Chapter 155 Behind the Scenes
"Master, don't worry, after all the enemies are dead, the disciple will let go of this period of hatred, but now, Master, you can't let the disciple let go of this period of hatred. But, master, don't worry, the two The warlord family is not a good thing."

Relying on the strength of the two uncles, after obtaining so many supplies, it is not difficult to kill those two warlords, as long as they are willing to pay some price. After all, the army controlled by the two uncles would have to It is stronger than those two warlords.

"Hey, I hope you can let go of the hatred in your heart as soon as possible. Lu Yue, I regret being a teacher now and brought you back. If you didn't come back, I wouldn't have aroused the hatred in your heart."

"Master, you don't have to be like this. In fact, even if you don't mention it, I will go back to Lu's house after a while to deal with these matters. After all, the hatred of killing one's father and one's mother cannot be shared. Such hatred, How can a disciple give up." After speaking, Lu Yue turned and entered the room.

Early the next morning, Lu Yue took a lot of dowry and went to Meng Mansion. This time, Lin Jiu did not go with Lu Yue, but stayed in Lu Mansion, waiting for Lu Yue's return.

As soon as he arrived outside the Meng Mansion, Lu Yue saw his grandfather waiting for him outside the Meng Mansion. When he saw himself coming, he took the lead and said, "Lu Yue, you are still here after all."

"The revenge of killing one's father and one's mother is irreconcilable. Why didn't I come here? It's just that, for your grandfather's sake, I waited until now to give you some time to prepare."

"Lu Yue, for my sake, please give your uncle a good time." As for asking Lu Yue to spare his son's life, Master Meng didn't say anything, because he knew it was impossible. "Yes." "Thank you, I've accepted the things, you can go back, and don't come here again in the future."

"Okay, I get it. I won't step into the Meng Mansion in the future, and I won't contact anyone in the Meng Mansion again." The servants of the mansion brought Meng Jun, who had fallen into a coma, to Lu Yue, and handed Meng Jun over to Lu Yue to deal with.

"Leave the things, take Meng Jun with us, let's go back." After speaking, Lu Yue turned and left. He will never step into the Meng Mansion in this life, and has nothing to do with the Meng Mansion from now on.

After taking Meng Jun away, Lu Yue did not return to the Lu Mansion, but took Meng Jun to the grave of his parents. An hour later, Lu Yue took Meng Jun to the grave of his parents. In front of this grave, Lu Yue saw a brand new coffin not far away.

You don't need to guess to know that this should be prepared by Uncle Wu for Meng Jun.Afterwards, Lu Yue came in front of Meng Jun, condensed a bolt of lightning, and woke Meng Jun up.

Looking at Lu Yue who appeared in front of him, Meng Jun was filled with fear, "Nephew Lu Yue, I know I was wrong, for your grandfather's sake, please spare my life. I am still young, and your cousin I have just been born, so I can't live without my father, Lu Yue, please let me go." After speaking, Meng Jun knelt down in front of Lu Yue, kowtowed, hoping that Lu Yue would spare his life.

"Meng Jun, can you tell me why you killed my parents? Do you know that my parents treated you well?" Hearing Lu Yue's address to him, Meng Jun knew that Lu Yue did not regard himself as a relative. The possibility of surviving today is not great.

"Lu Yue, what does it mean to take me seriously? I just wanted them to ask for a wooden sword, but they refused to give it to me. Do you know how much I have suffered because of this?" Meng Jun looked at him in displeasure. Lu Yue roared.

"Wooden sword, what wooden sword?" Could it be the wooden sword I got before? If so, this matter is more complicated than I imagined before. I am afraid that some practitioners will be involved. , if this is the case, Lu Yue will never let this person go.

"Lu Yue, let me tell you, the reason why your parents died tragically has a lot to do with that wooden sword, but I won't tell you who begged for the wooden sword, I want you to never take revenge , and, Lu Yue, don't be too happy too soon, if I die, you will never want to live.

So, if you don't want to die, you'd better not kill me, otherwise, not only you will die, but everyone in the Lu family will die because of this. "Is that so, I would like to see, what are your abilities to make Lu's mansion uneasy."Do it, send Master Meng on the road. "

"Yes, master." After finishing speaking, a strong man appeared in front of Meng Jun, twisted Meng Jun's neck, and killed Meng Jun.Afterwards, Lu Yue put Meng Jun's body into a coffin and asked his servants to send it to the Meng Mansion for burial to Mr. Meng.

As for Lu Yue, he continued to stay in front of his parents' grave, quietly recalling the past.After a long time, Lu Yue looked at the tombstone in front of him and said, "Don't worry, I am living a very good life. Now I have worshiped the elder Maoshan as my teacher, and I have learned a lot of skills. In the future, I can become the head teacher of Maoshan, so you can go on the road with peace of mind." Now, as for the Lu family, don’t worry, with me watching, it won’t perish.” After finishing speaking, Lu Yue cleaned up his parents’ graves before returning to Lu’s residence.

The moment he saw Lu Yue, Lin Jiu realized that there was something wrong with Lu Yue, and there was a hint of ghost, so he hurriedly came to Lu Yue and asked, "Lu Yue, have you encountered a ghost?"

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lu Yue was puzzled, "Master, it's daytime now, so there should be no ghosts. Dare to appear during the daytime. Besides, if there are ghosts approaching, how can I not sense it? Is there something wrong with you?"

Meeting Lu Yue's gaze, Lin Jiu nodded and said, "Lu Yue, I see you with a ghost aura. Although this trace of ghost aura is very faint, it can't hide the feeling of my teacher. Therefore, my teacher Only then will I ask you if you have encountered a ghost."

Hearing this, Lu Yue began to recall carefully, wondering if he had encountered a ghost.But after thinking about it, Lu Yue didn't think of anything unusual, so he shook his head.

"In this way, there is only one possibility. The ghost aura on your body is left by your uncle before he died. Your uncle will turn into a ghost tonight and come to ask for your life. After a while, Lu Yue, let everyone who went with you today call together, and at the same time, ask your cousin's family to follow you, so as not to be harmed by that ghost."

"Yes, Master, I understand. By the way, Master, before Meng Jun died, he told me that the reason why he killed my parents was because of a wooden sword."

(End of this chapter)

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