Chapter 2 Innate Wood Spirit Body

"You are an innate wood spirit body, and you are an innate spirit body with extraordinary aptitude. Even in the Dharma-ending era, as long as you are given time, it is not difficult for you to cultivate to the realm of a celestial master. A high realm is not impossible."

"Master, you haven't told the disciple what's so special about this innate wood spirit body, why do all the cultivators want to catch the disciple?"

"Your blood can make the elixir grow faster and better. The higher your cultivation base, the better the effect of the blood. At the same time, your body is equivalent to a supreme elixir. If you can give you If you eat it, you can break through to a higher level, but you can rest assured that no one will do this. After they catch you, they will train you well and make you stronger. In this way, they will continue to have spiritual power. Medicine, let yourself cultivate to a higher level, and finally, swallow you up and ascend to the fairy world, now you know that you are special, right?" After speaking, Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue with a smile.

Meeting Lin Jiu's gaze, Lu Yue kept nodding his head and said, "I see. Master, can you let other people not know the specialness of the disciple?" Others took it away and used it as a tool.

"That's fine. Otherwise, I wouldn't dare to accept you as an apprentice. After all, I don't have any skills. If I accept you as an apprentice, I will only be implicated by you. Let's go, follow me back to Yizhuang now. Do it to hide your physique."

"Master, can you hide your disciple's physique now, I'm afraid that other ghosts will find you on the way back." I just met a ghost before, so Lu Yue couldn't help but be careless.

"Lu Yue, don't worry, on the way back to Yizhuang, you won't encounter any monsters and ghosts. The monsters and ghosts around here have already been killed by my teacher. Even if there are any left, they dare not appear near my teacher. Besides, if you want to Concealing your physique is not an easy task, and it needs the help of other things, and it can only be done after returning to Yizhuang.

However, if you are really worried, here is a breath restraining talisman for the teacher. If you carry it with you, it will make it harder for other people to notice the abnormality on your body. Do you want it? "

"Yes." Lu Yue's words made Lin Jiu's face darken. "Are you so worried that you are taken away, and you are so worried about the strength of your teacher?" Master's troubles in the future, after all, if the disciple's physique is known by others, master, you should stop thinking about having a peaceful life, and presumably, master, you don't want to live in fear either." Lu Yue looked at it righteously. Lin Jiudao.

Lu Yue's words made Lin Jiu's ugly face even uglier, but he didn't say anything more. He took out the breath-holding talisman and handed it to Lu Yue, so as not to be pissed off by Lu Yue. At the same time, he couldn't help but Born, should I accept Lu Yue as a disciple?

Seeing the breath-holding talisman in front of him, Lu Yue quickly took it, and put it carefully into his arms, as if it was some kind of treasure, and a trace of relief appeared on his face involuntarily.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu didn't say anything more, and took Lu Yue quickly to Yizhuang. At the same time, he kept an eye on the situation around him, so as not to be attacked by ghosts or monsters who didn't want to open his eyes.

Fortunately, along the way, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue didn't have any accidents, and went back to Yizhuang smoothly.At this time, it was already late at night, and Wen Cai, who was guarding Yizhuang, had already fallen asleep. The return of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue did not wake Wen Cai up.

"Lu Yue, you can make do with this guest room for one night, and wait until tomorrow, and I will ask Wen Cai to clean up a room for you as a teacher." Judging from Lu Yue's clothes and temperament, he is obviously a child of a wealthy family, I'm afraid, no If you know how to do these housework, it is better to let Wencai help, so as not to damage the property.After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu planned to go back to her room to sleep. Lin Jiu was already feeling exhausted after working so hard. Otherwise, how could Lin Jiu let Wen Cai go easily.

"Master, I don't feel safe. Master, can you hide my physique first, so that I won't be captured by those demons in the middle of the night."

"Rebellious, don't you think that your master and I are vegetarians, and let those ghosts and ghosts enter the Yizhuang at will?" If the ghosts and ghosts really enter the Yizhuang easily, what face does Lin Jiu have? They are called Maoshan disciples.After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu slapped Lu Yue's head hard, and hid a peace charm on Lu Yue's body, so that Lu Yue could fall asleep peacefully.

However, Lin Jiu's force was so strong that Lu Yue couldn't help crying out, "Oh, Master, it hurts so much." Seeing Lin Jiu's increasingly ugly face, Lu Yue didn't dare to say anything more, and quickly said "Master, don't you know this? But, master, don't blame me. If you don't hide your physique for a moment, the disciple will definitely not feel at ease. If you are replaced by the master, you are the innate wood spirit body. I am afraid that you, the master, will be like the disciple." Like."

"Hmph, you are the one who talks a lot, now, you can either go to sleep in the room, or I will expel you from the master right now, you choose yourself." Isn't it a bit too hasty for such a talented disciple to be expelled from the teacher's sect?"

Speaking of this, Lu Yue didn't dare to say any more, because Lin Jiu's complexion had become extremely ugly at this time, so Lu Yue didn't dare to say any more, lest Lin Jiu really drive himself out of the teacher's door, enter the room in a hurry, and put The door closed, "Master, good night."

Looking at the closed door, Lin Jiu smiled wryly, and instead of going back to sleep immediately, he arranged the Yi Zhuang so that no ghosts would come into the Yi Zhuang while he was sleeping.

After doing all this, Lin Jiu will go back to his room to sleep.Originally, Lu Yue thought that he would not be able to fall asleep tonight after going through so many outrageous things, but unexpectedly, just lying on the bed, a sense of drowsiness welled up in his heart, and he fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Jiu got up early, looked at Wen Cai who was preparing breakfast, and said, "Wen Cai, let's be one more person for breakfast." "Understood Master, by the way, does anyone want to come?"

"No, I took in a disciple for my master last night." "What master, do you mean that I have a younger brother?" , I will be much more relaxed and have more time to play.

"Yes." "Master, where is the younger brother? I will wake him up and make breakfast with me. Master, the younger brother is really too much. On the first day of entry, he got up so late. He must be educated. Otherwise, how will this little junior cook us breakfast in the future?"

(End of this chapter)

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