Chapter 254

"Of course I'm practicing, what else can I do? Don't you think Lu Yue can't sleep on it?" Lin Jiu looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng angrily and asked.

"Master, your suggestion is good. If you can sleep in the canopy, it will definitely be a beautiful thing?" If there is a chance in the future, I must try it myself.

Hearing Qiu Sheng's words, the literary talent on the side also looked yearning, obviously very moved by Qiu Sheng's previous proposal. "Why, do you all want to sleep on the canopy of the tree? Well, I will help you talk about it later as a teacher. How about asking Lu Yue to make such a canopy specially so that you can sleep on it?" Lin Jiu looked at Wencai and Qiusheng with a gloomy expression.

Originally, when Wencai and Qiusheng heard Lin Jiu's words, their hearts were filled with joy. What they said to Lu Yue, Lu Yue's junior brother might not be willing to help build it, but if Lin Jiu spoke, Lu Yue would definitely help Construction, after all, this kind of thing is not difficult for Lu Yue, at most it consumes a little spiritual power.

But when they saw Lin Jiu's gloomy appearance, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng couldn't help but shuddered. Although they still didn't know what Lin Jiu was thinking, they could be sure that Master's proposal was absolutely not to mind. Good intentions, if they just agreed to their love, the consequences would definitely be extremely miserable.

"Master, it's better to forget it. Let's leave this kind of thing to the younger brother to enjoy." After finishing speaking, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng returned to their original positions and continued to practice.

And not long after they started practicing, they heard thunder again, causing Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng to frown slightly, and looked at Lu Yue not far away, wanting to know what Lu Yue was doing.

Soon, Wencai and Qiusheng saw that Lu Yue would strike a lightning bolt into the air from time to time, making Wencai and Qiusheng puzzled, wondering what Lu Yue was doing?
"Master, what is Junior Brother Lu Yue doing? Why does Hao Duanduan keep casting the Lightning Palm and hitting it into the air?" Could it be that Junior Brother Lu Yue is feeling the Lightning Palm and wants to increase the power of the Lightning Palm?

As soon as this idea came out, it was rejected by Wencai and Qiusheng. It is not that Lu Yue has never practiced palm thunder before, but Wencai and Qiusheng did not see Lu Yue using this method to improve the palm. Because of Lei's power, Junior Brother Lu Yue must be doing something special. Wencai and Qiusheng are full of curiosity, eager to know what Junior Brother Lu Yue is doing.
"This has nothing to do with you, you two just cultivate with peace of mind." This is Lu Yue's secret, Lin Jiu doesn't intend to tell Wencai and Qiusheng, anyway, even if he tells Wencai and Qiusheng, they can't do anything ?
"Master, how can this have nothing to do with us? If Junior Brother Lu Yue does this, we will not be able to practice with peace of mind. Brothers and sisters, do you think so?" Qiu Sheng looked at Ren Tingting and the three not far away and said, hoping The three of them can help themselves, so they might be able to rest earlier today.

Seeing Qiu Sheng's gaze, Ren Tingting spoke first, "Senior Brother Qiu Sheng, I didn't feel that Senior Brother Lu Yue was influencing us. I took this as Senior Brother Lu Yue's training for us."

As soon as Ren Tingting finished speaking, Ren Zhuzhu quickly echoed, "My cousin is right, I think so too." How could Ren Zhuzhu fail to guess what Qiusheng and Wencai thought? Naturally, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai would not be allowed to fulfill their wish.

Awei on the side didn't say a word, he couldn't provoke anyone present, for the sake of prudence, he had better not say anything, so as not to offend the other party.

The words of Ren Zhuzhu and Ren Tingting made Qiusheng stunned for a moment. Then, he thought of something and regretted in his heart. Why did they forget that the two junior sisters both love junior brother Lu Yue, so how could they help them talk? Thinking of this, Qiu Sheng didn't say anything else, and looked at Lin Jiu not far away, wanting to know what Master thought?

"Qiusheng, Wencai, did you hear that? In the future, you should learn more from the two junior sisters. Don't stop practicing just because of a little difficulty. If you don't hurry up to practice, you will be beaten." Lin Jiu looked at Wencai and Qiusheng viciously. said the man.Looking at Lin Jiu's fierce eyes, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng didn't dare to say anything, and began to practice obediently.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu ignored Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, and fixedly looked at Lu Yue who was not far away. Qiu Sheng and others were still weak, and could not find anything from these palm thunders, but Lin Jiu was different. In the thunder of the palm, Lin Jiu found that the power of the thunder in the palm was constantly getting stronger. How could he not understand that Lu Yue had gained a lot from this training, so how could he interrupt Lu Yue's training?

And with the passage of time, Lin Jiu keenly discovered that the power of the palm thunder became stronger and smaller, and this discovery made Lin Jiu's face full of smiles. It seems that Lu After Yue broke through to the realm of human teacher, his improvement in all aspects was greater than they imagined.

It won't take long for Lu Yue to complete his goal, compress the palm thunder to the extreme, and greatly increase the power of the palm thunder.Unlike Lin Jiu's joy, Lu Yue frowned slightly at this moment. Not long after, Lu Yue found that it became extremely difficult for him to suppress the power of the thunder in his palm, just like before.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yue sighed in his heart and did not continue. After the previous incidents, Lu Yue had already discovered that there are some things that are extremely difficult to do when his cultivation base is low, but once he waits for his cultivation After you achieve a higher level, you will find that things that were difficult to do before are not difficult to do now, and can even be done easily.

Therefore, after finding that it was difficult for him to suppress the power of the thunder in his palm, Lu Yue did not continue, and began to comprehend the method of wooden piles to see if he could break through the method of wooden piles to a higher level.

I have the congenital wood spirit body, and now my cultivation base has broken through to the realm of human master, my body has been strengthened a lot, and the power of the congenital wood spirit body has also been strengthened. I want to make the wooden stake Dafa break through to a higher level in a short time , It's not impossible, once the wooden pile Dafa breaks through to a higher level, one's combat power will be improved a lot, which is greater than the improvement of compressed palm mine.

What's more, now that I have broken through to the realm of human teacher, even if I don't compress the power of Palm Thunder, I can still make Palm Thunder break through to a higher level, so that my combat power will become even stronger.

(End of this chapter)

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