Chapter 303 Poisoning
And the reason why my own ghosts were damaged was because of Lu Yue, and more importantly, there was a big reason for my injuries, which were all thanks to Lu Yue. How could Tong Yu feel this kind of hatred? Let Lu Yue go.

At the moment of Lu Yue's action, Lin Jiu also followed Lu Yue, heading towards Tong Yu's place.Looking at the huge boulders thrown at Lu Yue, without Lu Yue saying anything, Lin Jiu used Baguazhang again to move these boulders to the other side, while Lu Yue continued to hit Tong Yu.But he found that Tong Yu disappeared in an instant, making Lu Yue's attack in vain.

Lu Yue had already expected this, and did not feel any surprise. Later, Lu Yue planned to continue looking for Tong Yu's location, but at this moment, Lu Yue suddenly felt a pain in the sole of his foot. Afterwards, Lu Yue Yue even felt the strength in his body disappearing quickly.

This discovery made Lu Yue's complexion change drastically, and he raised his foot regardless of others, wanting to know what was going on.As soon as Lu Yue lifted his foot, he saw a shiny golden centipede biting the sole of his foot. "Gold and Jade Centipede, I didn't expect that in order to deal with me alone, such a treasure would be dispatched. I really think highly of me."

This golden jade centipede is extremely poisonous, even a celestial master can be poisoned to death.However, although the poison of the Golden Jade Centipede is extremely powerful, the poison on the Golden Jade Centipede's body is impossible to recover, once the poison on the body is consumed, it will die.

In order to poison himself to death, the man in the dark did not hold back at all. When Lu Yue raised his foot, he found that the golden jade centipede had become motionless.

Lu Yue could clearly sense that the golden jade centipede was free of any poison, but what puzzled Lu Yue was that the golden jade centipede hadn't just died, Lu Yue could still sense the golden jade centipede, and there was still a trace of life. Lu Yue was full of doubts, not knowing what was going on.Later, Lu Yue thought of something, swung the Golden Sun Sword in his hand, and stabbed at the golden jade centipede, wanting to kill the golden jade centipede as soon as possible to prevent his secret from being exposed.

Unleashing all the poison would do too much damage to the golden jade centipede. Although the blood on Lu Yue's body, because of Lu Yue's continuous improvement, contained a lot of power of plants and trees, the golden jade centipede did not die immediately, but Also unable to move within a short period of time.

Of course, if Lu Yue is willing to donate his blood to the golden jade centipede continuously, and then send spiritual power, it will surely make the golden jade centipede survive, but this golden jade centipede does not help him much, and let If the golden jade centipede survived, Lu Yue's most important secret would be exposed. Lu Yue would not want to see such a thing.

With the help of the power of the Golden Sun Sword, Lu Yue easily killed the Golden Jade Centipede. Afterwards, Lu Yue pulled the spiritual power from the Golden Sun Sword into his body, burning the poison of the Golden Jade Centipede.

The poison of the golden jade centipede is deadly to other people, even to celestial masters, but it is not fatal to Lu Yue who has the innate wood spirit body.

As long as Lu Yue is given some time, it is not difficult for Lu Yue to get rid of the poison on his body.After all, the innate wood spirit body already contained powerful vitality, and Lu Yue's current cultivation was not weak, and he could exert a lot of the power of the innate wood spirit body. It would not be difficult to dissolve the poison of the golden jade centipede.Although the poison of the golden jade centipede is extremely powerful, it is not a poison that cannot be cured. As long as there is enough elixir, it is not difficult to detoxify.

However, no matter whether it is Tong Yu Guishuai who hates him to death, or the person who attacked him before, he will not give him this time. He still needs to dissolve the poison on his body as soon as possible, otherwise, he will be killed in a short time. Will die in the hands of the person behind the scenes, or Tong Yu.

Lu Yue had never encountered such a situation, and he didn't know whether the Golden Sun Sword could burn the poison of the golden jade centipede.However, there is no good way for Lu Yue to detoxify the golden jade centipede in a short period of time, so Lu Yue can only try to see if his guess is correct.

Fortunately, the fairy weapon of the Golden Sun Sword did not disappoint Lu Yue. Fiery forces gushed out from the Golden Sun Sword, quickly shuttled through Lu Yue's body, and easily burned the poison of the golden jade centipede. Into nothingness, he suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Lu Yue still doesn't know where the person who attacked him before is hiding, but Lu Yue knows that this person must have a connection with Tong Yu, otherwise, they would not be able to cooperate with such a tacit understanding.Therefore, it is impossible for Tong Yu not to know what is going on with him.

Sure enough, Lu Yue's guess was correct. The moment he stabbed the golden jade centipede to death, Lu Yue saw Tong Yu attacking him quickly, and wanted to take this opportunity to kill him.

Lin Jiu had been standing by Lu Yue's side all the time. Although Lu Yue didn't say what was going on with him, Lin Jiu had been following Lu Yue's developments all the time. He didn't know what was going on with Lu Yue, but Lin Jiu, who knew Lu Yue's details, Nine, don't worry, Lu Yue will die under the poison of the golden jade centipede.

As long as Lu Yue is given enough time, relying on Lu Yue's special physique, it is not difficult for Lu Yue to remove the poison of the golden jade centipede. After all, the poison of the golden jade centipede is not unsolvable. , it's just extremely tricky.

Lin Jiu did not breathe a sigh of relief, because Lin Jiu knew in his heart that neither Tong Yu nor the people who attacked Lu Yue before would give Lu Yue this time to detoxify the golden jade centipede.

Sure enough, his guess was not wrong. When Tong Yu saw that Lu Yue was poisoned, he took the lead in driving many boulders and threw them on Lu Yue, intending to kill Lu Yue while Lu Yue was poisoned. "Lu Yue, you can detoxify at ease. As for other matters, I will leave it to the teacher to handle. Don't worry, as long as the teacher is not dead, these people will never think of hurting you."

With that said, Lin Jiu and Tong Yu fought together.Because Lu Yue was injured, Lin Jiu's heart was full of anger at this time, and he didn't show any mercy in his shots. He easily suppressed Tong Yu, who was seriously injured, without affecting Lu Yue in the slightest.

How could Lu Yue not know what was going on with him, but Lu Yue didn't reveal his actual situation. After the previous battle, it can be said that Tong Yu had already been maimed by them, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

Now their confidant's big problem is the person who sneaked up on them before. At this time, neither Lu Yue nor Lin Jiu knew where that person was hiding, and they had no way of attacking him.

(End of this chapter)

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