Chapter 152 Meeting
"Well, now, the one who lives in Lu's mansion should be my fifth uncle." Among the several lines of the Lu family, he, the fifth uncle, is the most powerful. "That's right, it's the fifth master. Now the fifth master's family is inside. You must go in, young master."

Although Lu Yue's parents have both died, which has caused Lu Yue's status in the Lu family to drop a lot, but Lu Yue is a member of the Lu family after all. Otherwise, the first one not to let them go is the current Master Lu.

Seeing this, Lu Yue nodded and walked towards Lu's mansion.The servants on the side naturally didn't dare to stop them, and allowed Lu Yue to lead Lin Jiu to the Lu Mansion.

This Lu Mansion is worthy of being one of the largest households in the provincial capital. The mansion is more magnificent than any mansion Lin Jiu has ever seen before. This allows Lin Jiu to have a little understanding of the life of Lu Yue, an apprentice, before, and for Lu Yue. Yue's evaluation was a little higher.After all, it is an extremely rare thing for a son who has no worries about food and clothing to practice as hard as Lu Yue.

As early as when they saw Lu Yue, there were servants who told Master Lu about Lu Yue's coming.Knowing that Lu Yue came back, Master Lu was also shocked. He did not expect that his nephew, Lu Yue, would come back at this time. At the same time, Master Lu began to worry in his heart. He was deeply afraid that Lu Yue would fight with them when he came back today. After all, my current position as patriarch should belong to Lu Yue. At the same time, Lu Yue's parents left a lot of things to Lu Yue before they died. These things I want to deal with Not an easy task.

Upon hearing the news of Lu Yue's return, Master Lu's children and wives all came to the lobby one after another, wanting to know what Lu Yue wanted to do when he came back this time. "Nephew Lu Yue, you are back."

"Yes, Uncle Tang, I'm back." "Lu Yue, why did you come back this time? It's for the inheritance of your parents. If this is the case, you may have to wait for a while. The things left by your parents are not Less, it is not an easy task to calculate and clean it up.

However, don't worry, if you want, Tang Shu, I will hand over all these things to you within a month. However, I will not give up this mansion and the position of the patriarch to you now , you are still too young to support the Lu family. "

"Uncle Tang, don't worry. When I come back this time, I didn't mean to fight for the family property with you. This old house has always been the place where the patriarch lived. Now that you are the patriarch, you should naturally live here. Also, you can rest assured , I will not compete for the position of patriarch in the future. Now that I have joined the Maoshan Sect, I will practice with my master in the future. I don't have energy, and I don't want to spend energy, to deal with these trivial matters, so don't worry, Tang Shu. "

Hearing Lu Yue's words, everyone present breathed a sigh of relief. If Lu Yue wants to compete for the position of patriarch in the future, it will definitely be a great threat, because Lu Yue's line has always occupied the position of patriarch. He has a high status in the Lu family. If Lu Yue hadn't been in the clan before, the position of patriarch might not be his turn, and it was very likely that it would fall into Lu Yue's hands.

"Cousin, you are so confused. You are a disciple of the Lu family. How can you become a Taoist priest? You should come back. With the inheritance left by your cousin, you can become a rich man. Why do you need to be a Taoist priest and be laughed at by others?" What about it?" Lu Yue's cousin, Lu Lan, looked at Lu Yue angrily and said.

"Lan'er, don't talk nonsense, Taoist priest, my daughter is not sensible, and I hope you don't care about her, Taoist priest." Lu Fang, Lu Lan's father, traveled all over the world when he was young, and naturally knew some secrets that other people didn't know. How could he not know that this Maoshan sect disciple is a capable person, if he really offends these capable people, the consequences will be unimaginable.

"Master Lu, don't worry, I, Lin Jiu, am not a stingy person, and I won't argue with your daughter, let alone she is Lu Yue's cousin, so don't worry, Master Lu." Lin Jiu looked at Lu Fangdao with a smile.

Hearing this, Lu Fang breathed a sigh of relief. Later, Lu Yue thought of something, looked at Lin Jiu firmly and asked, "Your Excellency is Uncle Jiu who lives in Renjia Town?"

If the person in front of him is really Uncle Jiu, then his nephew's luck is really great, because he has heard about Lin Jiu from some friends, and he knows that Lin Jiu is a person of great ability. The neighborhood has great prestige.

"That's right, it's Pindao. Why, Master Lu, you've heard of Pindao." "Uncle Jiu's name, why haven't I heard of it? I didn't expect that my nephew has such a skill that he can worship under Jiu Shu." Under the uncle's door, in the future, my nephew will be taken care of by you, Uncle Jiu, of course, if you need anything, you can also come to me, as long as it is something I can do, I will never delay."

Being able to make friends with a capable Taoist priest like Lin Jiu is a good thing for both himself and the Lu family, so that even if they encounter dirty things in the future, they can ask Uncle Jiu to help them.

"Master Lu, you are being polite. This Lu Yue is the successor of the poor man, and the poor man will naturally take care of him. You don't need to worry about it, Master Lu." Successors are not easy to do, you need to have excellent qualifications, otherwise, It is impossible for Lin Jiu to take Lu Yue as his successor.It seems that in the future, my nephew will also be a capable person, and he has made up his mind to make good friends with Lu Yue. If the Lu family can have such a capable person as Lu Yue to take care of them, it will definitely be more prosperous.

"Nephew, you have worked hard all the way, go and rest first, what's the matter, after you rest, we can discuss other things, it's not too late. Yan'er, take Uncle Jiu and your cousin to rest Hearing this, Lu Yue nodded, and then followed Lu Yan to the room. "Lu Yue, have you really thought about it, and will you really be a Taoist priest by Uncle Jiu's side in the future?"

In Lu Yan's opinion, being a Taoist priest is not a reliable thing, and he also heard that being a Taoist priest is extremely hard, and young masters like them should not be able to bear this hardship.

More importantly, from Lu Yan's point of view, those Taoist priests are just bluffers, and they have no real skills at all.Lu Yan didn't want Lu Yue to become such a person, to embarrass their Lu family, and even make the Lu family a laughing stock in the provincial capital.

Lu Yan didn't deliberately hide his thoughts, so how could Lu Yue fail to see what Lu Yan was thinking? "Cousin, this world is more complicated than what you see, there are many things. It really exists, but you are lucky, cousin, you didn’t encounter it. So, there are some things, cousin, it’s better for you to be in awe.”

Thanks to the big brother Jiang Jinwang for the reward, thank you very much.

(End of this chapter)

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