Chapter 312
Soon, the black-robed man appeared in front of the woods. Looking at the many plants and trees in front of him, a light flashed in the eyes of the black-robed man. Not to mention that he had fought against Lu Yue before, he knew that the plants and trees in front of him were not just simple. vegetation.

Under Lu Yue's control, these plants are all man-eating traps. I don't know when these plants will attack him, not to mention that he is better than other people in the method of wooden stakes. Humans understand better, so it is better to destroy the grass and trees in front of them directly, lest these grass and trees suddenly attack themselves.

Although the man in the black robe is ready to reveal his identity, the man in the black robe does not intend to reveal his identity easily. After all, his identity is not trivial. Once it is revealed, it will definitely cause a sensation in the cultivation world. Hunted down by many strong men.Then, the black-robed man waved his hand, and two zombies jumped out from behind the black-robed man, standing in front of the black-robed man.

Originally, Lu Yue thought that after the two zombies appeared, they would madly attack the surrounding vegetation and destroy all the vegetation around them as soon as possible. After all, the man in black had already seen his own methods, so how could he not know that the vegetation in front of him was in front of him? What kind of power can be exerted in the hands.

But what Lu Yue didn't expect was that after the two zombies appeared, they didn't do anything, but just stood there, as if they were waiting for something.This discovery filled Lu Yue's heart with doubts. He didn't know what was going on. Fortunately, Lu Yue knew what was going on soon.

It turned out that the black-robed man summoned the two of them not to attack him, but to prevent him from attacking him, which would ruin his next plan.However, Lu Yue would not let the man in black get what he wanted, otherwise, he would be in trouble after a while.

It turned out that just now, Lu Yue sensed that the ground began to surge, as if something was about to come out of the ground.After careful induction, Lu Yue's complexion became serious.

With the help of many plants and trees, Lu Yue soon found out that because of the creeping underground, I don't know what method the black-robed man used. Yes, the number of underground bones is extremely astonishing.

Although Lu Yue didn't know what kind of strength these skeletons could possess, the number of these skeletons was really astonishing. It's better not to let these skeletons appear, otherwise, he wanted to prevent the black-robed man from entering Yizhuang , will become more difficult.

After making a decision, Lu Yue quickly appeared outside the Yizhuang, and slapped the ground with "Stake Dafa." The spiritual power on Lu Yue's body quickly merged into many plants and trees, and with the help of these spiritual powers, the roots of many plants and trees, It began to grow rapidly, and then, driven by Lu Yue, these rhizomes intertwined with each other, and soon intertwined a large net, which appeared above many bones. With this large net, these bones wanted to come out of the ground , is not an easy task.

Of course, the big net woven by Lu Yue has more than just such a function. When these rhizomes touch the bones, they will split off, enter the bones, grow continuously, and devour everything in the bones, growing and strengthening themselves .

After the black-robed man cast the secret, he originally thought that many bones would emerge from the ground, and then, driven by himself, he continued to attack the many plants and plants stimulated by Lu Yue, destroying them all as soon as possible, so that He entered the Yizhuang by himself.

But after waiting for a while, the man in black didn't see a single skeleton. He got out from the ground, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly, and he knew that these skeletons could not come out.If you want to destroy the many vegetation in front of you, you need two zombies.

After understanding this point, the man in black robe didn't hesitate at all. Driven by the man in black robe, the two zombies behind him broke into the woods, waved their hands continuously, and struck many trees.

The trees condensed by Lu Yue are harder than other trees. Unfortunately, the strength of the two zombies is stronger. Many trees have no effect in front of the zombies, and they are easily chopped off by these zombies. .

At the same time, corpse aura gushed out from the zombies, constantly attacking the grass under their feet.These grasses are no better than trees, what's more, even if these grasses are stronger than trees, they won't have much effect against the corpse aura of zombies.

Because the stronger the zombie's strength, the stronger the corpse aura on his body. The strength of the two zombies in front of him is extremely powerful, and they are not plants and trees condensed by themselves, so they can be compared.Under the rampage of the two zombies, soon, the man in black appeared not far away.

"Man in black robe, we meet again. This time I must take a good look at your true face. Please use magic." With my current strength, it is extremely difficult to kill the man in black robe and the two zombies, so , the moment Lu Yue saw the black-robed man, he directly cast the magic spell to enhance his combat effectiveness.

Seeing Lu Yue cast the magic spell, the black-robed man's complexion changed drastically. He didn't expect that Lu Yue would also be able to invite the gods, let alone that Lu Yue would practice the magic of inviting the gods to such a level that he could complete the magic in an instant. Don't give him a chance to stop it at all.

Afterwards, the man in black hurriedly drove two zombies to attack Lu Yue. Even if he couldn't kill Lu Yue, he still wanted to entangle Lu Yue to buy himself enough time.

When looking at the two zombies that were attacking him, Lu Yue used all his strength to cast the Lightning Run Thunder Fist. Powerful thunder and lightning surged out of Lu Yue's body, merged together, turned into a thunder snake, and struck one of them. Hit the zombies.At this time, the Thunder Snake condensed by Lu Yue was extremely powerful. With the zombies in front of him, it was still far from enough to resist the Thunder Snake.

Therefore, Lu Yue ignored it. The zombie attacked by the Thunder Snake cast the Thunder Palm and hit the other zombie. This time, Lu Yue still showed no mercy, even if he couldn't kill the zombie. If you kill him, you must seriously injure this zombie.

In this way, he only needs to deal with the man in black.However, how could the man in black just watch Lu Yue behead and kill the two zombies he had raised so hard. ,

Before, that zombie, because of Lu Yue's speed, was so fast that the black-robed man could only watch helplessly as the zombie was attacked by the Thunder Snake, lying on the ground with serious injuries. Now, the black-robed man is already prepared Naturally, he wouldn't just watch the palm thunder hit another zombie.

In order to prevent Lu Yue from seeing his identity, the black-robed man did not use his strongest method. He took out many talismans from his arms and turned them into golden lights, appearing in front of the zombies, trying to kill the zombies driven by Lu Yue. Thunder in the palm of your hand, resist it.

(End of this chapter)

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