Chapter 208 Two Apprentices
After the shock, Ren Tingting's eyes lit up. This was a good idea. Afterwards, Ren Tingting also knelt down in front of Lin Jiu and said, "Tingting pays homage to Master." Looking at Ah Wei and Ren Tingting who were kneeling in front of her, Lin Jiu The corners of his mouth kept twitching, what a good fellow, one was more shameless than the other, he hadn't absolutely accepted them yet, they called the master first.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, he heard Master Ren say, "Uncle Jiu, why don't you just accept the little girl and Awei? Before, Uncle Jiu, weren't you Did you say that, they are suitable for cultivation, and these two are not very old, if Uncle Nine, you can train them well, maybe they can make a difference in the future."

Although Master Ren doesn't want Ren Tingting to be in any danger, Master Ren knows very well that with Ren Tingting's current special bloodline, if she doesn't practice, she doesn't know when she will be harmed by those dirty things, so Master Ren hopes that Ren Tingting can become stronger by herself, so that even if she encounters any danger in the future, she can protect herself.

More importantly, although Ren Tingting hid her thoughts well, she couldn't hide it from Master Ren. She knew that Ren Tingting hadn't given up on Lu Yue. If Ren Tingting was also a cultivator, she would not marry Lu Yue in the future. Yue's possibility.Judging from Lin Jiu's regard for Lu Yue, Lu Yue's achievements in the future will be absolutely extraordinary, and may even be higher than Lin Jiu.

In this way, if Tingting can marry Lu Yue, she can also get Lu Yue's protection. Even if someone else finds out her blood, she will not dare to do anything to Ren Tingting because she is afraid of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu.
"That's right, Master, you can accept us. Don't worry, Master, we will work hard to cultivate in the future." Ah Wei and Ren Tingting said.Knowing that Ren Tingting's blood was special, Lin Jiu had the idea of ​​taking Ren Tingting as his apprentice, because Ren Tingting's aptitude was much better than Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng's, and it would not be difficult to catch up with them .

If you practice hard, it is not difficult to reach the realm of Earth Master in the future.However, Lin Jiu already had such a talented disciple as Lu Yue, so he didn't have much idea about whether Tingting could be accepted as his apprentice, so he didn't ask.

Of course, if Ren Tingting took the initiative to ask her to be her teacher, Lin Jiu would not refuse. After all, this Ren Tingting is a person who is expected to reach the realm of a celestial master.

But this time it was also Awei who spoke. Compared with Ren Tingting, Awei is much worse. Not only is he older, but Gen Gu is much worse than Ren Tingting. The important thing is that this Awei is not a reliable person, Wencai and Qiusheng are enough for Lin Jiu, so naturally he doesn't want to add Awei.

However, because of face, Lin Jiu had no choice but to accept Ah Wei. Thinking of this, Lin Jiu sighed in his heart, "You two get up, I will accept you as disciples today, but I am not accepting you as personal disciples. It is named disciples, when will you reach the realm of warlocks, when will I accept you as personal disciples, are you willing?"

Although, not being accepted by Lin Jiu as a direct disciple made Awei and Ren Tingting regret for a while, but when they reached the realm of warlocks, they could be accepted as a direct disciple by Lin Jiu, both Awei and Ren Tingting felt a sense of regret. I breathed a sigh of relief.

From Ren Tingting and Awei's point of view, they have special blood, and it should not be difficult to reach the realm of warlocks. Therefore, as soon as Lin Jiu's voice fell, Ren Tingting and Awei said, "Master, We would."

"Okay, then Awei, you will be the fourth disciple of Pindao in the future, and Tingting, you will be the fifth disciple of Pindao. Come and meet your senior brothers." Lin Jiu helped Awei and Ren Tingting up . "Yes, Master, I have, Senior Brother Lu Yue."

"Junior brother, junior sister, please be polite. In the future, if you have anything to do, you can come to me. I can still take care of small things."

Hearing this, Awei's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lu Yue with a quick smile and said, "Senior Brother Lu Yue, please take care of me in the future." This Lu Yue is much stronger than himself in terms of family background and strength. Whether it is cultivation or other things, there are many benefits.

"Uncle Jiu, I will take care of Tingting in the future. By the way, Uncle Jiu will let Tingting live in Yizhuang in the future." Tingting will be safer in this way, and isn't Lu Yue in Yizhuang? If Tingting also stayed in Yizhuang, maybe the two of them could have a long-term relationship, lest her daughter be unrequited.

Although Ren Tingting's aptitude is worse than Lu Yue's, it is not worse than himself. Even if Master Ren doesn't say anything, Lin Jiu will let Ren Tingting stay by his side and give advice carefully. Only in this way can Ren Tingting improve quickly, and in his lifetime It is hoped to have a glimpse of the realm of the celestial master.

"Okay, at that moment, there will be Master Lao Ren. You bring the daily necessities of Awei and Ren Tingting. Both of them need to stay in Yizhuang for a while. After the two of them get started, they will go back It's not too late to go home."

"Okay, Uncle Nine, then I'll take my leave first. By the way, Uncle Nine, I want to arrange for two servants to come over, wash and cook for you, and do some chores so that you have more time to practice. I don't know if that's possible. Uncle Jiu, don't worry, I will pay the workers' wages."

Yizhuang is not a good place. I am afraid that no one will come here, and I have put a lot of things in my Yizhuang. For those who have no cultivation, this is extremely dangerous. So, how can Lin Jiu Will you agree?
However, before he could open his mouth, he heard Lu Yue speak first, "Master, I think this proposal is good. We can let people go back after finishing the work, so there will be nothing. As for the salary, I will leave it to you." Come on, anyway, this little money is nothing to me."

Wencai and Qiusheng's cooking skills are not very good. They can only be said to be edible. If someone who is good at cooking comes over, it will be a good thing.

How could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue thought? If Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were the ones who spoke, Lin Jiu would give them a slap without saying a word, but this Lu Yue used to be a rich man. , it is rare to be able to persist for so many years, what's more, now that there are two more children from rich families, these two people may not be able to eat the food cooked by Wencai and Qiusheng.

Thinking of this, Lin Jiu nodded, "Then please trouble Master Ren." "No trouble, no trouble at all, then Uncle Jiu, we will go back first." "Master Ren, go slowly."

(End of this chapter)

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