Chapter 321 A Proposal

Of course, if Lu Yue wanted to forcibly kill these evil spirits, it was not impossible, but in this way, Lu Yue would inevitably leave a cruel reputation in the underworld.Although this kind of reputation will not have any effect on Lu Yue, the killing of evil spirits for no reason will have a great impact on Lin Jiu. If Lu Yue forcibly kills these evil spirits, it will affect Lin Jiu's merit. .

It was precisely because of this that Lu Yue did not forcibly kill these evil spirits, but hoped that there would be a suitable reason before killing these evil spirits.

However, even so, Lu Yue did not intend to let these evil spirits go easily, he wanted to torture these evil spirits, and then let them go after a while.An hour passed quickly. After an hour of torture, Lu Yue could sense the aura emanating from these evil spirits, which was much weaker than before. If it continues, some weaker evil spirits will Ghost, I'm afraid it will make my soul fly away.

A bolt of lightning can do limited damage to the evil spirits, but if there are many lightning bolts, the damage to the evil spirits is still great. After all, these lightning bolts are the nemesis of the evil spirits.

"I hope you can remember the lesson of this time, and don't let it happen again, otherwise, I don't mind letting your souls fly away." After speaking, Lu Yue came to Lin Jiu, wanting to know how Lin Jiu would These evil spirits were sent to the underworld.

Looking at Lu Yue beside him, how could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue was thinking, and pointed out, "Lu Yue, just look at it, how to use it as a teacher." After that, Lin Jiu stuck the talisman on while Explain, teach Lu Yue how to send evil spirits into the underworld.

Before, Lin Jiu had already made a lot of arrangements, and it didn't take much time for Lin Jiu to arrange everything. Unfortunately, the sky is not dark yet, and it is impossible to send these evil spirits to the underworld. "Lu Yue, let's go out first. If we want to send these evil spirits into the underworld, we have to wait until dark." After speaking, Lin Jiu turned and left.

Seeing this, Lu Yue also left the room, came to the backyard, and began to practice.After Lin Jiu's teaching, Lu Yue already knew how to send the evil spirits into the underworld. There was no need to continue to follow Lin Jiu. Lu Yue didn't want to deal with those ghost messengers.

I don't know what's going on, when seeing ghost messengers, Lu Yue feels a bit of a twist, so if you still can't see ghost messengers, it's best not to see these ghost messengers.

Now that Lu Yue knew how to send the evil spirits to the underworld, Lin Jiu naturally would not force Lu Yue to stay with him and meet those ghost messengers.

As the aura continues to recover, Lu Yue's achievements in the future will also become greater and greater. It is not impossible for Lu Yue to ascend to the fairy world. Not very high, naturally there is no need to make friends with these ghost messengers, after all, Lu Yue will not have too many intersections with these ghost messengers in the future.

With Lin Jiu's current cultivation base, after dark, he quickly summoned the ghost messengers from the underworld. Knowing that Lin Jiu had broken through the realm of a celestial master, these ghost messengers did not dare to neglect Lin Jiu, and did not dare to neglect Lin Jiu. It didn't take much time for Lin Jiu to send all the evil spirits to the underworld. Afterwards, Lin Jiu returned to his room and began to stabilize his newly broken cultivation base.

Before, Lin Jiu had only initially stabilized the realm of the celestial master, but had not completely stabilized it. It would take a few days to completely stabilize the cultivation base he had just broken through.

Lin Jiu's breakthrough to the realm of the celestial master greatly stimulated Lu Yue. In the following time, Lu Yue practiced harder and wanted to break through to the realm of the earth master as soon as possible.

With the help of many plants, every day Lu Yue can sense his cultivation base and is getting stronger. This is not the thing that makes Lu Yue the most happy. What makes Lu Yue most happy is that Lu Yue I found that my daily practice speed was constantly improving, which made Lu Yue unwilling to waste time and practice all the time.

In the past, although Lu Yue practiced hard, he was not as desperate as he is now. The two sisters Ren Tingting and Lu Yue could talk to Lu Yue every day, but now they want to have a conversation with Lu Yue. can do it.

This discovery filled Ren Tingting and the others with worries. Could it be that something happened that caused Lu Yue to cultivate so hard? At the same time, Ren Tingting and the others were even more worried that Lu Yue's reckless practice would cause physical problems. .On this day, sister Ren Tingting came to Lin Jiu after finishing her training and asked, "Master, did something happen in Yizhuang?"

