Cultivating Immortals in the World of Nine Uncles

Chapter 206 Half-step Celestial Master

Chapter 206 Half-step Celestial Master
However, after reaching Lin Jiu's level, if he wanted to break through, he would consume a lot of aura, and the amount of aura gathered by Lu Yue did not have much effect.

Seeing this, Lu Yue frowned slightly, and then, Lu Yue thought of something, took out the spirit stone he had obtained before, and sent the spirit stone to Lin Jiu with the help of vines.

At this time, Lin Jiu had already begun to retreat, and his sense of the outside world had weakened a lot. He didn't know that Lu Yue had sent the spirit stone to him, but he sensed that the spirit energy around him suddenly increased a lot compared to before, and he thought it was What Lu Yue did, without any doubt, continued to absorb the aura from the spirit stone, and the aura emanating from Lin Jiu's body slowly increased.

In the blink of an eye, at noon the next day, Lu Yue, who was practicing in the backyard, sensed that Master Ren was rushing here with Ren Tingting and others. Seeing this, Lu Yue got up and came to the front yard, looking at the Wencai and Qiusheng, who were practicing, said, "Senior brothers, no one can talk about the matter of Master's retreat. If someone comes to see Master, we will say that Master has something urgent to go out."

Both Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng also knew how important it is to Lin Jiu now. Naturally, they would do what Lu Yue said, so as not to make mistakes and affect Master's breakthrough. "Okay, junior brother, we got it." After finishing speaking, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng continued to practice, while Lu Yue opened the door of Yizhuang, waiting for Master Ren and his party to appear.

Soon, Master Ren and others came to Lu Yue, and without waiting for Master Ren to say anything, he took the lead and said, "Master Ren, I'm really sorry, my master has to go out suddenly, please come back later? "

"Ah, Uncle Jiu has gone out, so nephew Lu Yue, do you know when Uncle Jiu will come back?" I'll tell you right away."

"Nephew Lu Yue, can you sell us some amulets?" After these things, Master Ren found that these amulets are really useful, so he naturally wanted to put a few on himself, so that even if he encounters dirty things, he can still protect him Know immediately.

"Okay, Master Ren, you need a few. By the way, Master Ren, we still have town house talismans here. As long as you paste the talismans in front of the lobby, Master Ren, you can prevent dirty things from approaching. The power in the house talisman If it is not exhausted, no dirty things can enter Ren's house, and after you have the Town House Talisman, Master Ren, you can use the Town House Talisman to know whether any dirty things have entered Ren's house."

Lu Yue's words made Ren Fa's eyes light up. He knew that Lu Yue would not use this kind of thing to deceive him, and he did not dare to use this kind of thing to deceive him. Otherwise, Lin Jiu would not let go when he found out. He told him, "Nephew, there are such good things, so you can get ten of them." Yesterday's incident left a psychological shadow on Ren Fa, and he was always worried that dirty things would entangle them. Now, listen to In the hands of Lu Yue, such a good thing as the Town House Talisman, naturally he would not miss it.

"Master Ren, you don't need that many, three are enough. When the time comes, you can stick one on the front, one on the middle and one on the back. As long as the town house talisman is not damaged, it means that there is no dirty thing coming near Ren's mansion. Otherwise, any Master, you need to come to Yizhuang, Master Ren, this town house charm is much more powerful than the amulet, so the price is also more expensive, five silver dollars each."

"Okay, just as you said, nephew, give me three town house charms, and then give us fifteen of this amulet. I will ask the housekeeper to send the money to Yizhuang later."

"Yes, Master Ren, this is the talisman you want." As he spoke, Lu Yue took out the talisman from the storage bag and handed it to Master Ren.Master Ren didn't stay long and left soon.

Time passed, and 20 days passed in a blink of an eye. On this day, Lin Jiu, who was retreating, suddenly opened his eyes, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. Although he did not break through to the realm of a celestial master this time, he was still a Stepping into the realm of a celestial master, his strength has increased a lot.

This is not the thing that makes Lin Jiu the most happy. What makes Lin Jiu the most happy is that he feels that he only needs to continue to accumulate merit, and in about five years, he will be able to break through to the realm of a celestial master and become a real celestial master , so that he can have more lifespan to cultivate.Afterwards, Lin Jiu did not continue to retreat, and if he wanted to break through the realm of a celestial master, he could break through without retreating.

Sensing Lin Jiu's exit, Lu Yue appeared in front of Lin Jiu immediately, wanting to know whether Lin Jiu had broken through. "Master, have you succeeded?" "Half of the success, break through to the realm of the celestial master, and it will take a few years to truly break through to the realm of the celestial master. Lu Yue thank you."

The moment he opened his eyes, Lin Jiu found that there was a lot of powder in his hand. With Lin Jiu's knowledge, he couldn't tell that it was Lingshan powder. He knew in his heart that Lu Yue used all the spirit stones he had obtained before to practice That's why he was able to leave the level so quickly. Otherwise, it would take a month or two for him to break through to the current level.

"Master, you are being polite. I am doing this for myself. The stronger your strength, master, the safer I will be as a disciple. By the way, the old master of the master came to look for you. Now that you are out of the customs, master, do you see me?" Master Ren?"

"Naturally, we need to meet. After all, this is something we promised before. Qiusheng, you go to Ren's mansion now and ask Mr. Ren to bring someone over." Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng looked at Lin Jiu. Nine places, said in surprise, "Master, you have passed the customs."

"Well, Qiu Sheng, go and come back quickly." "Yes, Master, I understand." After finishing speaking, Qiu Sheng rode his bicycle and headed for Ren's residence.Knowing that Lin Jiu had returned, Master Ren and the others breathed a sigh of relief, and headed to Ren's mansion as quickly as they could.

Although, recently, Master Ren and the others did not encounter any other dirty things, but before they figured out the reason, Master Ren and the others were always in suspense, fearing that another dirty thing would find them. "Uncle Jiu, come back, have you finished the matter?"

Before, Lu Yue had told Lin Jiu all these things, so he naturally knew what Master Ren meant. "The mission of the teacher, fortunately, has been completed now. Next, Master Ren, please tell me your birth date so that I can figure it out." After a while, by the way, I still need to check the bodies of you, Master Ren, and Captain Awei. If I can’t see anything from the two of you, then I need to check Tingting’s body to see See what's going on here?"

(End of this chapter)

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