Chapter 174

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, the little zombie jumped up, entered the coffin, and began to sleep.Although this little zombie has already turned into a zombie, it stands to reason that night is the most active time for zombies, but this little zombie has not completely transformed into a zombie, so as to retain its humanity, and it is precisely because of this that this little zombie will sleep at night.

After placing the little zombie, Lin Jiu went back to the room and began to search for information, trying to find food for the little zombie.Without my own help, relying on Wencai and Qiusheng, the two unsatisfactory things, I will definitely not be able to find something that can maintain the life of the little zombie before the little zombie starves to death. Zombies are starved to death, no matter what kind, it is a disaster for Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.

After practicing, Lu Yue went back to his room and prepared to go to sleep. For safety, Lu Yue posted a lot of magic symbols in the room to ensure that the little zombies could not enter his room, even if he forced his way into his room, It can also produce inductions to drive out the little zombies.

Fortunately, what Lu Yue was worried about did not happen. When Lu Yue was sleeping, the little zombie did not enter his room and let Lu Yue sleep until dawn.The next morning, Lu Yue got up early, came to the backyard, and began to absorb the purple energy of the rising sun to improve his strength.

What Lu Yue didn't know was that after he got up, the little zombie in the coffin had an induction and flew out of the coffin, wanting to go to Lu Yue's side.

However, at this time, Lu Yue's body was filled with strong purple energy of the rising sun, which was not something that little zombies could get close to at all, and at this time, the sun had already risen, and the sun's damage to the little zombie was also great. There was no accident, the little zombie So hurt.

Hearing the scream of the little zombie, Lin Jiu's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly appeared in front of the little zombie, wanting to know what was going on. When seeing the miserable condition of the little zombie, Lin Jiu immediately understood the reason. Quickly took the little zombie back into the house, "Little guy, you are really brave, you dare to bask in the sun, and you want to get close to Lu Yue when Lu Yue is practicing. Now that you know how powerful it is, let's see if you dare to do it again in the future." Dare to walk in the sun?"

As soon as Lin Jiu finished speaking, the little zombie kept shaking his head, as if saying, never dare again. "Okay, I'll pull out the yang energy on your body now, otherwise, the damage on your body will be healed at some point."

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu took out a magic talisman and began to remove the yang energy from the zombie. With Lin Jiu's current strength, it can be said that it is easy to do this. Almost instantly, the yang energy from the little zombie was removed. Qi, to pull out.

"Okay, now I have pulled out all the yang energy in your body, but now you need to go back to the coffin and sleep well for a day to recover from the injuries on your body, understand?"

Hearing this, the little zombie nodded again. However, the little zombie did not leave immediately, but looked at Lu Yue reluctantly, hoping that Lu Yue would open his eyes and look at him.It's a pity that at this time, Lu Yue was busy refining Chaoyang Ziqi and didn't know what was going on outside.

Naturally, he didn't know the expression of the little zombie at this time. Seeing that Lu Yue didn't intend to wake up, the little zombie left.Time passed, and after breakfast, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue and the others and said, "You three, follow me to Fugui Village in a while." Rich people's village." Qiu Sheng looked at Lin Jiu with bright eyes and asked.

"That's right, it's that place. There's something wrong with Feng Shui there. I'll let Teacher Wei go and have a look. Therefore, Teacher Wei plans to bring the three of you along, so that you can learn a lot."

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Wencai and Qiusheng were excited. This Fugui Village is famous for being rich, and the rewards should be quite a lot this time. If they put in some effort, they should be able to get some money.Unlike Qiusheng and Wencai, Lu Yue is not short of money now. If he hadn't followed Lin Jiuneng to gain some knowledge, Lu Yue would probably not follow him, but would practice in Yizhuang, hoping to improve his cultivation. , one step further.

During this period of time, with the help of the Golden Sun Sword, Lu Yue's cultivation speed has increased a lot. Therefore, Lu Yue naturally does not want to waste time and improves his cultivation as much as possible. In the master realm, his spiritual power will be improved a lot, and with the Taoism he has mastered, as long as he is not facing a celestial master, he should have the power to fight.So, how could Lu Yue be willing to waste time?
Wencai and Qiusheng were extremely curious about Fugui Village, a well-known wealthy village nearby, so naturally they would not neglect them, so they quickly packed up and headed to Fugui Village.

How could Lin Jiu, the head of Fugui Village, not know the reputation of Maoshan Daoist, so he naturally didn't dare to be negligent. When Lu Yue and the others came to Fugui Village, they saw that someone was already waiting for them here. After seeing them, he took Lu Yue and others to meet the village head of Fugui Village.

"Uncle Jiu, you are here. This time, I will trouble you, Uncle Jiu." The moment he saw Lin Jiu, the head of Fugui Village came to Lin Jiu with a smile on his face.

"Village chief, you are being polite. Since I, Lin Jiu, have accepted your money, I will naturally solve the problem here. Next, please tell me about the village's problems, and take me for a walk in Fugui Village. Let's go." "Okay. Uncle Jiu, come with me." After saying that, the village head led Lin Jiu to walk around the village.

"Uncle Jiu, what do you think of the feng shui in our village?" Although Lin Jiu has a great reputation nearby, they have never seen it before, so the village head wants to take this opportunity to see Lin Jiu, a disciple of Maoshan. How is it?

After so many years of wandering, how could Lin Jiu not know what the village chief thought? "Village chief, this rich village is surrounded by mountains. Cuiyu, just like the wind and water, is really a good place for Ding and Cai to prosper?" After speaking, Lin Jiu looked at the village chief beside him, wanting to know what he said was right.

"As expected of Uncle Nine, he is really powerful. Before the accident, our Fugui Village was indeed like this, but now the village is full of unrest and the population is not good. If you dare to ask, what is going on? Could it be the Feng Shui of our village? What's the problem?" The village looked at Lin Jiu worriedly and asked.

The more extraordinary the feng shui, the more serious the consequences will be when something goes wrong, so the village chief can't help but worry. "You need to look at this to know. The wind is the air flow. You have a strong wind here, and the air flow is smooth. There should be no problem with the wind. So, let's go and have a look at the water."

(End of this chapter)

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