Chapter 132

Seeing Simu and Lin Jiu leave, Lu Yue went to the courtyard and began to practice, but after a while, Lu Yue saw a woman with relatively revealing clothes appearing at the door.

"Excuse me, does Ninth Uncle live here?" Annie, who suddenly appeared, completely confused the three of Wencai in an instant, looking at Annie's chest wretchedly, which made Annie angry for a while.

Fortunately, Annie saw this situation a lot, and didn't pay too much attention to it. She raised her voice and asked again, "Excuse me, does Uncle Jiu live here?"

Annie's voice brought Qiusheng and others back to their senses. After that, Qiusheng appeared in front of Annie instantly, looked at Annie with a smile and said, "This beautiful lady, my master Lin Jiu is inside, I don't know how this beautiful lady , you are looking for my master, what is the matter?"

Seeing Qiu Sheng who appeared in front of Annie first, Wen Cai and Jia Le regretted for a while. Such a good opportunity, why did Qiu Sheng take the lead? Afterwards, Wen Cai and Jia Le also quickly appeared in front of An Ni and asked, " Miss, I don't know if you have anything to do with Master (Uncle Martial)?"

Annie is extremely beautiful, not inferior to Ren Tingting, and this Annie is also a young lady, and in Jiuquan Town, she can be considered rich. If she can marry Annie as a wife, it will definitely be a beautiful thing.

Unfortunately, Annie ignored Qiusheng and the others, but looked at Lu Yue who was not far away. The moment she saw Lu Yue, Annie was firmly attracted by the aura emanating from Lu Yue.

And he also spoke to his father before that Lu Yue was a person who had studied abroad in the West, which made Annie very curious about Lu Yue, wanting to know what kind of person Lu Yue was, and now seeing Lu Yue's In an instant, he was deeply attracted by the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body.

Seeing Annie staring blankly at Lu Yue, Qiusheng and the others had a premonition that they didn't want to. Could it be that Annie was bewitched by her junior brother? If that was the case, it would be basically impossible for them to pursue Annie. Now, Qiusheng and the others only hope that Lu Yue has not taken a fancy to Annie, otherwise, it would be even more hopeless for them to pursue Annie.Thinking that Lu Yue didn't even fall in love with Ren Tingting, who was even better, and probably wouldn't fall in love with Annie, he was a little relieved.

Sensing Annie's fiery gaze, Lu Yue frowned. Although Annie was extraordinary in appearance, Lu Yue did not fall in love with Annie, because, influenced by his predecessor, Lu Yue found that he didn't like people with revealing clothes like Annie. , did not continue to practice, and planned to return to the room.

Seeing that Lu Yue was about to leave, Annie didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly came to Lu Yue, "Young Master, Uncle Jiu is not here. I wonder if you can answer some doubts in my heart for the little girl?"

At this moment, Annie finally remembered why she came here today. "Do you have any questions?" At this time, Lu Yue's attitude was not very good, but it didn't displease Annie. On the contrary, Annie valued Lu Yue more. From Annie's point of view, Lu Yue was not a lustful person. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so indifferent to herself, and this was the first time that Annie was treated so indifferently by a man, which made Annie even more curious about Lu Yue, and hoped to know more about Lu Yue.

"My lord, are there really ghosts and zombies in this world?" Because, because of going to school in the provincial capital, Annie doesn't believe that there are any ghosts or zombies in this world. In her opinion, these are all superstitions, but, Hearing the mysterious words from her father and others made Annie extremely curious, wanting to know if there really were ghosts and zombies in this world.

Meeting Annie's gaze, Lu Yue said calmly, "Miss, although I don't know why you ask this question, but if I'm not mistaken, you should be a person who believes in science, and you won't believe this. Even if I tell you that there are really ghosts and zombies in this world, you won't believe it, unless you have seen it with your own eyes, can you believe it, won't you?"

Lu Yue's words made Annie feel embarrassed, "My lord, can you let me learn more?" Annie looked at Lu Yue prayingly, hoping that Lu Yue would let her see it. In Annie's opinion, if there are really ghosts in this world If you want to see ghosts and zombies, a Taoist priest like Lu Yue must have seen them. Therefore, if you want to see ghosts and zombies, you need to find a Taoist priest like Lu Yue.

She had heard about Uncle Jiu before, and she knew a little about Uncle Jiu's personality, knowing that Lin Jiu would not intentionally harm or deceive herself. "Sorry, I don't have that time, and if I do see it, it won't be a good thing for you, so it's better not to see it." After speaking, Lu Yue passed Annie and prepared to leave.

Seeing Lu Yue's leaving figure, Annie was disappointed for a while, and then she planned to leave, but at this moment, the three of Qiusheng appeared in front of her again, looked at her flatteringly and said, "Miss, if you are really If you want to see ghosts, we know where there are ghosts, but I don’t know if you have the guts to go and see with us, girl?”

Isn’t there a ferocious female ghost in the winery? If you bring Annie to the winery, not only can Annie get what she wants, but it’s not difficult to make Annie feel grateful to her, of course. Well, it would be great if they could save Annie's life, then they would have a great chance to marry a beautiful woman like Annie.

"Really, the three priests, can you really show me what a ghost is?" Annie looked at Qiusheng and the three excitedly and asked.Looking at the smile on Annie's face, Qiu Sheng and the others were even more joyful. At this time, the three of Qiu Sheng had forgotten Lu Yue's previous warning, nodded and said, "Of course, but I don't know if Miss has the guts to go Get acquainted?"

Although the female ghost in the winery is extremely ferocious, in the eyes of Qiu Sheng and others, their master has many powerful charms in their hands, and they only need to steal a few, even if they can't kill the female ghost, If you want to protect yourself, it shouldn't be a big problem.

As for Master's anger, let's talk about it when we get back. If you can win Annie's favor, even if you get beaten up by Master a few times, it will be worth it. "Okay, I don't know, when shall we go?"

"Miss, it's daytime now, and the female ghost can't come out. You have to wait until night." "Oh, so, then I will come to you at seven o'clock. By the way, my name is Annie, and you can call me I'm Annie." After speaking, Annie turned and left.

"Annie, this name is really nice." As soon as Qiu Sheng finished speaking, Wencai and Jiale quickly echoed, "That's right, Miss Annie is not only beautiful, but also has a nice name. If you can marry Annie as your wife, It could not be better."

(End of this chapter)

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