Master and apprentice join forces
After the ghost general Zhang Shan appeared, he looked straight at Lu Yue, trying to see through Lu Yue.Although Lu Yue's cultivation was not strong, the moment he saw Lu Yue, he sensed a faint crisis in Lu Yue's body, which made Zhang Shan full of curiosity, wanting to know about Lu Yue's ninth rank. Warlock, what is so special about him that can make me, a half-step handsome man, feel the crisis.

Zhang Shan didn't hide his gaze, so how could Lu Yue not sense it?He didn't say anything nonsense, he condensed a palm thunder, and hit Zhang Shan to let Zhang Shan know that he was not easy to mess with. Of course, more importantly, if Lu Yue wanted to catch Zhang Shan by surprise, it would be better Can seriously injure Zhang Shan, so that they can behead Zhang Shan.

If it were in other places, it would be basically impossible for Zhang Shan to avoid the attack of the Thunder Palm, but in the prototype of the ghost creature, Zhang Shan could clearly see the trajectory of the Thunder Palm, but the attack speed of the Thunder Palm was too fast Well, even if Zhang Shan can see the attack of the palm thunder, he still can't avoid the attack of the palm thunder. He still needs the power of the prototype of the ghost creature. .

Zhang Shan didn't feel happy because of this, because although he avoided the attack of the palm thunder with the help of the ghost creature's prototype, he didn't move the palm thunder out of the ghost monster prototype, and the palm thunder landed in the ghost creature prototype, and many ghosts were in it. Under the attack of Palm Thunder, it turned into nothingness, allowing Zhang Shan to clearly sense the prototype of the ghost creature he condensed, which was much weaker than before.

A murderous intent flashed in his eyes, this thunder method is really strong against these ghosts, and Lu Yue must not be allowed to live, otherwise, when he starts to break through the realm of ghost commander, Lu Yue will give himself a shot, even if he can't seriously injure himself, It will also cut off his breakthrough path, so that he will not be able to break through the realm of Guishuai for a long time.

Zhang Shan hid the killing intent in his heart very well, but he couldn't hide it from Lin Jiu who had been paying attention to him.Seeing the flash of killing intent in Zhang Shan's eyes, Lin Jiu knew that Zhang Shan would kill Lu Yue desperately if given the chance.

After understanding this, Lin Jiu came to Lu Yue's side, with himself on the side. Zhang Shan wanted to kill Lu Yue, but he had to kill himself. It wasn't that Lin Jiu looked down on Zhang Shan.

Although, Zhang Shan's strength is stronger than his own, but the gap between them is not that big, even if Zhang Shan has the prototype of a ghost to help him, he is still a little short of killing himself.

Looking at Lin Jiu and Lu Yue who were standing together, Qiu Sheng hurriedly came up behind them. His own strength was nothing in front of Zhang Shan, a half-step ghost commander. He could just protect himself. As for the matter of Zhang Shan, it is better to leave it to Lu Yue and Master.

After coming to Lu Yue's side, Lin Jiu took out the century-old lightning strike peach wood sword. Before, when he knew that Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng had encountered the ghost general, Lin Jiu took the most powerful magic weapon in his hand with him. It was precisely because of this powerful magic weapon that Lin Jiu dared to say that Zhang Shan, a half-step ghost commander, could not kill himself.

"This is a hundred-year-old thunderbolt mahogany sword. Lin Jiu didn't expect you to have such a treasure in your hand. The Maoshan faction really valued you, and even entrusted you with this magic weapon. It's a pity, even if you have this white year With the Thunderbolt Peachwood Sword in hand, the three of you, master and apprentice, will never survive. Ghost claw." The ghost energy in the prototype of the ghost creature surged and turned into a huge claw, exuding a gloomy ghost energy, towards Lin Jiu and Lu Yue. The two were caught.

"Master, you are here to resist the attack of the ghost general, and I will attack the rudimentary form of the ghost creature." As long as the rudimentary form of the ghost creature can be destroyed, the ghost general will not only be destroyed by the rudimentary form of the ghost general, but his own strength will be weakened a lot, and even his own strength will be weakened. He will be seriously injured because of this, and by then, it will be much easier to kill Zhang Shan.And the two Taoist methods that I have mastered, defeating the damage to the prototype of ghosts and creatures, and wanting to destroy the prototypes of ghosts and creatures, it is not difficult for me.

"Okay, Lu Yue will do as you say." As he spoke, Lin Jiu quickly swung the Thunderbolt Peachwood Sword in his hand, striking the Ghost Claw.Under the urging of Lin Jiu, thunder and lightning surrounded the Thunderbolt peach wood sword, and when they hit the ghost claw, they easily split the ghost claw into two halves, restored it into ghost energy, and floated in the void. Seeing this, Lin Jiu Continue to wave the century-old thunderbolt mahogany sword in his hand, sweeping away many ghost auras, dispersing the ghost auras, and weakening the power of the embryonic form of ghosts and creatures.

However, how could Zhang Shan just watch these ghost auras being destroyed like this, and with a thought, he integrated all these ghost auras floating in the air into the prototype of ghosts and creatures, which made Lin Jiu feel regretful that he couldn't Take this opportunity to destroy more ghost energy.

In the rudiment of the ghost, Zhang Shan can appear wherever he wants, so Lin Jiu naturally would not go in front of Zhang Shan, but took out a few powerful fire talismans from the bag to stimulate him. , Turning into balls of flames, hitting the prototype of the ghost creature, it is undoubtedly easier to destroy the prototype of the ghost creature than beheading Zhang Shan.

At this time, Lu Yue was not idle either. Compared with the thunder in the palm, the damage of the Lightning and Thunder Fist to the prototype of the ghost monster was undoubtedly greater and more beneficial.Therefore, at this time, Lu Yue fully activated the Lightning and Thunder Fist, covering his body with a layer of lightning, constantly attacking the prototype of the ghost creature, so that the power of the prototype of the ghost creature was continuously weakened.

More importantly, at this time, Lu Yue was covered with a layer of lightning. Even if Zhang Shan wanted to take advantage of the rudimentary form of ghosts, he would not be able to sneak attack Lu Yue, because even if he condensed a lot of ghost energy to attack Lu Yue , and it was impossible to break the thunder and lightning surrounding Lu Yue in a short period of time and hurt Lu Yue.

Seeing the weakening prototype of the ghost creature, Zhang Shan felt anxious for a while, knowing that Lu Yue could no longer be allowed to go down the track, otherwise, it wouldn't be long before the prototype of the ghost creature he condensed with great difficulty would be destroyed by Lin Jiu, the two masters and apprentices. In his hands, he quickly condensed many ghost fires and struck at Lu Yue and the three of them, trying to stop Lu Yue and Lin Jiu from continuing to attack the prototype of the ghost creature.

Seeing the will-o'-the-wisp hitting him, Lu Yue took out the Golden Sun Sword without any hesitation, held it in his hand, and quickly stabbed at the ghost creature's prototype.

The moment he saw the Golden Sun Sword appearing, Zhang Shan was on the Golden Sun Sword, sensing the great danger, knowing that he must not let the one in Lu Yue's hand stab the prototype of the ghost creature, "Boy, stop it." Then, Zhang Shan drove many will-o'-the-wisps to hit Lu Yue, trying to prevent Lu Yue from attacking the ghost creature.

(End of this chapter)

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