Chapter 19 The Ghost Catch Game
The gazes of those elders are not comparable to my own. If Lu Yue goes to Maoshan, maybe they will be seen. At that time, Lu Yue's situation will become extremely dangerous.

Seeing Lu Yue continuously absorbing spiritual energy, Lin Jiu felt regretful. After all, if it weren't for the fact that the spiritual energy here was not so strong, Lu Yue's cultivation speed would have increased a lot, and he might be able to break through to The realm of a first-rank Taoist boy, but now, Lu Yue can break through the realm of a first-rank Taoist boy within five days, which is considered extraordinary.

With the passage of time, Lu Yue absorbed more and more spiritual energy, and soon, Lu Yue refined fifteen spiritual energy. Originally, Lu Yue planned to continue refining, hoping to refine more But at this moment, Lu Yue felt a burst of exhaustion, which gave Lu Yue the urge to take a good night's sleep.

As soon as this idea came out, Lu Yue knew that he had consumed too much energy. After all, absorbing and refining spiritual energy was not an easy task. There was no telling what danger might happen.

Seeing this, Lu Yue stopped. Looking at Lu Yue's exhausted appearance, how could Lin Jiu not know what was going on with Lu Yue? Before Lu Yue could say anything, Lin Jiu took the lead and said, "Lu Yue , you are exhausted mentally now, hurry up and go back to sleep, so as not to damage your mind."

"Master and disciples know." After speaking, Lu Yue walked tiredly to his room.

But he said that Wencai and Qiusheng were playing in the courtyard.When they saw Lu Yue come out, they were all startled. They didn't expect that Lu Yue came out so soon, they didn't dare to play, and they were going to practice Maoshan Body Refining Boxing with Lu Yue, but they saw that Lu Yue didn't As they thought before, they came to the courtyard and practiced with them, but walked to their room, and closed the door under the shocked gazes of Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.

This scene filled Wencai and Qiusheng's hearts for a while. I don't know why Lu Yue, a cultivator, stopped practicing today. Could it be that Lu Yue suffered some serious blow.

"Wen Cai, do you think this little junior brother has suffered some serious blows? He is a cultivator, but he didn't practice today, but went back to his room to sleep."

"I'm afraid that's the case." After a period of contact, both Wencai and Qiusheng had some understanding of Lu Yue. They knew that Lu Yue was a cultivator. If there were no accidents, Lu Yue would not stop practicing. Yes, it's just, what kind of blow did Lu Yue suffer that made him so negative that he stopped practicing.

"Qiu Sheng, what kind of blow did you say, little junior brother, that he stopped practicing?" After practicing, when the time comes, we will return to the previous days."

In the past, Qiu Sheng didn't feel how comfortable the old days were, but after this period of torture, Qiu Sheng realized how comfortable the old days were. If they can return to the old days, even if they pay a little for it The price is not hesitant.

Originally, Wen Cai was still worried about Lu Yue, but after hearing Qiu Sheng's words, the worry in Wen Cai's heart disappeared immediately. If Lu Yue can really recover from this setback, it can be said to be a great good thing for them. They don't have to work hard.

Thinking of this, Wencai looked at Qiusheng with a smile and said, "Qiusheng, you are right. If the younger brother is in a state of depression, it is indeed a good thing for us, or a very good thing. Qiusheng, why do you say little brother?" You have to work so hard to cultivate, like us, it’s not good to live every day happily, why do you have to be like Master, often catch ghosts and kill zombies, and put yourself in danger?"

At this time, neither Wen Cai nor Qiu Sheng noticed that Lin Jiu had already stood behind them for a while, hearing all their previous conversations.However, Lin Jiu did not speak, but quietly listened to Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, wanting to know what else the two scoundrels would say.

Hearing what Wencai and Qiusheng said, Lin Jiu felt that his lungs were about to be blown up by the two scoundrels. It seemed that he was really kind to Wencai and Qiusheng in the past. As for neither of them wanting to practice anymore, I don't want to do that. In the future, I have to supervise their cultivation and let them experience the time I spent with Maoshan, lest they both still have thoughts and think about other things.

Lin Jiu would never admit that he was taking revenge on Wencai and Qiusheng. It was for their own good, and he hoped that they would have the power to protect themselves in the future.

Lin Jiu didn't make a move, but stood quietly behind Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, wanting to know if these two scoundrels would say any more treasonous things.

"That's right, catching ghosts and killing zombies is not as interesting as eating, drinking and drinking." Having said this, Qiu Sheng turned around suddenly, just in time to see Lin Jiuzheng standing behind him with a dark face, and suddenly jumped up in fright, looking at him in horror. Lin Jiu, Wencai at the side saw Qiusheng jumping up suddenly, and was puzzled for a while, wondering what the good-looking Qiusheng was doing like this, could it be that Qiusheng thought of something funny.

"Qiu Sheng, what's the matter with you? Did you think of something fun? Tell me, let's play together? Ah, master, why are you here?" While speaking, Wen Cai jumped up in fright like Qiu Sheng .

"Wen Cai, Qiu Sheng, I didn't think of anything fun, but I did think of a fun game for my teacher. This game is called the game of catching ghosts. Next, I will have a good time with the two of you. Yes Well, before you play, I will tell you the rules of the game. The rules of the game are like this: I will act as a Taoist priest to catch ghosts for my teacher. You two will be ghosts. Don’t be caught by my teacher. The rattan whip in the master's hand will fall on you.

This is a game that can exercise your ability to escape and dodge. In the future, I will often play with you. After all, the strength of the two of you is so weak. Can you save your life? After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng with a smile.

Seeing the smile on Lin Jiu's face, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng embraced each other in fright, trembling, looked at Lin Jiu pleadingly and asked, "Master, can we stop playing this game?"

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