Chapter 24
Thinking of the game they played yesterday, Wencai and Qiusheng immediately put on a loveless look, and looked at Lin Jiudao listlessly, "Master, let's practice, we don't want to play that damn game again for the rest of our lives." gone."

Looking at Wencai and Qiusheng's spoiled looks, Lu Yue felt curious, wondering what kind of game they played yesterday, and why the two senior brothers looked spoiled. "Master, what game did you play yesterday?"

"Taoist catching ghosts, Lu Yue, do you want to play?" Although, Lu Yue didn't know what kind of game this Taoist was playing ghosts, but seeing the faces of Wencai and Qiusheng being played badly, Lu Yue was sure it was absolutely It's not a good game, so it's better not to participate in it.

"Little brother, this game is really fun, why don't you play it with master, brother promises that this game will definitely make you remember deeply." As for what Qiu Sheng's idea was, Wen Cai didn't know. On the other hand, Wencai and Qiusheng have a very tacit understanding.

As soon as Qiusheng finished speaking, Wencai immediately said, "That's right, junior brother, this game is not only fun, it will make you remember deeply, and it can also improve your strength. Junior brother, why don't you play with master, when the time comes, you might be able to play the game with your master." In the game, maybe there will be a breakthrough?"

The junior brother loves cultivation so much, so he should be extremely keen on improving his strength. If he knows that this game can also improve his strength, he might agree.

Lin Jiu and Qiusheng were taken aback when they heard Wen Cai's words. They didn't expect Wen Cai to have such wisdom and know how to take advantage of Lu Yue's weakness. It seems that they have a little underestimated Wen Cai. "That's right, junior brother, this game is not only fun, but it can also improve your strength. I was in the game yesterday and practiced Yubu. Otherwise, you and master will have fun for an hour later?"

"Master, you also heard the two senior brothers say that the game is very good. In the future, master, you should play with the two senior brothers more, lest the two senior brothers miss you. Besides, with the actions of the two senior brothers, you should often play the game in the future." Can play this game, master, you have to be ready?"

Although Lu Yue didn't know what kind of game it was, but from what Wencai and Qiusheng said before, it was definitely not a good game. Lu Yue didn't want to try it by himself, so he had better wait until he knew what kind of game it was. Not too late.

Seeing that Lu Yue was not fooled, both Wencai and Qiusheng felt a burst of regret in their hearts. It seemed that this little junior was smarter than they imagined, and he would not be easily fooled. "Okay, let's eat, and go to practice after eating, or play games with Wei Shi."

For the next period of time, Wencai and Qiusheng, two scumbags, did not feel bored with Lu Yue. In this way, after a year, Lu and Lu Yue not only trained Maoshan After cultivating the fist to the sixth level, even the cultivation base has broken through to the realm of a first-grade Taoist disciple. Both the cultivation base and the body have surpassed Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.

It's a pity that Lu Yue didn't learn any attacking methods. During this year, Lu Yue focused on practicing Maoshan Body Refining Boxing, Shangqing Dadong Sutra, and He Yubu.According to Lin Jiu, the spiritual power in his body is too little, even if he learns the attack method, he will not be able to exert much power, otherwise he will focus on improving his cultivation base and Yu steps.

As for the method of attack, it is not too late to learn the powerful attack after the strength is strong. It is not necessary to learn the powerful attack, except of course the talisman. However, in this year, Lin Nine did not pass too many talismans to Lu Yue. So far, the five talismans are the amulet, the stagnation talisman, the ghost-killing talisman, the demon-killing talisman and the exorcism talisman.

As for the other talismans, Lin Jiu said that he would pass them on to him after his cultivation reached the realm of a warlock. Now that his cultivation has reached the realm of a first-rank Taoist, his spiritual power can be considered strong. It's time to learn The method of attacking, otherwise, even if his cultivation base is stronger than Qiu Sheng's, he will not be Qiu Sheng's opponent if he really fights.

Looking at Lu Yue who appeared in front of him, how could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue was thinking? Without waiting for Lu Yue to speak, Lin Jiu took out a cheat book, handed it to Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, this is Our Maoshan's wooden stake method is very suitable for you to practice, and today I will pass on this wooden stake method to you as a teacher, and I hope you can practice well and carry forward this technique."

"It's the master, the disciple knows." After speaking, Lu Yue took the cheat book in Lin Jiu's hand, and planned to go back to his room and start enlightenment again.

"Lv Yue, you can practice here." This wooden stake method is originally a wood-type Taoist method. Lu Yue has an innate wood spirit body. It is not difficult to comprehend the wooden stake method, as long as Lin Jiu is worried about it. When Lu Yue practiced the wooden stake Dafa, he made too much noise, which would startle the nearby ghosts and monsters, which exposed Lu Yue's innate wood spirit body.

Practicing there is no different to Lu Yue. Even being able to practice by Lin Jiu's side can make him safer, and he can ask Lin Jiu for advice at any time. Naturally, he will not refuse. After nodding, he will Began to comprehend the Great Law of Wooden Pile.

Originally, Lu Yue thought that it would not be an easy task for him to practice the Wooden Pile Dafa, but what Lu Yue did not expect was that after reading the Wooden Pile Dafa once, he had a lot of insights, which made Lu Yue Yue Sheng realized that it was not difficult for him to cultivate into the Great Dharma of Wooden Stakes.Seeing this, Lu Yue was puzzled. Could it be that after time travel, his aptitude became extremely extraordinary, or was it due to other reasons.

Later, Lu Yue began to practice the method of wooden stakes, wanting to know whether his previous induction was true.Three hours later, Lu Yue opened his eyes, and a gleam flashed in them.Seeing this, Lin Jiu asked quickly, "Lu Yue, have you practiced the method of wooden stakes?"

Relying on Lu Yue's aptitude and physique, it is not difficult for Lu Yue to practice the Wooden Pile Dafa. Even if Lu Yue has not practiced the Wooden Pile Dafa today, it will not be long before Lu Yue can rely on his own aptitude. Practice is successful.

"Master, I have already cultivated to the first level of the wooden pile method. Master, look, the wooden pile method." As soon as Lu Yue's voice fell, Lin Jiu saw a small grass growing from the ground, and it grew rapidly, almost In an instant, it turned into a strange grass the size of an arm, standing in front of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, swaying constantly, showing its power.

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