Chapter 210

Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't give up on Ren Tingting, they still wanted to pursue Ren Tingting. If they were surpassed by Ren Tingting in cultivation, they would have no face to pursue Ren Tingting.

Compared with Ren Tingting, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng were more concerned about Ah Wei's qualifications. When they saw Ah Wei screaming just after practicing, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng knew that Ah Wei's qualifications were much worse than Ren Tingting's. Even worse than them.

In this way, even if they rely on their cultivation to bully Awei now, this Awei will not be able to do anything to them in the future. After all, Wencai and Qiusheng don't think that With Awei's aptitude, he can surpass them.

After the training was over, Wencai and Qiusheng came to Awei, looked at Awei jokingly and said, "Little Junior Brother, your body is too weak, and you need to practice more in the future, otherwise, you will only have to go out." It will embarrass the master, you know?"

Originally, Wencai and Qiusheng thought that Awei would be angry after hearing what they said, but what Wencai and Qiusheng didn't expect was that after hearing what they said, Awei nodded and said, "Yes, Brothers, I understand, I will work hard in cultivation in the future, and try not to embarrass Master."

Awei's words made Wencai and Qiusheng stunned. They didn't expect that Awei would say such a thing, and they looked at Awei directly, wanting to know what Awei was thinking.

When they saw Awei's serious face, Wencai and Qiusheng knew that Awei really thought so, and suddenly felt bored for a while, so they didn't continue, and said dryly, "Now that you know, let's practice Maoshan more." Body training boxing, it will be of great benefit to you in the future." After speaking, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng turned around and left.

Seeing the backs of Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng leaving, Ah Wei and Ren Tingting looked at each other and continued to practice. They did not forget that they were not Lin Jiu's direct disciples, but only registered disciples. It's a lot worse when people come, so I want to break through the warlock realm as soon as possible and become Lin Jiu's personal disciple.

But he said that Lin Jiu watched for a while before, and after seeing that Awei and Ren Tingting had made no mistakes, Lin Jiu didn't look at them, but came to Lu Yue's side.Sensing Lin Jiu's arrival, Lu Yue opened his eyes, "Master, do you have any orders?"

"Lu Yue, as a teacher, you have now broken through to the half-step celestial master realm, and you need to report to Maoshan. After all, stepping into the half-step celestial master realm is a big event for the sect. At that time, I am afraid that there will be elders coming forward. It is not impossible to come to check the cultivation of the teacher, or even come to the teacher."

Once the elders or the headmaster of Maoshan come, if they see Lu Yue, there is a high possibility that they will find Lu Yue's abnormality. At that time, it will not be easy to hide Lu Yue's physique No, it is even impossible. After all, it is not an easy task for someone to become an elder of Maoshan. The cultivation base must at least reach the level of a seventh-rank earth master. More importantly, these elders have seen many With a lot of knowledge, I can't hide this from these people.

Hearing this, Lu Yue frowned slightly. What did Lin Jiu mean? How could Lu Yue not know, "Master, what should I do? Or, I will go to Simu Shishu and stay for a while?" With the relationship between Lin Jiu and Simu, Simu will definitely not refuse.

"I'm afraid not. You are my direct disciple. At this critical moment, how can you not be here? If you are not here, it will be bad for your reputation." This Lu Yue is not only his own disciple, but also the future head teacher of the Maoshan Sect. How could Lin Jiu allow Lu Yue's reputation to be damaged?

"Then Master, what should I do?" Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu in distress and asked. "Lu Yue, as a teacher, I plan to ask the law enforcement elders to help, tell the head teacher about your physique, let the head teacher come in person, and make you the head teacher of Maoshan Shao." Da, only under the head teacher, with Lu Yue's aptitude, it is not difficult to become the young head teacher, but I don't know if Lu Yue is willing to become the young head teacher of Maoshan.

Lin Jiu's words made Lu Yue stunned, he didn't expect Lin Jiu to say this suddenly, after a while, Lu Yue digested what Lin Jiu said before, looked at Lin Jiu uncertainly and asked, "Master, is this okay? "Once I become the head teacher of Maoshan, it means that other than the head teacher, everyone else respects me. Unless I die in the future, otherwise, the position of head teacher Maoshan will not fall to other people." hands.

But he is only the 37th generation disciple, so it is not appropriate to surpass the 36th generation disciple and become the head teacher of Maoshan. Lu Yue does not think that those 36th generation disciples will obey him.

Therefore, Lu Yue didn't want to become the head teacher of Maoshan at this time. He wanted to wait until his own strength became stronger before becoming the headmaster of Maoshan.At that time, even if someone refuses to accept him, he can use his own strength to forcibly subdue him.

"Why can't it work? Lu Yue, you are an innate spirit body. There is no other innate spirit body in Maoshan except you. With this alone, Lu Yue, you are qualified to become the young master of Maoshan. What's more, Lu Yue, you also have a heavenly talisman. With the addition of the two, no one is qualified to be the head teacher of Maoshan except you, Lu Yue.

As for those who are worried that those brothers who are teachers will disobey you, there is no need to worry. In the generation of teachers, the strength of the teacher and master Bo Shijian is the strongest.In other words, only the two of us are qualified to compete for the position of head teacher.

You are a disciple of a teacher, so a teacher will naturally support you, plus you are kind to Simu and Qianhe, and they will also support you. You two uncles have many contacts in Maoshan , In this way, except for those who are close to your uncle who is not convinced, everyone else will be convinced.

As for the people on your senior uncle's side, it's not that they look down on them because of the teacher. Except for the senior senior brother, everyone else can fight. With your current cultivation base, it is not difficult to defeat these people.As for the current elders in the Maoshan Sect, they are the most powerful with the strength of the law enforcement elders and the head teachers. Since the law enforcement elders love you, they will definitely support you with all their strength.

After knowing your physique and the existence of Tianlu, the head teacher will fully support you. In this way, with the support of the head teacher and the law enforcement elders, it is useless for other elders to oppose it.

What's more, there are some elders who support you as a teacher and others in Maoshan. When the time comes, once you express your attitude for the teacher and others, these elders will also come forward to support you, so, Lu Yue, you don't need to have any worries , how about it, Lu Yue, are you willing to become the young head teacher of Maoshan? After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu stared straight at Lu Yue, wanting to know if Lu Yue would like it.

Meeting Lin Jiu's eyes, Lu Yue nodded earnestly and said, "Master, I am willing." Lu Yue's words made Lin Jiu feel relieved, and then looked at Lu Yue happily and said, "Okay, then what are you doing now?" Teacher, come, use mystic light technique to contact the law enforcement elder, and first communicate with the law enforcement elder." After speaking, Lin Jiu took Lu Yue to his room.

(End of this chapter)

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