Chapter 300 Restraint
As for those evil spirits who did not choose to escape, although a few evil spirits were lucky enough to survive the thunder and lightning attack, and they were also seriously injured. For such a good opportunity, Lu Yue naturally would not miss such a good opportunity. Thunder Fist killed these evil spirits as well.

Soon, all the evil spirits who gathered around Tong Yu had died in the hands of Lu Yue.The whole process was easier than Lu Yue estimated before, and it could even be said that it was too easy, so that Lu Yue couldn't help wondering whether this Tong Yu had hidden some powerful evil spirits. Otherwise, with these evil spirits now, even with Tong Yu himself, Lu Yue didn't think, nor could he stop Lin Jiu for such a long time. Thinking of this, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu who was not far away suspiciously, Want to know what the hell is going on here?

Neither Lin Jiu nor Tong Yu dared to ignore the battle of Lu Yue and the others. They devoted part of their attention to the battle of Lu Yue and the others, wanting to know the result?

When seeing Lu Yue beheading many evil spirits with ease, Lin Jiu's complexion became extremely ugly. What's going on? "Tong Yu, in order to break through the realm of Ghost Commander, you have really tried your best. You actually forcibly devoured the ghost energy of other evil spirits."

If it weren't for this, these evil spirits could not have behaved so unbearably. Even if Lu Yue could kill these evil spirits, he would have to pay a considerable price.

At the same time, Lin Jiu was curious for a while, wanting to know what method Tong Yu used to swallow the ghostly energy of these evil spirits.

You must know that it is not an easy task to devour the ghost energy of other evil spirits. Even if it is a handsome ghost, it is extremely difficult or even impossible to do it. Only a stronger ghost king can do it. It is possible to do it.

However, no matter how Tong Yu did it, Tong Yu cannot be allowed to survive today. Otherwise, in the next period of time, Tong Yu's strength will increase rapidly. Will die in the hands of Tong Yu.

"Hahahaha, Lin Jiu, it's okay to tell you. The reason why this commander can swallow the ghost energy of other evil spirits and strengthen his own strength is because of a ghost weapon, and this ghost weapon was killed by you before. Those evil cultivators in the hands of the master and the apprentice handed over to me.

Speaking of which, I still need to thank you, master and apprentice, if it weren't for you, master and apprentice, who killed those evil cultivators, it would be impossible for these evil cultivators to hand over these ghost weapons to me. "

If I can't survive today, it's impossible to hide the ghost weapon on my body. If I can survive, it is impossible for Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, the master and apprentice, to survive. In this way, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue count as themselves There was nothing they could do, and there was no need to hide it. More importantly, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue could not leave after knowing the existence of this ghost weapon.As long as Lu Yue and Lin Jiu didn't leave, he would definitely be able to kill the master and apprentice.

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, a flash of understanding flashed in Lu Yue's eyes. It turned out to be the case. Then, Lu Yue looked at Tong Yu not far away unkindly, wanting to find an opportunity to severely injure Tong Yu in one fell swoop.

The previous attack had consumed a lot of spiritual power of Lu Yue. Now, there is not much Lin Jiu left on Lu Yue's body. What's more terrible is that he is now in the Sanyin Mountain, which is extremely yin. Relatively, the spiritual energy is less than other places, and it is not an easy task to recover the consumed spiritual energy.

Fortunately, Lu Yue already knew his weakness and made preparations.This Golden Sun Sword contains a lot of spiritual energy. If Lu Yue absorbs this spiritual energy, he can completely recover the spiritual power he had consumed before in a short period of time.

However, Lu Yue did not do this, because he wanted to see if he could attract the person who had been hiding in the dark.Previously, this person must have seen clearly the battle between himself and the evil spirits, and he should know how good his fighting power is. Now that he has the opportunity to kill himself, he probably will not miss this rare opportunity in front of him.

But what Lu Yue didn't expect was that this person was more cautious than he expected. After waiting for a while, Lu Yue didn't see this person and shot at him. Could it be that this person is not nearby.

As soon as this idea came out, Lu Yue denied it. Although he hasn't found anything yet, his intuition tells him that the person is definitely hiding nearby. The reason why he didn't do anything is probably because he saw through his own thoughts.Or they planned to wait until their master and apprentice and Tong Yu were both injured, then reappear and behead their master and apprentice as well as Tong Yu.

Since this is the case, he can only use other methods to let this person take action. He does not believe that if Tong Yu is about to die under the cooperation of their master and apprentice, this person will not take action.

"Master, let me help you." As he spoke, Lu Yue stepped on Yu steps and quickly approached Tong Yu's place.As far as Lu Yue's combat power was shown before, it was already able to threaten him, even if he killed himself, it was not impossible.

However, this is not the thing that makes Tong Yu feel jealous the most. The thing that makes Tong Yu afraid the most is the wooden sword of unknown power in Lu Yue's hand. He has not forgotten that Lu Yue used that wooden sword before. The sword hurt the ghosts, so much so that he dare not release the ghosts now, lest the ghosts that had intersected with his life be completely destroyed by Lu Yue.Otherwise, he would have released the ghost creature long ago, strengthened his strength, and beheaded Lin Jiu.

Seeing Lu Yue waving the golden yang sword in his hand and hitting him, Tong Yu didn't care about Lin Jiu who was crazily hitting him, and quickly dodged to the side to avoid the attack of the golden yang sword.

Because of scruples about the power of the Golden Sun Sword, Tong Yu didn't dare to confront Lu Yue head-on now, and with Lin Jiu's assistance, Tong Yu seemed to be beaten by Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, so embarrassed.The scene in front of him filled Tong Yu's heart with anger. He didn't expect that he had already broken through to the realm of Guishuai, but he was still suppressed and beaten by Lin Jiu and Lu Yue.

And the reason why this situation happened is because of the strange wooden sword in Lu Yue's hand. The previous contact made Tong Yu understand that the wooden sword in Lu Yue's hand has a great restraint effect on ghosts like them. If he couldn't destroy this wooden sword, he might die in the end.Fortunately, no matter how powerful this wooden sword is, it is still just a wooden sword after all, and it is easier to destroy it than other magic weapons.

(End of this chapter)

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