Chapter 282
Seeing this situation, Lu Yue quickly explained, "Brother, forget it, the blood energy exuding from me and Master is not their two brats, it can resist it, Master, I don't know when you will start to extradite these two brats." Like hell?" Lu Yue hadn't seen this kind of method before, so he was full of curiosity, wanting to know what was going on?

"It is not an easy task to extradite a ghost to the underworld. It takes a lot of preparation. As a teacher, it takes three days to prepare before you can start to act."

"Ah, it's so troublesome. I thought, master, that you can directly extradite ghosts to the underworld?" After all, Lin Jiu has already broken through to the half-step celestial master realm, and it won't be long before he can break through to the celestial master realm , should have some status in the underworld.

How could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue was thinking, but Lin Jiu didn't say anything, after all, there was an outsider like Mao Shanming, if Mao Shanming wasn't here, Lin Jiu would definitely explain it , and asked Lu Yue to do this.

Although Lu Yue's cultivation base is much worse than his own, but because of Tianlu, Lu Yue's status in the underworld cannot be compared with Lin Jiu. If Lu Yue makes a move, he can directly Extradite the two little ghosts who did no evil to the underworld.

However, in order to prevent Lu Yue from underestimating his master, Lin Jiu still explained, "Lu Yue, you thought it would be easy to extradite the ghosts who missed the extradition to the underworld. Apart from being able to do it, other people can't do it at all, even your senior uncle?" Don't look at Shi Jian as their senior senior brother, but in many things, Shi Jian is better than Lin Jiu Come on, it's a lot worse.

Hearing this, Lu Yue was full of shock and doubts. Understanding this kind of thing was more difficult than he imagined. However, Lu Yue didn't ask anything. Open your mouth, and Master will tell you why.

But now he didn't tell himself, which means that the master didn't want the mystery in it to be known by an outsider, Mao Shanming, so Lu Yue naturally wouldn't say anything.

Not only Lu Yue was curious about this kind of thing, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were also full of curiosity, but before they asked, they saw Master looking at him unkindly, and they didn't dare to ask any more questions. He quickly returned to his original position and began to practice.

"This fellow daoist, if you don't mind, fellow daoist, you can live in Yizhuang in the next few days. As for these two little ghosts, they can't follow fellow daoist, they need to enter the altar to cultivate." "Then I've been bothering you with Uncle Jiu for a few days." Mao Shanming didn't have much money, so he was naturally unwilling to spend it on accommodation. As for the problem of face, Mao Shanming didn't care about it. I don't care about face.

"No trouble, Wencai, come here and lead the Taoist priest, and go to the guest room to rest." Hearing Lin Jiu's order, Wencai quickly came over and took Mao Shanming to the guest room to rest.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu took out two jars, put Dabao and Xiaobao into them, and then took out the bag that Lu Yue gave him before, and took out fifty silver dollars from it, "Lu Yue, this is your reward this time." , As for the fifty silver dollars, it is considered as Yizhuang, can you see it?"

Lu Yue didn't value these silver dollars very much, not to mention that he has a lot of money in his hands now, even if Lu Yue has no money in his hands now, it is not difficult to get money with Lu Yue's ability, so, Naturally, Lu Yue would not take this silver dollar to heart.

However, judging by Lin Jiu's expression at this time, even if he refused, Lin Jiu would not take an extra silver dollar: "Okay, just do as you say, Master, but if you need money in the future, Master, you can tell me. "Speaking, Lu Yue collected these silver dollars into the storage ring.

"Hmph, being a teacher is not so useless. Over the years, I have saved a lot of money for my teacher's killing and eliminating demons. Although it is not as much as you, it is still a lot." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu returned to The room began to get ready.Seeing Lin Jiu leave, Lu Yue also turned around and went back to the backyard to start practicing.

In a blink of an eye, the next morning, when Lu Yue had just finished practicing, he heard a loud noise. Seeing this, Lu Yue frowned, got up and walked to the front yard, wanting to know what happened. "Uncle Jiu, it's not good. Xiaohe Village was ransacked by a group of horse thieves, and those villagers died in a very strange way. The mayor was worried about what might happen, so he wanted Uncle Jiu to take a look."

Hearing this, the faces of Lin Jiu and the others became extremely solemn. Then, Lin Jiu looked at Qiu Sheng and the others and said, "Qiu Sheng, you stay and look at Yizhuang. Lu Yue, come with me to Xiaohe Village."

It's daytime now, so don't worry about any dirty things coming out, just leave Qiu Sheng and others to guard Yizhuang. "Master, don't worry, we will take good care of Yizhuang."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu nodded, and then took Lu Yue to Xiaohe Village, wanting to know what happened there.With the help of the Divine Walking Talisman, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu didn't take much time to come to Xiaohe Village. At this time, many people had gathered in Xiaohe Village.

After seeing Lin Jiu and Lu Yue coming, the mayor hurriedly came to Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, "Uncle Jiu, Daoist Lu Yue, something is wrong, come and see these corpses, what's going on, Why is the blood that comes out black and so little?"

Although Xiaohe Village has a small population, only about 200 people, but so many people were brutally murdered, it is impossible to have such a little blood, and the blood is as black as ink.Without the mayor and others saying anything, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue had already noticed something was wrong.

These villagers were tortured and killed by horse thieves, and they died with a grievance. In addition, it is now a troubled time, and the world is full of evil and resentment. It stands to reason that such people who have died with a grievance are likely to transform into zombies, or evil spirits, which will make them The temperature here is lower than other places.

But Lu Yue and Lin Jiu didn't sense the temperature around them, which was different from other places. What's even more strange was that Lin Jiu and Lu Yue didn't find much Yin Qi here.In this regard, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu did not feel relieved, but their expressions became serious, because this meant that the situation was more serious than they imagined.

Afterwards, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu came to a corpse and checked it, wanting to know what was going on?Soon, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu discovered that these villagers were either killed by Gu worms, or were invaded by Gu worms after death. They didn't understand that these villagers died at the hands of evil cultivators.

(End of this chapter)

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