Chapter 21
"What nonsense, your junior brother is because of excessive cultivation and consumed a lot of energy, so I let you practice as a teacher. Your junior brother has successfully conferred the talisman. Your achievements in the future will not be comparable to yours. I am warning you. Before your little junior brother comes out on his own, you must bother the little junior brother, otherwise, as a teacher, I will often play the previous game with you in the next period of time, by the way, the game time is one hour."

Before, after playing for less than half an hour, Wencai and Qiusheng felt that they were spoiled by Lin Jiu. If the time was extended to an hour, the two of them would definitely be spoiled. It took a few days to recover from the injury on his body, and he quickly assured him, "Master, don't worry, we will never take the initiative to disturb the little junior brother. Master, then the two of us will apply the medicine first."

In some places, they can't wipe it off at all, and they need help from others. "You guys go. By the way, hurry down to practice after applying the medicine. It is good for you to practice."

Before, although I held back Wencai and Qiusheng, but this time Wencai and Qiusheng pissed him off, making Lin Jiu beat them harder this time than at other times. There is a wound medicine that I brought from Maoshan in Yizhuang, which can make the two of them recover quickly, not only will not leave any future troubles, but can even speed up the speed of their body training.

"It's Master, we know." "So you go, I'm waiting for you here as a teacher, I hope you two don't wait too much for my teacher, otherwise, the two of you will know the consequences."

Hearing this, Wencai and Qiusheng felt bitterness in their hearts. It seemed that Master had guessed their plan to be lazy, and he really didn't give them a chance to be lazy.

But he said that after returning to the room, Lu Yue lay down on the bed and fell asleep, but what Lu Yue didn't know was that at the moment he fell asleep, faint green lights flew from the void, blending into Lu Yue's body. In the body, Lu Yue's exhausted spirit was restored, and even Lu Yue's body was transformed.

Not only that, the Tiantian talisman that was hidden in Lu Yue's Yuanshen before, also appeared in front of Lu Yue at this time, blooming and pulling a faint starlight, blending into Lu Yue's body, making Lu Yue gradually become stronger, and Lin Jiu and the others did not notice all of this.

Soon, the next morning, Lu Yue, who had slept for seven hours, opened his eyes and felt comfortable all over. Looking at the sky outside, Lu Yue got up to the courtyard without delay and began to practice his Maoshan body training For boxing, although he has obtained the method of Qi training now, but the body is equally important, Lu Yue has no intention of giving up the practice of Maoshan body training boxing.

Seeing Lu Yue getting up, Lin Jiu's eyes flashed a hint of admiration. This disciple is really good. He doesn't need to call himself, he just came out to practice. However, now that Lu Yue has started to refine Qi, if he absorbs Chaoyang Ziqi to refine his body, It's a bit of a waste, after all, Lu Yue's body is not considered strong now, and he doesn't need Chaoyang Ziqi to temper his body to keep strengthening.

"Lu Yue, it's a waste of you to use Chaoyang Ziqi to refine your body now, you should practice the Great Cave Sutra of the Shangqing, so that the effect of Chaoyang Ziqi will be greater."

"It's the master, the disciple knows." After speaking, Lu Yue was about to sit cross-legged on the ground and start practicing the Dadong Sutra of the Shangqing. "Go to the roof to absorb the purple qi. If you want to practice here as a teacher, it may affect your absorption of the purple qi." Qi training requires a quiet environment, and it is obviously not suitable to practice by your side.Hearing this, Lu Yue nodded, jumped lightly, found a place on the roof, sat down cross-legged, and began to practice the Dadong Sutra of Shangqing.

Lu Yue didn't know that when he started to practice, a faint blue light bloomed from his body, attracting the surrounding vegetation, and a ray of blue light flew out, blending into his body and nourishing Lu Yue's body.

The blue light on Lu Yue's body was extremely faint, unless he was a person with a strong cultivation base, otherwise, he would not be able to detect the abnormality on Lu Yue's body.And Lin Jiu's cultivation level just happened to be able to find out that Lu Yue's body was abnormal. After Lu Yue started to practice, Lin Jiu sensed that there was something abnormal about Lu Yue's body, so he quickly opened his eyes to know what was going on.

Under the observation of Fayan, the abnormalities on Lu Yue's body were clearly presented in Lin Jiu's gaze. "The domineering innate wood spirit can absorb the essence of the surrounding vegetation to improve his cultivation. It seems that I will need to grow some vegetation around Yizhuang in the future. In this way, Lu Yue's cultivation speed will also be accelerated a lot."

After that, Lin Jiu began to think about what kind of vegetation he should plant to benefit Lu Yue's cultivation. At his level, absorbing one more day of purple qi, or one less day of purple qi, doesn't have much impact.

As for the abnormality in his body, Lu Yue did not notice that he kept absorbing the aura around him and entered his body. Not long after, Lu Yue sensed a burst of purple energy entering his body. Before this purple energy entered his body, at most it was It made Lu Yue feel comfortable for a while.

But now, the moment the purple qi entered his body, Lu Yue sensed the extraordinaryness of the purple qi. If he could refine this purple qi and store it in his dantian, it should make his refined aura stronger.Quickly run the Shangqing Dadong Mantra, and start to refine the purple energy. The power contained in the purple energy cannot be compared with the spiritual energy. Therefore, the difficulty of refining the purple energy is naturally much greater than the difficulty of refining the spiritual energy .

Fortunately, Lu Yue had enough time to refine the purple qi. After spending an hour, Lu Yue finally refined the purple qi thoroughly and sent it into the dantian.

The moment the purple qi entered the dantian, it merged with the aura that Lu Yue refined before. Although the aura that Lu Yue refined did not strengthen, the power of the aura was at least five times stronger than before. I was overjoyed. Unexpectedly, purple qi can also temper spiritual power. If he continues to absorb purple qi to temper spiritual power in the future, his own will be about five times stronger than that of people in the same realm. Thinking of this, Lu Yue felt a burst of pain. excited.

However, soon Lu Yue calmed down and found that this is impossible, that is, his spiritual power is still low now, and this purple energy can temper his spiritual power. Qi should not be able to refine spiritual power anymore. After all, if I can absorb a purple qi every day, it is considered extraordinary, but it is not enough to temper spiritual power. It would be great if I could absorb more purple qi in the future.

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(End of this chapter)

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