Chapter 316 Critical Moments
Of course, when observing the man in the black robe, Lu Yue did not forget to continue to use Thunder Palm to attack the man in the black robe.This is a rare opportunity, Lu Yue is not willing to give up.

Although Lu Yue didn't know what kind of means the black-robed man had used, he would not be backlashed by the death of the cultivated zombie, and thus seriously injured, but Lu Yue believed that the death of the zombie would definitely not have any harm to the black-robed man. Influence, as long as I can seize that fleeting opportunity, it is not impossible for me to seriously injure the man in black.

Therefore, after driving the Thunder Snake to attack the zombies, Lu Yue stared straight at the black-robed man not far away, and at the same time secretly cast the palm thunder, waiting for the black-robed man to be backlashed, the palm thunder in his hand, with the fastest speed The speed falls on the black-robed man. In this way, even if the black-robed man does not die, he will be seriously injured. At that time, it will be much easier to kill the black-robed man.

And what happened next made Lu Yue understand that his guess was not wrong. Although the black-robed man didn't know what method he used to make the death of the zombie have little effect on him, it didn't really affect him. The man in black has no influence.

When the zombie lying on the ground died under the attack of the Thunder Snake, Lu Yue clearly saw the body of the man in the black robe. He shook slightly and was overjoyed. Hit people.

Before, Lu Yue knew that even if the death of the zombie would affect the black robe man, the impact would not be too great. Therefore, Lu Yue did not attack the head of the black robe man, and wanted to kill the black robe man in one fell swoop. Beheaded to prevent the black robed man from avoiding the attack of the palm thunder, but to attack the black robed man's chest. In this way, the possibility of the black robed man avoiding it will be greatly reduced.

The attack of the thunder in the palm is already extremely powerful, as long as the man in black cannot avoid the attack of the thunder in the palm, even if the man in black is immune to lightning, he will still be seriously injured.At that time, it will be much easier to kill the black-robed man.

Seeing the palm thunder hitting his chest, the black-robed man sighed in his heart. If Lu Yue chose to attack his head, he would have a way to avoid the palm thunder's attack, but Lu Yue chose to attack his own. Chest, it will be much more difficult to avoid.

At this time, the man in black was not sure that he could avoid the attack of Palm Thunder.Now, in front of the black-robed man, there are only two ways. One is to risk revealing his identity and use his strongest means to resist Lu Yue's palm thunder.

However, once he used the strongest means, Lu Yue would definitely know his identity.Because he used his means and had a great reputation in the cultivation world, and Lu Yue could easily recognize him.

Although, he still doesn't know what Lu Yue's status is in the Maoshan Sect, but seeing that Lu Yue can master such a powerful Taoism, coupled with the golden light vestment on his body, it is not difficult to know that Lu Yue is extremely valued by the head teacher and many elders of the Maoshan Sect Otherwise, it would be impossible to obtain the powerful spiritual weapon of the Golden Light Vestment.

Therefore, once Lu Yue knows his identity, he will definitely leak it out. With Lu Yue's current status in the Maoshan School, these words carry a lot of weight. By then, it will be difficult for him to have a place in the cultivation world. It's not something the man in black would like to see.

But if you don't use your strongest means, it is basically impossible to resist the palm thunder.Afterwards, the man in black wanted to use his strongest method to resist the palm thunder. As long as he could kill Lu Yue, his identity would not be exposed.

But at this moment, the black-robed man sensed the aura emanating from Lu Yue's body, and it quickly weakened. After that, Lu Yue's body began to shake even more.

This discovery made the black-robed man overjoyed, knowing that the time to invite the magic spell has come, and now that Lu Yue is at his weakest, even if he is injured, it is not difficult to kill Lu Yue, after all , when the time for magic spells is up, Lu Yue is not only weak, but also has almost exhausted his spiritual power. How could the Taoist Lu Yue be his opponent.

Immediately dispelled the previous thoughts, did not intend to expose his strongest method at this time, and fully urged the corpse raising technique to cover his body with a thick layer of corpse aura, weakening the power of the palm thunder a lot, but even if In this way, the remaining palm lightning hit the black robed man, still causing serious injuries to the black robed man, leaving only about four or five layers of strength left.

If Lu Yue still has most of his spiritual power left, if he can use the Lightning Running Thunder Fist and Palm Thunder to attack him, it would not be difficult to kill him.

Sensing the weakness of his body, Lu Yue sighed in his heart. He didn't expect that the magic spell would fail at this time. Fortunately, what he was worried about didn't happen. It's dangerous, let's shoot with all our strength, hoping to resist the palm thunder.

Instead, he chose to resist the attack of Thunder Palm, with a smile on his face. How could he not know why the black-robed man chose this way? It seems that the black-robed man also wanted to kill himself.

Unfortunately, the man in black miscalculated one thing, that is, he, Lu Yue, had already made a lot of arrangements.If the black-robed man had chosen to use his strongest means to resist the palm thunder, it would not be an easy task for him to kill the black-robed man.

But now the black-robed man was seriously injured, if he could recover the spiritual power he had consumed before, it would not be impossible to kill the black-robed man.And relying on the arrangements left by him, it is not difficult to restore the consumed spiritual power.

Therefore, at the moment when Lu Yue invited the magic spell to fail, he fell down and sat on the ground. The surrounding vegetation released a lot of spiritual energy, which merged into Lu Yue's body, allowing Lu Yue to quickly recover the consumed spiritual energy. When the thunder and lightning on the man in black disappeared At that time, one-third of the spiritual power consumed by Lu Yue had recovered, and it would not take long for Lu Yue to completely recover the spiritual power consumed before.

A large amount of spiritual energy merged into Lu Yue's body. How could the man in black not see it, his complexion became extremely ugly, and he didn't understand that he was being tricked by Lu Yue.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yue still has such a means to recover the consumed spiritual power in such a short period of time. He looked at Lu Yue fiercely and said, "Lu Yue, I thought I had done my best and overestimated you, but no Thinking about it, in the end, I still underestimated you, you really deserve to be Lin Jiu's disciple, just as insidious as your master."

(End of this chapter)

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