Chapter 187 Another One

Fortunately, their zombies are heterogeneous, and the situation is extremely special. It is not difficult to improve their strength. They only need to keep sucking blood to enhance their strength.And by doing so, not only can he strengthen his strength, but he can also create a lot of zombies to deal with Lin Jiu and Lu Yue and buy himself more time.

At this time, the Western Zombie has made up his mind. After getting rid of the entanglement of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, he will first find a place to hide and strengthen his strength. When the strength is strong, he will come to Lin Jiu and Lu Yue It's not too late to settle accounts.

He had firmly remembered the auras of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, so as long as he worked hard, he would be able to find them.Even if I couldn't find Lu Yue and Lin Jiu for a while, as long as I returned to Fugui Village, I would be able to know the situation of Lin Jiu and others from the villagers.

The Western Zombie thought very well, but soon he found out that Lin Jiu took out a magic talisman and turned it into a gust of wind, constantly blowing the dark clouds in the sky, how could he not understand Lin Jiu's plan, He also knew that he underestimated Lin Jiu's ability.This Lin Jiu wanted to blow away the dark cloud that he had summoned, and expose himself to the sun.

If Lin Jiu could really do it, what was waiting for him would be nothing but ashes. After all, the sunlight would do him great harm, and he would never dare to fly in the sky recklessly.

Now the Western Zombie can only pray in his heart, these strong winds cannot blow away the dark clouds that he has condensed.But the result disappointed Western Zombie for a while.

Because, the Western Zombie found that under the action of the strong wind, the dark clouds that he condensed began to dissipate slowly. If this continues, the dark clouds that he condensed will disappear completely in a short time. At that time, he will also be completely exposed to the sun Under the circumstances, in this way, without the help of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, he would die in the sun.Therefore, he urgently needs a place where he can hide from the sun and deal with the next crisis.

Seeing the dark clouds being blown away slowly, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, these dark clouds can be blown away, otherwise, they don't know how to kill the Western Zombies Killing, at the same time, the two felt lucky, fortunately they chose to do it during the day, if they did it at night, the Western Zombie would have escaped from them.

At that time, it will not be easy for them to find the location of the Western zombies.Afterwards, while driving the talisman to disperse the dark clouds, Lin Jiu continued to chase behind the Western Zombie, not giving the Western Zombie a chance to escape.

Soon, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue discovered that this western zombie had entered a church. Fortunately, Mr. Fu had already asked the people in the church to evacuate, otherwise, the missionaries in this church would all die. In the hands of Western Zombies, how can the strength of Western Zombies be greatly increased.

Looking at the Western Zombies entering the church, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu did not enter right away. They wanted to wait until the dark clouds in the sky were blown away before entering the church to deal with the zombies. As long as the dark clouds in the sky were blown away , this western zombie has no possibility of flying away, and when the time comes, it will be much easier to kill this western zombie.

Under the effect of the magic talisman, soon, all the dark clouds in the sky were blown away, and the sun appeared again. Seeing this, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu entered the church cautiously.

As soon as they entered the church, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu discovered that there was not only one zombie in the church, but another zombie, and the aura emanating from this zombie was rapidly becoming stronger. , Lin Jiu and Lu Yue's expressions became extremely dignified, knowing that they couldn't drag on any longer, otherwise, they didn't know what would happen.

Afterwards, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu quickly entered the basement. As soon as they entered the basement, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue saw two zombies standing not far away, a man and a woman. After seeing the two of them coming in, The two zombies grew their mouths and roared at them.Seeing this, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue couldn't understand that this western zombie was provoking them.

However, at this time, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu did not have the energy to pay attention to the provocation of these two zombies. They fixedly looked at the corpses of many bats on the ground, some of which were also mixed with the corpses of other animals, and their eyes flashed A little bit of clarity, it seems that these two zombies recovered their strength with the help of the blood of these animals.

However, the most important thing now is not to deal with the two zombies, but to burn the surrounding corpses into ashes first, and not give these corpses a chance to transform.These two western zombies are extremely powerful, and they can be killed not in a short time.

But the surrounding corpses are different. If these animal corpses are not burned as soon as possible, these corpses will soon become demon corpses. At that time, with so many demon corpses helping them, they want to kill the two zombies. It is even more difficult to beheaded.

Needless to say, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue took out a fire talisman to activate it, turned into a fireball, and flew towards many corpses.Seeing Lu Yue's actions, Lin Jiu felt relieved. As expected, he is his proud disciple. Isn't Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng comparable, knowing what to do without having to say anything?If Wencai and Qiusheng were by my side at this time, even if I asked them to, these two people might not be able to do it.

Looking at the fireball condensed by Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, how could the two zombies not know what Lin Jiu and Lu Yue were planning, appear in front of the fireball, swing their claws towards the fireball, trying to destroy the fireball, To break up.

"Master, the female one looks weaker, so leave it to me to deal with it." As he spoke, Lu Yue stepped on Yu steps, appeared in front of the female zombie, and condensed a palm thunder, hitting the female zombie. Go, instantly knocked the female zombie out.

Afterwards, Lu Yue took this opportunity to take out a handful of garlic paste and threw it at the female zombie.The strength of this female zombie is a little weaker than the zombies they dealt with before. After being hit by the lightning in the palm, she was seriously injured. Most importantly, because of the lightning, she was paralyzed and unable to move, so she could only watch Lu Yue helplessly. The thrown mashed garlic fell on him.

This female zombie is also a Western zombie. The garlic paste has caused great damage to the female zombie, and a large area of ​​her body has been corroded.However, Lu Yue did not take this opportunity to attack the female zombie and behead her. Instead, he took out a fire talisman and turned it into a ball of flame, which fell on the ground and burned many corpses on the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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