Chapter 30 Who Confused Who?
Meeting Lu Yue's gaze, Lin Jiu said lightly, "You don't have to do anything, just sit here. After the female ghost comes, she will naturally appear in front of you. As for the teacher, just find a place to hide Get up, otherwise, that female ghost will not appear."

"Master, what do you mean by that? Why did that female ghost appear in front of me? Could it be that the female ghost could sense abnormalities in my disciple?" If it is abnormal, it is impossible for the master to bring himself out of Yizhuang.

"Lu Yue, don't worry, the female ghost can't find your physique, but, even if your female ghost can't find your physique, the aura emanating from your body has a fatal attraction to the female ghost, making them want to Swallow the yang energy in your body, so you only need to sit here, and that female ghost will not care about Mr. Li, but will only come looking for you."

"Master, did you plan to let me be the bait from the very beginning? Also, there are also infatuated female ghosts like Master. If the female ghost we met today is an infatuated female ghost, I will not be interested in Li. The young master is sincere, even if he senses the specialness of the disciple, he ignores the disciple and goes straight to find young master Li?" Lu Yue asked Lin Jiu with a dark face.

"No, you are my teacher's precious disciple. How can I be willing to let you be a bait? The reason why I brought you out is just to show you the world. After all, you are a Taoist priest, and you will often talk to these people in the future." Dealing with ghosts and ghosts.

Also, just read those messy books, don't believe them too much, although there are indeed infatuated ghosts in this world, but such ghosts are extremely rare, and it is no easier to meet them than to become a fairy, and this female ghost, If he is really infatuated with Mr. Li, he will not hurt Mr. Li's parents. "After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu quickly disappeared from Lu Yue's eyes.

Lu Yue didn't believe that Lin Jiu didn't use him as a bait, but since Lin Jiu had already left, Lu Yue didn't say anything more. She wanted to see if the female ghost could sense her own specialness under the effect of the breath restraining talisman, and came to find herself.

Lu Yue couldn't see where Lin Jiu was at this time, but Lin Jiu could clearly see Lu Yue's every move. When he saw Lu Yue left, he took out a breath-holding talisman and stuck it on his When he was on the body, his face turned black, he didn't expect Lu Yue to do this.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu wanted to show up and tear off the breath-holding talisman on Lu Yue's body. Otherwise, the female ghost might not be able to discover the abnormality on Lu Yue's body. That Mr. Li.But before Lin Jiu could act, he sensed a ghostly aura, and quickly approached here, knowing that the female ghost had arrived. If he appeared at this time, he might scare the female ghost away.After all, the yang energy in his body was extremely strong, enough to burn this female ghost into nothingness.

Fortunately, the female ghost did not disappoint Lin Jiu. The moment she entered Li's mansion, she discovered Lu Yue's existence. After that, the female ghost quickly appeared in front of Lu Yue.

Seeing the beauty that suddenly appeared in front of him, Lu Yue was taken aback. Now Lu Yue is no longer the Xiaobai of the past, and he can't find the ghostly aura on this female ghost. The moment he saw this female ghost, Lu Yue Seeing the ghostly aura emanating from this female ghost made him disgusted for a while.

Fortunately, the strength of this female ghost is not considered strong, only the realm of evil ghosts, although stronger than herself, but with the talisman in her hand, it is not difficult to kill this female ghost.

"Young master, I don't know where my cousin, Mr. Li, has gone, and who are you, Mr. How could you be in Li's residence?" After speaking, the ghost blinked her eyes and looked at Lu Yue curiously.The appearance of the female ghost at this time is extremely cute. If Lu Yue didn't know that the woman in front of her was not a human being, but a female ghost, she would definitely shout kawaii.

"I'm Li Xin's friend Lu Yue. I passed by here and remembered that we hadn't seen each other for a long time, so I planned to get together with Li Xin, but I didn't expect that Li Xin was not here, and there was no one in this house. By the way, This beautiful young lady, I don't know who you are, why did you come to Li's residence?" Isn't it just acting, who can't, let's see who's acting skills are better today.

The moment she saw Lu Yue, Xiaohua sensed the yang energy in Lu Yue's body, which was extremely pure and special. If she could swallow the yang energy in Lu Yue's body, it would be of great benefit to herself.

"It turns out that, Mr. Lu, I'm Mr. Li's cousin, and I'm planning to go back the day after tomorrow, so I just want to say something today. Unexpectedly, Mr. Li's family went out, so I can only come back tomorrow." , Xiaohua opened her mouth slightly, and exhaled a cloud of ghostly energy, which merged into Lu Yue's body, trying to confuse Lu Yue so that she could absorb the ghostly energy from Lu Yue's body.

Although the yang energy in Lu Yue's body was extremely special, according to her feeling, this Lu Yue was not a cultivator, but just a special ordinary person, so naturally there was no need to be so troublesome.

Before, Lu Yue saw the female ghost's actions, but Lu Yue did not stop the ghost energy from entering the body. If the ghost energy did not enter the body, the female ghost would not relax. This bit of ghostly energy couldn't hurt himself. The moment it entered the body, without Lu Yue's urging, it was forcibly swallowed by the spiritual power in Lu Yue's body.

The strength of this female ghost is stronger than myself. Even if I have many talismans in my hand, it is not easy to kill the female ghost. Lu Yue will not naively think that the female ghost will stand in the original position. Land, let yourself kill it.

Therefore, pretending to be confused by the female ghost, slowly approaching the female ghost, and then killing the female ghost by surprise.I don't know if this female ghost is extremely confident about her own feelings, or because she was confused by Lu Yue, and without any precautions, she was approached by Lu Yue. After that, the female ghost directly hugged Lu Yue and went to He kissed Lu Yue's mouth to absorb the yang energy in Lu Yue's body.

Although I don't know what the female ghost looks like, but the ghosts in this world are not very good-looking, so how could Lu Yue allow this ghost to kiss him? The moment he was embraced by the female ghost, Lu Yue took out a painting by Lin Jiu Talisman, stick it on the female ghost's body.The female ghost didn't have any defenses against Lu Yue. It wasn't until the ghost-killing talisman was attached to her body that the female ghost realized, "Damn it, are you a Taoist priest?"

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(End of this chapter)

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