together, and escorted him back to the Chinese army tent.


Seeing his father Huang Feihu being captured, Huang Tianjue hurried forward, but was held back by the lieutenants.

Seeing that Zhang Guifang had captured the opposing commander, he waved the flag, and the three-way drum beat, the army spread out and rushed straight towards the opponent's army.

The North Sea King's side lost Huang Feihu, and the three armies had no one to mobilize. Those who were directly killed were defeated and fled into Beihai City one after another.

Zhang Guifang led the army to charge for a while, killing countless enemies, until it was ten o'clock in the evening, he collected the soldiers and horses and returned to the big tent.

Although the vanguard official Feng Lin was defeated in this battle, Zhang Guifang captured the three main generals of the enemy army alive, so it can be said that he made a profit but not a loss.

That night, Zhang Guifang discussed with the generals.

"Now that Feng Lin has been folded, let's call for battle tomorrow and use one person to exchange General Feng Lin back. What do you guys think?"

Zhang Guifang captured three generals on the opposite side today, and by exchanging one for one, he can naturally exchange Feng Lin back.

Besides, Feng Lin was the vanguard officer, and Huang Feihu and the others were the chief generals. If it was exchanged, it was impossible for the Beihai side to disagree.

"Marshal, now that we have captured the three generals on the opposite side, it is just time to report to Chaoge to shock the majesty of our merchant!"

General Qiu Yin suggested under the tent that this first battle was won, which can be said to be a very good start.

Zhang Guifang was in a good mood when he defeated the enemy today, so he ordered to go down and immediately wrote a battle report to report to Chaoge.

It was very late at night, and the generals drank and feasted until the third watch.

Besides, in Beihai City, Huang Feihu, father and son were killed in the first battle, the King of Beihai was in trouble, he asked advice and his subordinates, but they were waiting one after another, and they had nothing to do.

"Zhang Guifang is also the tiger general of the Shang Dynasty. He is unparalleled in bravery, invincible, and even has heretical skills. He is not something ordinary generals can deal with!"

The King of Beihai shook his head, anxious to get angry.

Now that the dynasty was turned against him, he was bewitched by Huang Feihu, but even if he knelt down and begged for mercy, Shang Wang Yinshou would never forgive him lightly, a traitorous minister.

At this time Huang Tianjue said: "My father and brothers were all captured by Zhang Guifang. If we don't want to make a good strategy, I'm afraid their lives will be in danger!".

The King of Beihai shook his head when he heard the words, and he said, "Little General, what can you do?".

Huang Tianjue said: "My elder brother Huang Tianhua has followed the immortal master to practice in Ziyang Cave of Qingfeng Mountain since he was a child. Now that my father and brothers are in trouble, I should go up the mountain to ask my elder brother to help!".

This Huang Tianhua is the eldest son of Huang Feihu, he went up the mountain at the age of four, and followed Qingxu Daodezhenjun to practice Yuqing Taoism, and now he has not seen each other for more than ten years.

When the King of Beihai heard that a monk was helping, he immediately cheered up.

"Little general, hurry up, I will hang up the sign of exemption from battle outside the city, and wait for you to go up the mountain to invite reinforcements, so that your father and brother can be safe!"

Huang Tianjue was not too polite, he simply tidied up, and left Beihai City overnight, quietly dismounted from his horse by himself, and headed all the way to Ziyang Cave in Qingfeng Mountain.

It is said that in the early morning of the second day, Zhang Guifang immediately led the three armies and called for battle outside Beihai City.

But no matter how much they yelled and cursed, there was no one in Beihai City who went out to fight.

At ten o'clock in the afternoon, the soldiers were scolding dryly, Zhang Guifang had no choice but to withdraw temporarily.

When Zhang Guifang returned to the tent of the Chinese army, he sent a letter of divorce and sent an envoy to Beihai City.

The king of Beihai received the messenger and unfolded it. It turned out that Zhang Guifang wanted to exchange Feng Lin.

About this sum, everyone agrees.

After all, Feng Lin was just a vanguard officer, and his status was not as high as that of Huang Feihu and his son.

The King of Beihai and the messenger made an appointment, and at about sunset, they exchanged prisoners with Beihai City.

The King of the North Sea is deliberately delaying time, so he will choose at sunset.

The two parties met face to face, and only Feng Lin was on the opposite side, so naturally they couldn't be exchanged for three people.

The king of Beihai called Huang Feihu by name, Zhang Guifang waved his hand, and the infantry had already pressed Huang Feihu forward and replaced his vanguard general Feng Lin back.

The two parties each took hostages and withdrew to the big tent one after another.

At night, Zhang Guifang naturally had to take the wind and wash away the dust for Feng Lin and comfort him.

(End of this chapter)

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