Chapter 307
After the eldest sister died, she did not let her soul go away immediately, but used secret techniques to hide her soul with all her strength, so as not to be discovered by Lin Jiu and Lu Yue.

However, the scene that happened next let the eldest sister know that she was thinking too much. From the beginning, Lu Yue had no plan to find his own soul, but used violence to destroy his body. In this way, as long as his body If the body is destroyed, her soul will be exposed to lightning.

The eldest sister has already felt the power of these lightnings, and she is very clear in her heart that although her own soul is stronger than the souls of others, it is undoubtedly a dream to escape or survive under these lightnings. Hitting one's own soul can make one's own soul fly away.

As Lin Jiu said before, even if Lu Yue no longer uses Palm Thunder and Lightning Run Thunder Fist, the soul of this eldest sister survived the attack of the first layer of thunder net.

Under the attack of many thunder and lightning, Big Sister's body began to coke, and soon, it turned into a pile of ashes and fell to the ground, and the soul of Big Sister was also revealed.

And at the moment when Big Sister's soul appeared, many thunderbolts seemed to be attracted by something, and crazily struck at Big Sister's soul, instantly causing Big Sister to be dissipated and turned into nothingness.

Looking at the elder sister who was dissipated and turned into ashes, Lu Yue breathed a sigh of relief, and withdrew the magic spell. Now the elder sister has been beheaded, and many evil spirits in Sanyin Mountain have also been beheaded by him , pack up and go back.As soon as he withdrew the magic spell, Lu Yue felt weak and fell to the ground.

"Lu Yue, are you okay?" Although Lin Jiu knew that Lu Yue was fine, but when he saw Lu Yue sitting on the ground, he couldn't help asking.

"Master, I'm fine. It's just that my spiritual power is a bit exhausted and I'm tired. I'll be fine after a short rest." After speaking, Lu Yue began to absorb the spiritual energy around him.

Looking at Lu Yue who was sitting cross-legged on the ground absorbing spiritual energy, Lin Jiu ignored Lu Yue and started walking in Sanyin Mountain, trying to find the ghost weapon that Tong Yu had hidden before.

Before, when Tong Yu was beheaded by Lu Yue, Lin Jiu did not discover the existence of this ghost weapon. Therefore, this powerful ghost weapon should be hidden somewhere by Tong Yu. It's really too big, Lin Jiu won't feel at ease if this ghost weapon can't be destroyed.

Originally, Lin Jiu thought that it would not be easy for him to find this ghost weapon, but soon Lin Jiu discovered that the pond not far away exuded a strong ghostly and yin energy, if he guessed correctly , that ghost weapon should be in this pond. The reason why Tong Yu placed the ghost weapon in the pond is to let the ghost weapon continuously absorb the yin energy in the pond and increase its power.

This pond is filled with strong Yin Qi, it is not difficult to see that there is a cave under the pond, if this cave can be destroyed, the Yin Qi of Sanyin Mountain will slowly dissipate.After a period of time, the Sanyin Mountain will become an ordinary mountain range, and it will no longer be called Ghost Mountain.

In the past, when he knew the existence of Sanyin Mountain, Lin Jiu wanted to destroy the body of Sanyin Mountain, so as not to hurt the evil spirits living here.

It's a pity that at that time, many evil spirits in Sanyin Mountain were powerful, and Lin Jiu couldn't do this with his strength at that time. Now that he finally has the opportunity to destroy the body of Sanyin Mountain, Lin Jiu naturally can't do it. Will miss this rare opportunity, hastily took out many talismans and threw them on the pond, turning them into streaks of thunder and fire, falling on the pond continuously, destroying the body.

The power of thunder and fire stimulated by Lin Jiu did great damage to the body. Soon, the body was shattered under Lin Jiu's attack. The ghost weapon flew out.

Seeing the ghostly aura emanating from the flag in the air, Lin Jiu knew that this should be the ghost weapon he was looking for, so he took out many talismans again and threw them on the ghost weapon.One after another real fire kept falling on the ghost weapon, trying to destroy the ghost weapon so as not to harm the world again.

These real fires are extremely harmful to the ghost weapon, so the ghost weapon will naturally not be willing to be destroyed like this, and ghostly energy gushes out one after another, trying to resist the real fire.

The power of the ghost weapon is extraordinary, but after all, it is just an unowned object, which cannot exert much power. It did not resist many real fires for a long time. Soon, it was entangled by real fire and burned continuously. Not long after, the ghost Under the burning of the real fire, the utensils were reduced to a pile of ashes.

Looking at the destroyed ghost weapon, Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. However, Lin Jiu did not return to Lu Yue's side, but walked in Sanyin Mountain, wanting to know if there were still ghosts in Sanyin Mountain. Other ghost devices exist.

Before, it was just my own guess, not necessarily true, and I still need to check it carefully. Even Lin Jiu planned to wait for Lu Yue to recover a little bit, let Lu Yue use the wooden stake method, and check it carefully , so as not to leave any treasures in Sanyin Mountain.

The ** was destroyed, so that Sanyin Mountain was filled with a lot of Yin Qi, and these Yin Qi were still squeezing out the spiritual energy in Sanyin Mountain. In this way, there was no way for Lu Yue to absorb much spiritual energy.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yue did not continue, but used the method of wooden stakes to condense many laurel trees to devour the yin energy. These yin qi are of great help to the laurel trees. At that time, he will extract the essence of the laurel trees , used to increase strength.

After checking it again, Lin Jiu found nothing else, and returned to Lu Yue, "Lu Yue, how are you, are you better?" "Master, you detonated the gun, how could I absorb the spiritual energy?" There is no spiritual energy Help, how does he recover, so now Lu Yue is still extremely weak, and he manipulated the laurel tree to swallow Yin Qi before, making Lu Yue even weaker.

Lu Yue's words made Lin Jiu feel embarrassed. Why did he forget such an important thing, and helped Lu Yue up, "Then I will take you away from Sanyin Mountain as a teacher."

After leaving Sanyin Mountain, Lu Yue will be able to use the wooden stake method to absorb spiritual energy, and he will be able to recover in a short time. At that time, let Lu Yue take a good look at Sanyin Mountain to see if there is anything he missed.

With the help of Lin Jiu, Lu Yue left Sanyin Mountain very quickly. As expected, after leaving Sanyin Mountain, Lu Yue sensed that the aura was much stronger. He used the wooden stake method to condense a lot of vegetation and surrounded himself. After that, Together with the plants and trees, Lu Yue crazily absorbed the surrounding aura and recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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