Chapter 291 Confrontation
Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lu Yue said, "Master, although I have the ability to kill all these Gu worms, once I do this, those evil cultivators will know about our master and apprentice coming. Master, there are quite a few evil cultivators, are you sure you want to do this?"

Since those evil cultivators know the abilities of their master and apprentice, if they know that their master and apprentice are coming, there is a high possibility that they will choose to escape. There are a lot of evil cultivators. Once they choose to escape, Lu Yue is not very Grasp, all these evil cultivators can be left behind.

"Lu Yue, kill all these Gu worms, as for those evil cultivators, they will not choose to escape before seeing the strength of our master and apprentice.

Lu Yue, you have never dealt with these people, you don't know them well, you don't know that these Gu worms are extremely important to these evil cultivators, if the two of us kill these Gu insects, these evil cultivators will hate them to death We are two masters and apprentices, so these evil cultivators will leave easily.

Wait, after we fight these evil cultivators, Lu Yue, you will use all your strength to prevent any evil cultivators from escaping. Of course, if you have spare power, you can deal with some evil cultivators who are not strong. , First kill their weaker evil cultivators.

As for those powerful evil cultivators, I will leave it to the teacher to deal with. With the ability of the teacher, even if you can't kill these evil cultivators, it is not difficult to entangle them. Wait until you After the others are beheaded, they can come to help and become teachers. After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu stared straight at Lu Yue, wanting to know if Lu Yue had any objections to his proposal.

"Master, don't worry, as long as these evil cultivators don't run away the moment they see us, master and apprentice, I have great confidence that none of them will escape."

Hearing Lu Yue's assurance, Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief, "Okay, then let's kill the nearby Gu insects first, lest these Gu insects harm the people who cast them."

"Master, take care, I will catch these Gu worms in a while and gather them together. As for killing the Gu worms, I will leave it to you, Master, so that it will be easier to kill all these Gu worms." Die." Although it is not impossible for Lu Yue to kill these Gu insects with the help of the wooden stake method, but some of them will take some time for Lu Yue to kill.

These Gu worms have a slight connection with those evil cultivators. Neither Lu Yue nor Lin Jiu can do anything to cut off this connection. Therefore, after Lu Yue takes action, those evil cultivators will give birth to Induction, come here like this, if they can't kill these Gu worms before the evil cultivators come, it will not be easy to kill these Gu worms after those evil cultivators come thing.

After finishing speaking, Lu Yue used the method of wooden stakes with all his strength to control the surrounding vegetation.These Gu worms were hidden around the vegetation. Under Lu Yue's control, the surrounding vegetation easily caught the Gu worms near him. Afterwards, Lu Yue controlled the vegetation and brought these Gu worms to Lin Jiu.

Looking at the Gu worms wrapped in wood in front of him, Lin Jiu took out many fire talismans and turned them into a ball of flames, continuously burning the many Gu worms in front of him. "Lu Yue, the power of these woods in your hands is getting stronger and stronger." You know, these Gu worms have been refined by evil cultivators, and their power has increased a lot. Ordinary wood, if you want to kill these Gu worms , It is impossible to control it, I am afraid that it will be escaped by the Gu worm in the first time.

But Lu Yue condensed the wood, but easily trapped these Gu insects in it, not giving them a chance to escape, which shows how extraordinary the wood Lu Yue condensed is.

"Master, I, your disciple, no matter what you say, I will soon practice the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth floor. How can these Gu insects break through the condensed wood? On the sixth floor, this power will become even stronger, and by that time, even the master, you need to deal with it carefully." Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiudao proudly.

Lin Jiu's heart was filled with shock at Lu Yue's words. He never expected that Lu Yue would practice the Wooden Pile Dafa to the sixth level so soon. No one else can compare.

If Lu Yue really cultivated the wooden stake Dafa to the sixth level, even if his cultivation base breaks through to the realm of a celestial master, he still needs to deal with it carefully, otherwise, Lu Yue will easily solve it.

Before, those Gu worms who were trapped in the wood were already squeezed by the wood, and they were seriously injured, even many Gu worms had already died, so naturally none of the Gu worms would escape.

And the flame condensed from the fire talisman was extremely extraordinary, and soon, many Gu worms were all burned into ashes. "Master, those evil cultivators are here." Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu and reminded.

With Lin Jiu's current cultivation base, even if Lu Yue didn't say anything, Lin Jiu could sense that those evil cultivators were rushing here. , Kill so many Gu worms.

Soon, these evil cultivators appeared in front of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu. The moment they saw them, both Lu Yue and Lin Jiu could clearly see that there was a flash of clarity in the eyes of these evil cultivators. These evil cultivators already knew their identities, and they were curious, wanting to know, how did they know their identities?
However, this was not what Lu Yue and Lin Jiu were most curious about. At this moment, Lu Yue and Lin Jiu wanted to know whether these evil cultivators in front of them were the murderers they were looking for.

However, before Lu Yue and Lin Jiu could say anything, he heard the Xiexiu Dashan speak first, "Lin Jiu, Lu Yue, you guys are so courageous that you dare to kill the Gu worms we raised. Don't you really think that we dare not fight with you master and apprentice?"

Although, they also knew that Lin Jiu's master and apprentice were extremely strong, but their strength was not weak. If they really fought, who would win?

"Did you kill those villagers in Xiaohe Village?" After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu carefully looked at the many evil cultivators in front of him, trying to see something from them.

"That's right, we killed those villagers. Why, Lin Jiu, you master and apprentice came here today, do you want to avenge those villagers?" They haven't finished processing the collected souls yet, even if they deny , With Lin Jiu's ability, you can also see something from them. Naturally, there is no need to hide it. Of course, more importantly, Da Shan and others don't think that Lin Jiu and Lu Yue dare to fight them here.

(End of this chapter)

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