Looking at the worried looks of Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu, Lin Jiu was puzzled. He didn't know why they would ask such a question, but Lin Jiu still shook his head and said, "No, Tingting, why do you ask such a question?" Could it be that something happened?" Lin Jiu, an old boy, had no contact with women, so how could he understand Ren Tingting's thoughts.

"Then master, why is senior brother Lu Yue cultivating so crazily? Master, you said that senior brother Lu Yue's crazy cultivation will not leave any hidden dangers, or, master, you can talk to senior brother Lu Yue and let the senior brother practice a while?"

As soon as Ren Tingting's words fell, Ren Zhuzhu on the side quickly said, "It's the master. If senior brother Lu Yue continues to practice like this, maybe there will be some hidden dangers?" allowed this to happen.

Hearing what the two sisters said, Lin Jiu finally understood why the two sisters were so worried. It turned out that it was because of Lu Yue. With the help of spiritual energy, even if Lu Yue is injured, he can recover quickly in a short time, so you two don't have to worry, go back to practice."

Hearing this, Ren Zhuzhu and Ren Tingting breathed a sigh of relief, as long as Lu Yue would not be injured, although Ren Zhuzhu and Ren Tingting were unwilling to leave like this, they did not say anything. What, go back to the front yard and start to practice.

Brother Lu Yue, who is much more qualified than the two of them, has practiced so hard. What qualifications do they have, not to practice hard? After all, the two of them still plan to accompany Lu Yue. If there is not enough Strength, what qualifications do the two of them have to stay by Lu Yue's side.And even if they were willing, Lu Yue would not be willing to let them accompany him.

After seeing the two sisters Ren Tingting leaving, Lin Jiu was relieved. If the two sisters were unwilling to leave, Lin Jiu didn't know what to do.

After all, Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu are different from Qiu Sheng and others, they can't beat and scold casually, otherwise, these two good apprentices might be beaten away by me.Fortunately, my master still has a lot of status in the hearts of the two of them, so that the two sisters Ren Tingting dare not disobey.

After being reminded by Ren Tingting and the other two, Lin Jiu also discovered that something was wrong with Lu Yue's recent situation. Afterwards, Lin Jiu got up and walked to Lu Yue's place, wanting to know what was going on?

Looking at Lin Jiu who appeared in front of him, Lu Yue asked suspiciously, "Master, what's the matter with you?" "Lu Yue, what's going on with you recently, why are you practicing so crazy?" He didn't tell the truth to himself, other things happened when he retreated and broke through, that's why Lu Yue practiced so crazily.

Before, when seeing Lin Jiu come to find him, Lu Yue thought that something happened, and it turned out to be this thing, "Master, nothing happened, but recently, the disciple felt that his cultivation base was a little low, and he wanted to hurry up." It’s nothing more than breaking through to the realm of Earth Master, besides, now that the spiritual energy is constantly recovering, the disciple finds that the cultivation speed is getting faster and faster, so the disciple naturally doesn’t want to miss such a good opportunity.” After speaking, Lu Yue closed his eyes again and began to practice on it. Qing Dadong scriptures come.

Lu Yue's answer made Lin Jiu feel relieved. Before, he was worried that Lu Yue would be stimulated by something, so that he would cultivate so frantically. It turned out to be like this.

However, Lin Jiu didn't just leave. Instead, he walked aside and looked at Lu Yue fixedly, wanting to know whether Lu Yue's crazy practice would have any impact on Lu Yue in the future.

Fortunately, what Lin Jiu was worried about did not happen. When Lu Yue was refining spiritual energy, he still had the power of plants and trees to integrate into Lu Yue's body on his own, avoiding the hidden dangers caused by Lu Yue's excessive practice.Seeing this, Lin Jiu nodded, got up and walked to the front yard.

Now that he has broken through the realm of a celestial master, it is extremely difficult to improve in a short period of time. Therefore, in the next period of time, Lin Jiu plans to teach Qiusheng and others how to practice.

