Chapter 106

After the meal, it was rare for Lu Yue not to practice, but to rest in the courtyard. Seeing this scene, Jia Le came to Lu Yue curiously and asked, "Junior Brother, why didn't you practice today?"

After getting along with each other these days, Jiale has already discovered that Lu Yue, the junior brother, is a madman who practiced cultivation except for eating and sleeping.

"Brother, I've been a little tired recently, I don't want to practice, I want to rest." "So that's the case, how about brother, I'll take you to catch fish on the mountain today."

"Okay, then I'll be in trouble, Senior Brother." "Okay, Junior Brother, wait for a while, I will tell Master and Uncle, and I will take you to the mountain to catch fish. Junior Brother, let me tell you, the fish on the mountain are very fat." I'll make grilled fish for you when I catch it." At this time, Simu and Lin Jiu came to the yard. Seeing this, Jia Le quickly said, "Master, I plan to take my younger brother to catch fish."

"Catching fish, you know how to catch fish in one day, Jiale, I warn you as a teacher, don't take your junior brother badly, don't go there, and practice obediently in the courtyard." "Uncle, I asked my senior brother to take me to catch fish." , These days, I'm a little tired and want to relax."

As soon as Lu Yue's voice fell, Lin Jiu quickly came to Lu Yue and asked worriedly, "Lu Yue, are you okay?" You know, no matter how much Lu Yue practiced before, he never said that he was tired. Excessively injured.

"Master, I'm fine, but I'm a little tired. I want to rest for a few days to prepare for the breakthrough." Hearing this, Lin Jiu was relieved, and understood that Lu Yue should be constantly controlling the grass and trees during this period. This is the case when you absorb too much spiritual energy.

"So, next, Lu Yue, take a good rest for a few days, wait until the spirit recovers, and then practice. There is also this breakthrough, Lu Yue, don't worry, you have just broken through, there is no need to rush to break through." "Yes , Master, I understand."

"That's it, that Jiale, you take Lu Yue to catch fish, yes, catch more, and let your uncle see your skills." "Master, don't worry, I will definitely catch more."

After that, Jia Le took Lu Yue up the mountain.Along the way, Jiale kept introducing the surrounding situation to Lu Yue, and soon, the two came to a pool of water, "Junior Brother, we have arrived, Junior Brother, you have to go into the water with me and catch fish together."

"Brother, let me forget it, and I don't know how to say it, just stand here and watch you catch fish." The fish's means were really extraordinary, and soon, three big fish were caught.

However, Jiale did not stop there and wanted to continue catching fish. "Brother, aren't these three big fish enough?" "Not enough, brother, you don't know how much my master can eat. These three fish are just enough for my master." After finishing speaking, Jia Le continued to catch fish .

Soon, Jia Le caught another seven fish. Afterwards, Lu Yue and Jia Le planned to go back, but at this moment, Lu Yue saw Yixiu and Qing Qing walking here.

Seeing this, Lu Yue thought of something, and hurriedly held the wooden bucket containing the fish in his hand, lest today's dinner would be ruined. "Master, why are you here, Qingqing?" "So it's Jiale, what are you doing here?" You guys are delicious."

"Jia Le, we are monks, we don't eat meat, wow, Jia Le, how do you catch so many fish, can you eat them all, or release a few, what do you think?" Yixiu smiled Looking at Jiale Road.At the same time, Yixiu also signaled Qingqing beside him to help him.

After receiving a hint from her master, Qingqing wanted to say something, but before she could speak, Lu Yue said first, "Master, don't worry, we like to eat fish more, and these fish are not as good as fish." It must be enough for us to eat, so we won’t be released, otherwise, the master will scold us if he finds out, don’t you think so, brother.”

Although, Jia Le is a bit stupid, but he is definitely a filial person, and he quickly echoed, "Master, what the younger brother said is right, these fish may not be enough for us to eat, or I will catch some more." After finishing speaking, Jia Le thought I have to catch a few more, so as not to eat enough, if it is really not enough, the uncle is reluctant to scold the younger brother, but his master will definitely give him a good meal.

At this time, Yixiu understood that it was impossible for Jiale to release the fish, and he no longer insisted, "Jiale, these fish are definitely enough for you to eat, so don't catch any more, let's go back together." After finishing, without waiting for Jia Le to say anything, he took Jia Le home.

Seeing this, Lu Yue hurriedly followed in Jiale's footsteps.On the way, Qingqing looked at Lu Yue curiously and asked, "Why are you unwilling to release these fish? Are these fish delicious?"

"We're not monks, so we can't touch meat. Naturally, we don't want to release these hard-fought fish. Brother Jiale's fish cooking skills are good. Would you like to try it? It's delicious. I guarantee you will eat it after eating , I will never forget it." Lu Yue looked at Qingqing with a smile and said seductively.

However, before Qingqing could say anything, I saw Yixiu turned around and looked at Lu Yue unkindly. Lu Yue didn't care about this, and continued to look at Qingqing, wanting to know whether Qingqing would try one time. "Let's forget it." After finishing speaking, Qingqing quickly came to Yixiu's side, not giving Lu Yue another chance to persuade him.

Before, Yixiu didn't care about Lu Yue, thinking that Lu Yue's strength was not that great, at most similar to Jia Le, and it was very likely that he was worse than Jia Le.

But soon, Yixiu discovered that the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body was stronger than that of Jia Le, and a gleam flashed in his eyes. He did not expect that Lu Yue's cultivation would be stronger than Jia Le.Looking at Lu Yue curiously, he asked, "Little benefactor Lu Yue, I wonder if you succeeded in granting the talisman?"

Yixiu's words stunned Lu Yue. He didn't expect that Yixiu would suddenly ask himself this question. Master Xixiu is not a bad person, so it's okay to tell him. However, Lu Yue didn't intend to tell other people about his possession of Tianlu. man, nodded. "I didn't expect that the little benefactor succeeded in granting the talisman. It seems that the little benefactor will become the pillar of Maoshan in the future."

In the age of the Dharma-ending era, it is not an easy task to confer the talisman, but if one succeeds in conferring the talisman, one will be able to break through the realm of the earth master in the future, even if it is a higher level of the realm of the heavenly master, it is not impossible.As far as he knew, in the current generation of Maoshan Jiale, except for Lu Yue, there was no disciple who had successfully conferred the talisman. In this way, Lu Yue had a great possibility to rely on this advantage to become the head teacher of Maoshan.The identity of Maoshan's head teacher has a great status in the cultivation world. If such a person has the opportunity, he needs to make friends even if he rests for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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