Chapter 257 Weaknesses
Looking at the many evil spirits that appeared, Lu Yue naturally would not let them go. The spiritual power kept gushing out and turned into many thunderbolts, increasing the power of the power grid. Without giving these evil spirits a chance to break free, soon, Under the attack of thunder and lightning, these evil spirits were scattered and turned into nothingness.

After beheading these evil spirits, Lu Yue did not disperse the power grids. Driven by Lu Yue, these power grids separated and turned into lightning bolts, hitting the hidden evil spirits.

Maoshan's Lightning and Thunder Fist has a good reputation in this world. Many of them, evil spirits, have lived for a long time, how can they not know the reputation of Lightning and Thunder Fist.

After all, the reputation of the Lightning and Thunder Fist was forged with the lives of their ghosts and zombies. This thunder and lightning has a great restraint effect on evil things like them. Even if you have never seen it, you have heard of it. The sky is closed, and he died under the fist of lightning and thunder.

In this way, there are naturally some evil spirits who, after Lu Yue performed the Lightning and Thunder Fist, recognized that Lu Yue is now performing the Lightning and Thunder Fist, and naturally did not want to stay, lest they die in Lu Yue's hands.

Originally, these evil spirits standing in the distance planned to take advantage of the opportunity to escape when those evil spirits attacked Lu Yue, so that even if Lu Yue really found something, he would not be able to chase them.

But seeing the horrors of the evil spirits who were about to attack Lu Yue, these evil spirits who had not been discovered by Lu Yue immediately did not dare to make any changes, lest they would be discovered by Lu Yue and be attacked by lightning.

From the Zhao Yu of those evil ghosts, it is not difficult to see how powerful the thunder and lightning are to these ghosts. It can even be said that if they touch it, even if they don't die, they will be seriously injured.

In this way, how dare these evil spirits leave at such a time, otherwise, they will definitely be discovered by Lu Yue, and by then, these thunder and lightning will fall on him.Although these evil spirits did not choose to escape, they were always on guard in secret, lest Lu Yue suddenly attack him.

Therefore, when they saw Lu Yue drive the lightning to hit them, the rest of the evil spirits were immediately spotted and ran away quickly, hoping to escape.

Their speed is very fast, but the speed of those thunder and lightning is even faster. As long as the evil spirits discovered by Lu Yue, none of them can escape the attack of lightning and be hit by lightning. As for the evil spirits that have not been discovered, then It was the first time to leave quickly to avoid being attacked by Lu Yue.

Looking at the seven evil spirits who escaped, Lu Yue felt a pang of regret. Unexpectedly, there were still seven evil spirits that he had not discovered. However, Lu Yue knew that now was not the time to think about this. Kill these evil spirits.

The strength of these evil spirits is not considered strong. In addition, they were seriously injured by the lightning attack before, and because of the lightning, the speed of these evil spirits was much slower than before. Such a good opportunity Naturally, Lu Yue would not give up, and the remaining thunder and lightning also struck these evil spirits, directly electrocuting them all to death.

Afterwards, Lu Yue did not continue and walked towards Yizhuang.Although Lin Jiu didn't step out of Yizhuang, he has been keeping a close eye on the situation outside, and he can see clearly what is happening outside.

Although Lu Yue let go of the seven evil spirits who were not weak, but Lin Jiu was extremely satisfied with Lu Yue's ability to do so, and the reason why Lu Yue did not find the seven evil spirits was because the seven evil spirits were too powerful. The reason will be hidden.

Of course, there is a big reason why Lu Yue's Dharma Eye is too low. If Lu Yue's Dharma Eye can be stronger, he will definitely be able to discover all the evil spirits in the first place.However, Lin Jiu could not ask for more from Lu Yue because Lu Yue could reach this level in just a few years. After all, Lu Yue has been practicing hard since he joined his disciples, and he has never been lazy.

Although Qiu Sheng and the others didn't dare to be lazy due to Lin Jiu's power, they kept paying attention to Lin Jiu's every move and wanted to know what was going on with Lu Yue.

Although Master did not leave Yizhuang, Qiu Sheng and others believed that Master would definitely pay attention to Lu Yue's situation, and they should be able to see something from Master's face.

Sure enough, not long after, they saw a smile on Lin Jiu's face. This discovery made Qiu Sheng and others feel relieved. It seemed that Junior Brother Lu Yue had already dealt with the evil spirits outside. It is not injured yet, otherwise, the master would not have a smile on his face.

However, all of this is just their guesswork. We will have to wait until Lu Yue returns to know what the situation is.Fortunately, Lu Yue didn't keep them waiting for a long time, and soon pushed the yizhuang people in.Seeing Lu Yue coming in, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu couldn't care less about it anymore, they quickly came to Lu Yue and asked worriedly, "Brother, are you alright?"

"Of course it's okay. The strength of those evil spirits is not considered strong. If they want to hurt me, they are still a little bit worse." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue passed Ren Tingting and others and came to Lin Jiu. "Master, the evil spirits nearby The ghosts, except for the seven that escaped, have already been beheaded by the disciples."

"Master, I know, you don't need to worry about those seven evil spirits. By this time, they have already returned to the people behind the scenes. In the next period of time, Lu Yue, you need to spend more time to cultivate the eyes of the law." , if your magic eye is strong enough, you will be able to spot all the traces of the evil spirits in the first place, and no evil spirits will be able to escape from you."

A large part of the reason why the seven evil spirits were able to escape from Lu Yue's hands before was because Lu Yue hadn't found any traces of these evil spirits. It is not difficult to kill these seven evil spirits.

After the previous events, even if Lin Jiu didn't say anything, Lu Yue planned to cultivate the Dharma Eye well in the future, and try to improve the power of the Dharma Eye as soon as possible, otherwise, it would not be easy to find the ghost.These ghosts are very good at hiding. If you can't find out where the ghosts are, it is not an easy task to kill them.

More importantly, in the next period of time, there will be more and more evil spirits, so it is necessary to increase the power of the Dharma Eye. "It's Master, I understand, I will spend more time on the cultivation of Dharma Eye in the future, Master, then I will go back to practice." "Well, you can go."

Hearing this, Lu Yue went to the backyard and began to practice. However, this time Lu Yue did not practice other things, but seriously cultivated his Dharma Eye, and wanted to cultivate Dharma Eye to a higher level as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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