After this series of events, both Qiusheng and Wencai knew the importance of strength, and began to cultivate seriously. In this way, Lin Jiu naturally would not let go of this rare opportunity for the two to improve their cultivation. I can guarantee that after a while, will Qiusheng and Wencai continue to practice hard like they are now?
Not to mention Lin Jiu, even Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai themselves can't guarantee that they will continue to practice hard in the future.After all, Qiusheng and Wencai didn't like to cultivate at all, and they were still people with perseverance. Now that Qiusheng and Wencai are still low in strength, they might work hard to cultivate, so that the cultivation base of Qiusheng and Wencai can be After reaching a certain level, it may not be easy for Qiusheng and Wencai to cultivate so hard.

Therefore, Lin Jiu planned to take advantage of Qiusheng and Wencai's urgent need to improve their strength, and teach them with all their strength so that their strength can be improved as soon as possible.

Seeing Lin Jiu appearing in the front yard, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who were not far away, were puzzled for a while, wondering what Lin Jiu was doing in the front yard at this time.It has been several days since Lin Jiu broke through to the realm of celestial master. During this period of time, Lin Jiu didn't go out of his room very often. He usually stayed in the room to practice. Why did he come out today?
Although Qiusheng and Wencai didn't stop practicing because of their appearance, Lin Jiu easily found that Wencai and Qiusheng didn't practice seriously.

"Qiusheng, Wencai, you both cultivate with your heart." Lin Jiu's words startled Qiusheng and Wencai. They didn't expect that Lin Jiu's eyesight had improved so much, and they could easily find out that the two of them were distracted. After Lin Jiu finished speaking, he did not do other things, but Wencai and Qiusheng knew in their hearts that if they dared to be distracted, waiting for the two of them would be a beating, restrain their minds, and practice seriously stand up.

In the next few days, Lin Jiu continued to practice before Qiu Sheng and others, which made Qiu Sheng and others feel a lot of improvement. Ren Tingting and the others even broke through to a higher level under Lin Jiu's guidance.

Looking at the three of Ren Tingting who broke through again, Qiusheng and Wencai were filled with urgency. Although they had been completely surpassed by Lu Yue, their junior, Wencai and Qiusheng did not want other juniors to surpass them. After all, The two of them also had to face, so they worked harder to practice, so that Ren Tingting and the other three would not be surpassed.

Seeing that Wencai and Qiusheng were greatly stimulated by Ren Tingting's breakthrough, after practicing harder, Lin Jiu stopped paying attention to Qiusheng and others. Now that Qiusheng and others want to make a breakthrough, it is not all It is an easy thing, but Lu Yue is different. If there is enough spiritual energy to help, Lu Yue can quickly improve in a short period of time. Therefore, in the next period of time, Lin Jiu plans to take Lu Yue to other places to improve Cultivation.

"Lu Yue, I have something for my teacher. I want to discuss it with you?" Although this matter is of great benefit to Lu Yue, and Lu Yue will definitely not refuse himself, Lin Jiu does not intend to help him. Lu Yue made the decision, and he still planned to talk to Lu Yue before making a decision.

"Master, what's the matter with you?" Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu suspiciously and asked. Recently, Lu Yue didn't feel that there was anything wrong with Yizhuang, and no other Maoshan disciples contacted Lin Jiu. Lu Yue wondered If Lin Jiu had anything to do, he had to discuss it with himself.

"Lu Yue, as a teacher, you have already broken through the realm of a celestial master, and your strength has improved a lot. I plan to take you to practice in the deep mountains and old forests. I don't know, are you willing?"

Practicing in the deep mountains and old forests can improve Lu Yue's cultivation speed a lot, but there are many monsters or evil spirits in the deep mountains and old forests. It is not easy to practice in such a place. It takes a lot of strength.

"Master, I am willing. I don't know when we will start?" Lu Yue had long wanted to go to the deep mountains and old forests to use the many plants and trees there to improve his cultivation speed.

It's just because there are many dangers hidden in the deep mountains and old forests, even if Lu Yue's combat power is strong now, he doesn't dare to practice in the deep mountains and old forests. Of course, the most important thing is that Lu Yue knows that Lin Jiu will not rest assured that he will practice in the deep mountains and old forests.

Therefore, I have never mentioned that I want to wait until my cultivation base breaks through the realm of the earth master, and then practice in the deep mountains and old forests. Now that Lin Jiu mentions it, how can Lu Yue disagree.

(End of this chapter)

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