Chapter 203 Once

For Lin Jiu, Lu Yue was not worried. Master must have expected the situation in front of him. After all, the speed of this mountain is really, really too fast. Not to mention him, not even himself How much certainty can prevent Zhang Shan from doing something, so the master must have some backup, but Wencai and Qiusheng are different.

If they don't help each other, these two people will definitely be confused by Hui Zhang Shan. By that time, they don't know what troubles will be brought to them?Therefore, when he saw that Zhang Shan wanted to confuse Wencai and Qiusheng, Lu Yue quickly appeared in front of Wencai and Qiusheng. Dispel this ghost energy, and don't give Zhang Shan a chance to confuse Wencai and Qiusheng.

And just as Lu Yue guessed before, Lin Jiu had already made preparations. Driven by Lin Jiu, a magic talisman scattered Zhang Shan's condensed will-o'-the-wisp.

Looking at the scattered ghost fire, Zhang Shan drove Awei's body to appear in front of Lin Jiu, swung his fists, and hit Lin Jiu's body, trying to prevent Lin Jiu from making sacrifices.

But at this moment, Zhang Shan saw Lu Yue quickly appearing in front of him, waving the Golden Sun Sword, and stabbing at himself. If he insisted on attacking Lin Jiu, the Golden Sun Sword in Lu Yue's hand would also hit him. The moment the attack hit Lin Jiu, it landed on him.

Regarding his own attack, whether he can kill Lin Jiu, Zhang Shan has no certainty, and even if Lin Jiu is seriously injured, Zhang Shan is not sure in his heart, but Lu Yue's attack is different. When the sword was stabbed, Zhang Shan was sure that even if he survived by chance, he would be seriously injured and die in the end. In this way, Zhang Shan dared to gamble, and retreated quickly to avoid Lin Jiu's attack. When retreating, Zhang Shan saw the pistol that had fallen in the corner before.

This pistol doesn't do much for a ghost like myself, but for a mortal like Lin Jiu, this pistol is very useful, especially after the ghost energy is integrated into the bullets, the pistol can play a role. The power is even stronger. It is not difficult to kill Lin Jiu and Lu Yue.

What Zhang Shan can think of, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu can naturally think of. When seeing Zhang Shan advancing towards the pistol, Lu Yue's complexion changed drastically, and he could no longer care about it. Appeared in front of Zhang Shan.

Although ghost possession can make the ghost safer, but in this way, the ghost also has a body and cannot directly pass through the wooden pile condensed by Lu Yue. What's more, the wooden pile condensed by Lu Yue is extremely extraordinary. Taomu, even if Zhang Shan didn't possess Awei, he might not be able to pass through Taomu.

Looking at the wooden stake blocking him, Zhang Shan did not continue, because he knew that Lu Yue would not give him a chance to get the pistol. Now, the pistol might have been destroyed by Lu Yue.

Zhang Shan guessed correctly. Under Lu Yue's control, a wooden stake appeared under the pistol, wrapping the pistol in it. Afterwards, under Lu Yue's control, the wooden stake crushed the pistol and turned it into a pile of fragments. fell to the ground.

Looking at the destroyed pistol, Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief. Without this pistol, it would be much more difficult for Zhang Shan to deal with them. "Lu Yue, stick these talismans around Zhang Shan." As he spoke, Lin Jiu took out many talismans and threw them at the wooden posts.

"Yes, Master, I understand." As he spoke, Lu Yue condensed many wooden stakes again, and let the talismans fall on the wooden stakes. Afterwards, these wooden stakes moved quickly under Lu Yue's control.

Soon, all these wooden posts with talismans appeared around Zhang Shan, just surrounding Zhang Shan.Seeing this, Lin Jiu pointed towards the void, and a ray of spiritual light flew out of Lin Jiu's body and appeared above Zhang Shan's head. Turned into an enchantment, trapping Zhang Shan in it.

"Lu Yue, this enchantment can last for half an hour, so we must kill Zhang Shan within half an hour." As he spoke, Lin Jiu quickly entered the enchantment.

Seeing this, Lu Yue didn't say anything nonsense. It is not an easy task to enter the barrier and kill a half-step ghost handsome ghost. So, how dare Lu Yue waste time?
As soon as he entered the barrier, Lu Yue saw that Master and Zhang Shan had already fought together, and quickly waved the Jinyang sword in his hand to meet him.If he wanted to kill Zhang Shan, a half-step ghost commander, he still needed the help of the fairy weapon, the Golden Sun Sword.

The space of the enchantment is not very large. In this way, Zhang Shan has a lot of difficulties in avoiding their attacks by relying on his speed. However, Zhang Shan is worthy of being a half-step ghost commander. With his own speed, he avoided most of the attacks.

Regarding this, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu didn't have any worries at all, because they knew that with the magic weapon in their hands, they didn't need to attack Zhang Shan many times, and they only needed one attack to seriously injure Zhang Shan. , If you want to kill Zhang Shan, it will be much easier.

Soon, with the help of Lin Jiu, Lu Yue found an opportunity. Driven by Lu Yue, the Golden Sun Sword in his hand easily pierced through Awei's shoulder. fly out of the body.

For such a good opportunity, Lin Jiu naturally would not give up, and instantly appeared in front of Ah Wei, and with a single palm, he knocked Zhang Shan out of Ah Wei's body.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu brought Awei behind him, while Lu Yue used his Lightning and Thunder Fist with all his strength, hitting Zhang Shan's body.Previously, Zhang Shan had been seriously injured by the Jinyang Sword attack, but now he was hit by Lightning and Thunder, and the ghost body suddenly became illusory. One could tell that Zhang Shan had been seriously injured. If he wanted to recover, he might It takes an extremely long time.

"Damn it, damn it, Lin Jiu, both of you, master and apprentice, deserve to die. Even if I, Zhang Shan, die today, I will take both of you, master and apprentice, to be buried with me." Under Lu Yue's attack, he was seriously injured. In addition, there is a barrier around him. With his own strength, it is extremely difficult to break the barrier, and it will take a lot of time. However, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, How can I give myself a chance to break the barrier? It is basically impossible for me to survive today.

Therefore, Zhang Shan wanted to blew himself up in the prototype of the ghost creature. The prototype of the ghost creature is extremely powerful, and it is the proof of breaking through the ghost commander. No one is a celestial master, so he must not survive.

(End of this chapter)

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