Chapter 27

Although Wencai and Qiusheng didn't know where they had offended Lin Jiu, seeing Lin Jiu's dark complexion, Wencai and Qiusheng didn't dare to say any more nonsense, and quickly started to practice.During this period of time, although the two of them were not beaten by Lin Jiu again, the taste of the cane whip left a deep impression on them, and they didn't want to experience the taste of the cane whip again.

"Uncle Nine, Uncle Nine, are you there?" "Wen Cai went to open the door." "It's Master." After finishing speaking, Wen Cai hurriedly opened the door, "Mr. Zhuang?" "Wencai, to tell you the truth, our family encountered something dirty, so we asked Uncle Jiu to help, by the way, is Uncle Wencai here?"

"My master is here, so come in first." After finishing speaking, Wen Cai brought Li Yuanwai into the lobby, and soon, Lin Jiu appeared in front of Li Yuanwai. Huh?" "Hey, to tell you the truth, Uncle Jiu, our family has encountered something dirty, and I hope that Uncle Jiu can take action to remove this dirty thing?"

The moment he saw Li Yuanwai, Lin Jiu realized that Li Yuanwai's body had a faint ghostly aura. If he guessed correctly, Li Yuanwai's family had encountered a ghost.

"Mr. Li, your family has encountered a ghost." "As expected of Uncle Jiu, I can see the origin of this dirty thing at a glance. Yes, Uncle Jiu, my eldest son, has encountered a ghost. I hope Uncle Jiu can take action." Get rid of this ghost, and afterward, I am willing to offer you ten silver dollars."

Before, Li Yuanwai had heard of Lin Jiuzhi's name, but at that time, ghosts and ghosts were just nonsense, but when he really encountered ghosts, Li Yuanwai discovered that there really are ghosts in this world. Because of Jiu's reputation in this area, Li Yuanwai hurried to ask Lin Jiu to help him.

Before coming, Li Yuanwai was worried that Lin Jiu was a Taoist priest with little ability, and his heart was full of worries. After all, he had met many Taoist priests and monks with little ability before.But when Lin Jiu easily revealed the dirty things he encountered, Li Yuanwai knew that Lin Jiu was a capable person. If he could ask Lin Jiu for help, he wanted to get rid of the dirty things. It's not a difficult thing, and I feel a little more in awe of Lin Jiu.

Li Yuanwai hid his thoughts very well, but he couldn't hide Lin Jiu's feelings. Seeing that Li Yuanwai's attitude towards him had changed, Lin Jiu smiled slightly, "It's not too late to talk about the remuneration after the event. You'd better go ahead." Tell me how your eldest son encountered dirty things, and then Pindao will decide whether to take action or not?"

Hearing this, Li Yuanwai's expression changed drastically, "Uncle Jiu, you must not stand by and watch, otherwise, our family will be killed by that female ghost." In front of Jiu, there was a posture that Lin Jiu would not be able to kneel if he did not help.

Looking at Li Yuanwai who was kneeling in front of him, Lin Jiu was stunned. He didn't expect Li Yuanwai to kneel down in front of him directly. It seems that this female ghost tortured Li Yuanwai very badly, otherwise, Li Yuanwai would not be like this. "Mr. Li, you'd better tell me what's going on first?"

Hearing this, Li Yuanwai wanted to say something else, but before Li Yuanwai could say anything, he heard Lu Yue on the side suddenly said, "Li Yuanwai, what my master said is that you still have to deal with the matter." Tell me, let us know what's going on, so we can decide how to help you, otherwise, we can't do anything. Also, we don't have much time, and some things need to be prepared in advance, so, Mr. Li, you still don't want to It's better to delay."

Hearing what Lu Yue said, Li Yuanwai could only stand up and look at Lin Jiudao, "Hey, Uncle Jiu, to tell you the truth, this matter is all because my child was greedy for money for a while, and found it in a mass grave. Let’s start with a piece of jade pendant. Ten days ago, my eldest son passed by the mass grave because he was in a hurry to go home.
I happened to see a very beautiful jade pendant on the ground, so I picked it up. Unexpectedly, that night, after my eldest son fell asleep, he dreamed of a very beautiful woman who came to his dream and told my son , that jade pendant is her dowry, if my son is willing to marry her, he will accept this jade pendant, otherwise, he needs to put the jade pendant back to its original place.

My son thought it was a dream, and this woman was extremely beautiful, so he agreed to marry her.But who would have thought that this was not a dream, but a scene transformed by a female ghost. Since then, this female ghost has entangled my son and asked my son to marry her. However, we who know the identity of this female ghost, how could we? Will agree, no matter what we say, that female ghost is not willing to give up this marriage.

Just yesterday, the female ghost lost her patience and told us that he will come to marry my son tonight. If we don’t agree, he will kill the whole Li family. Uncle Ninth, you must save me! Save our Li Mansion. After finishing speaking, Li Yuanwai knelt down in front of Lin Jiu again.

"Mr. Li, I know about this matter. You go back first. After I tidy up, go to your mansion and get rid of this female ghost." Why don't I just wait here for Uncle Jiu, how about we make a carriage and go back together?"

Although Lin Jiu has agreed to go to Li's Mansion to get rid of ghosts, but before Lin Jiu goes to Li's Mansion, he will not feel relieved.How could Lin Jiu know what Li Yuanwai was thinking, and he didn't insist, "So, you just wait here for a while, and after my apprentice and I clean up, go to Li's mansion, Lu Yue, this time you Let's go with the teacher."

Although Lu Yue knew that there would be a day when he would face ghosts, Lu Yue never thought that this day would come so soon, "Master, if I go with you, won't there be any accidents?"

With his current cultivation base, it is not easy for ordinary ghosts to hurt him, but Lu Yue is worried that his physique will be exposed. At that time, he will not be able to protect himself with this little strength. "It's nothing, you're just a mere ghost, you can't see the layout of the poor, and you are also a person with status now, so it's not easy to find out your details."

Lin Jiu didn't say it clearly, but Lu Yue knew that Lin Jiu was talking about the celestial talisman in his body, but he didn't expect that the celestial talisman would still have such a function. "It's Master, I know." After speaking, Lu Yue began to prepare.After a cup of tea, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue followed Li Yuanwai to Li's Mansion.

As soon as Lin Jiu and his party left, Wen Cai and Qiu Se couldn't help shouting, "Master and junior brother are gone, I can finally rest today, it's really not easy, after so long, I can finally rest for half a day , Wencai, we must thank Li Yuanwai, otherwise, we don't know when we will be able to stop thinking about it for half a day?"

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