Chapter 148
Looking at the Western Zombie not far away, Lu Yue stepped on the Yu step and appeared in front of the Western Zombie in an instant. He cast the Lightning and Thunder Fist, condensing a powerful thunder and lightning, and struck the Western Zombie.

At this time, Lu Yue was so fast that he didn't give the Western Zombie any time to dodge. He could only watch the lightning strike him, causing him serious injuries.

After that, the Western Zombie saw Lu Yue condense a weaker lightning bolt and hit him. Unfortunately, because of the previous lightning bolt, he is now completely paralyzed, and can only watch helplessly. On himself, the injury on his body became a little bit worse.

Fortunately, after the second lightning strike on him, Lu Yue returned to his previous appearance like a deflated ball. At the same time, the aura emanating from his body was also weakening rapidly, and he fell to the ground, making the Western Zombie He breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, if Lu Yue continued to attack, there was a high possibility that he would die in Lu Yue's hands.

Seeing Lu Yue restored to his original state, Lin Jiu quickly appeared beside Lu Yue, threw Lu Yue away, and sent him to the place where Qiu Sheng and the other three were. "Qiu Sheng, the three of you take good care of Lu Yue." Lin Jiu waved the gun The mahogany sword stabbed at the Western Zombie.

Now, the Western Zombie has been seriously injured under Lu Yue's attack, and Lu Yue also told him how to deal with the Western Zombie. What face do you have, messing around in the cultivation world?

After sending Lu Yue to Qiusheng and the others, Lin Jiu swung the mahogany sword in his hand and stabbed at the Western Zombie. The mahogany sword in Jiu's hand pierced his heart.

Originally, Lin Jiu thought that after piercing the heart of the Western Zombie, the Western Zombie would die, but what Lin Jiu didn't expect was that the Western Zombie didn't die because of this, but the injury was a little bit worse. Seeing this scene, Lin Jiu was not too surprised.

After all, everything this Western Zombie showed was constantly being subverted. Lin Jiu's cognition of zombies, while pulling out the mahogany sword in his hand, took out a handful of garlic and threw it at the Western Zombie.With the help of the great pain, the Western Zombie has recovered his mobility at this time. Naturally, he will not just watch the garlic powder fall on him, lift his foot to kick Lin Jiu, and before Lin Jiu can react, he will kill Lin Jiu. The kick flew out and fell heavily on the ground. As for the mashed garlic, it was dodged by the Western Zombie.

After kicking Lin Jiu away, the Western Zombie ignored Lin Jiu, jumped up and appeared in front of Lu Yue. Compared to Lin Jiu, the Western Zombie hated Lu Yue more, and it was because of Lu Yue that he was killed by Lin Jiu. Seriously injured, of course, the more important thing is that compared to Lin Jiu, Lu Yue and others are more likely to be killed. Before, he was seriously injured by Lin Jiu's attack and urgently needed blood to recover from his injuries.

Looking at the Western Zombie that appeared in front of him, Lu Yue didn't feel any surprises. Before, when the Western Zombie was injured, Lu Yue guessed that the Western Zombie would come to deal with him. After the Western Zombie appeared in front of him, Lu Yue quickly threw the mashed garlic in his hand at the Western Zombie.

If the Western Zombie was not injured, it would not be difficult to avoid the garlic, but now the Western Zombie was seriously injured and could not avoid the garlic, and was once again covered in garlic, hating Lu Yue even more in his heart, and did not care about his body garlic, vowing to bite Lu Yue to death.

After practicing hard for a period of time, Lu Yue's spirit-invoking technique has improved a lot, and it is no longer what it used to be.

At this time, Lu Yue has recovered some spiritual power. Although this spiritual power is not enough for Lu Yue to use the Lightning Palm Lightning or the Lightning and Thunder Fist to attack, but if he wants to use the wooden stake method, for Lu Yue, But it is not difficult.However, at this time, Lu Yue would not naively think that the Western Zombie would give him a chance to perform the Stake Dafa. I am afraid that the Western Zombie would bite him to death at the moment of performing the Stake Dafa, so he quickly took out a bag of garlic paste , grabbed a handful, and was about to throw it at the Western Zombie.

Seeing the crushed garlic in Lu Yue's hands, the Western Zombie was taken aback. He didn't expect that there would be so much crushed garlic in Lu Yue's hands. If all the crushed garlic fell on him, even if he couldn't be beheaded, he would be dying. Step back quickly so that the mashed garlic doesn't fall on yourself.

Qiusheng and the other three on the side saw that the Western Zombies were so afraid of the mashed garlic, and they breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of something, they looked at Lu Yue flatteringly and said, "Little brother, do you still have the mashed garlic in your hand? Give us some, let us help." Do your best."

If the Western Zombie had not been injured, Lu Yue would definitely not have given the minced garlic to Qiu Sheng and the others, because with the strength of Qiu Sheng and others, the minced garlic would have been wasted, and it was impossible to throw the minced garlic on the Western Zombie, but now The Western Zombie was seriously injured, and his speed was much weaker than before. With the strength of Wen Cai and others, it is not impossible to throw garlic paste on the Western Zombie. He nodded, and then took out the storage Give the minced garlic in the bag to Qiu Sheng and the others to relieve their pressure.

Seeing the mashed garlic in their hands, the three of Qiusheng felt a burst of pride. Before, they could only watch Lu Yue and the others fight with the zombies, but they could only hide in the sidelines. Now, the western zombie was seriously injured. , and in their hands, they still have mashed garlic that makes Western zombies afraid, and it is their time to show off their prestige.

Afterwards, the three of Qiusheng stepped on Yu steps with garlic paste in their hands, and quickly approached where the Western Zombie was.The three of Qiusheng didn't hide the mashed garlic in their hands, so how could the western zombies let the three of Qiusheng get close to them, and retreated quickly, hoping to avoid the three of Qiusheng.

Looking at the retreating Western Zombies, the three of Qiu Sheng felt complacent, "Come on, you were fierce before and wanted to bite us to death, but now we are here, why did you run away. Come here." After finishing speaking, Qiu Sheng The three quickly approached the Western Zombie.

Seeing Qiusheng's trio's villainous appearance, the Western Zombie gritted his teeth with hatred, but the garlic paste in the hands of Qiusheng's trio was extremely harmful to him, and the Western Zombie did not dare to let the garlic paste fall on his body, lest he would be injured , kept getting worse, so he could only keep retreating. At the same time, he kept absorbing the evil spirit in the church and recovering his injuries. When his injuries recovered a little, it would not be difficult to kill the three of Qiusheng.

(End of this chapter)

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