Chapter 334: A Smart Choice
More importantly, they have just broken through to the ghost commander's realm only when the Changbai ghost commander is dead, otherwise, when they break through to the ghost commander's realm, they will be devoured by the Changbai ghost commander.

Before, there were two ghost commanders who had just broken through. After they broke through the ghost commander realm, they were devoured by the Changbai ghost commander to enhance their own strength. It was the help of these two ghost commanders that the Changbai ghost commander could So fast, reaching the current state.

Although many evil spirits didn't want to attack Lu Yue, so as not to die in Lu Yue's hands, but looking at Changbai Guishuai's unkind eyes, many evil spirits knew that if they didn't agree to attack Lu Yue, then Changbai Gui Shuai will attack them first.

If they attack Lu Yue, they may not necessarily die, but if they do not attack Lu Yue, they will definitely die in the hands of Changbai Guishuai, because Changbai Guishuai has left an extremely vicious curse in their ghost bodies. If Guishuai activates this curse, they will be scattered out of their wits.

Of course, Changbai Guishuai activated the curse, not without any price. At least, Changbai Guishuai activated the curse, and it took a lot of ghost energy to kill them. After all, they are not weak ghosts. Now Lu Yue was watching from the side, presumably Changbai Guishuai would not want to spend a lot of ghost energy here, cursing and killing them.

However, this is just their guess, they don't have the guts to bet on whether the Changbai Guishuai will curse and kill him, and if he really drives the Changbai Guishuai into a hurry, they will not believe it. Shuai will not shoot them.Therefore, although many evil spirits were unwilling to attack Lu Yue, they still drove their ghost energy and attacked Lu Yue.

Since they had no choice but to resist Changbai Guishuai's orders, they could only kill Lu Yue with all their strength, lest they die in Lu Yue's hands.

These ghosts carry dozens, even hundreds of human lives on their backs. They are not absolutely right people like Lu Yue, and they will show mercy to these evil ghosts.

Before, Changbai Guishuai was still worried about his subordinates. Even if he had to attack Lu Yue because of his order, it would only be perfunctory, and he would not really want to kill Lu Yue, but now it seems that, My subordinates are quite sensible, knowing that if Lu Yue cannot be beheaded, they will die in the end.

Looking at the many ghosts attacking him, Lu Yue knew that he could no longer hide it, otherwise, he might die under these evil spirits today.

Afterwards, Lu Yue urged the golden light cassock on his body with all his strength, and bursts of golden light bloomed to protect himself in it. At the same time, he flipped his hand, and the golden sun sword appeared in his hand. He swung it quickly, condensing powerful pure Yang sword energy , and hit many evil spirits.

Before, when they saw Lu Yue take out a wooden sword, many evil spirits were full of jealousy towards this wooden sword. Although this wooden sword looked ordinary and had no power, many evil spirits knew clearly , the sword that Lv Yue took out until now is absolutely extraordinary.

And what happened next also let many evil spirits know that their previous guess was not wrong, and the power of the wooden sword in Lu Yue's hand was indeed extremely powerful.

It can even be said that the power displayed by this wooden sword is beyond their imagination. The moment they saw these sword auras, many evil spirits sensed great danger on these sword auras, knowing the power of these sword auras , not much weaker than the previous thunder methods, they hid everywhere, hoping to avoid this sword energy.

The power of these sword qi is really too powerful. If they use ghost qi to resist these sword qi, they need to consume a lot of ghost qi to resist these sword qi. Once the ghost qi is seriously consumed, Lu Yue will definitely not Will let them go.

It's just that these sword qi are not something that these evil spirits can avoid if they want to. Except for a few powerful evil spirits who can avoid these sword qi, other evil spirits cannot avoid these sword qi. Open, being hit by these sword qi, the powerful pure yang power willfully destroy these evil spirits, making the ghost bodies of these evil spirits become illusory. Under the attack of Qi, his soul was scattered and turned into nothingness.

Changbai Guishuai didn't care about these ghosts who had lost their souls, because the strength of these ghosts who died in Lu Yue's hands was not considered strong, and they died as soon as they died. Now it's time for troubled times, and I want to cultivate some strength , Not very good evil spirits, it is not a difficult task for these handsome ghosts, so naturally they don't care about the life and death of these evil spirits.

However, Changbai Guishuai would not just watch helplessly, Lu Yue would easily kill these subordinates of his own.Although, even if all these evil spirits under him were beheaded by Lu Yue, Changbai Guishuai would not care.

But the reason why I let many evil spirits under my command attack Lu Yue was to consume Lu Yue's aura so that I could create opportunities for myself to kill Lu Yue.

Therefore, even if Changbai Guishuai didn't care about the life and death of his subordinates, he would never allow Lu Yue to kill all the evil spirits under him so easily.

Under the command of Changbai Guishuai, many evil spirits hid one after another. Their evil spirits are good at hiding. The stronger their cultivation base, the stronger their ability to hide. Tianshi is even more powerful than Tianshi.

But no matter what, it can't change the fact that Lu Yue's cultivation base is too low, but if they hide the ninth-rank master realm, if they hide it, relying on Lu Yue's cultivation base, it is not easy to find their own place. easy thing.As long as Lu Yue couldn't find his whereabouts, they would have a way to kill Lu Yue.

Looking at the many evil spirits hiding, Lu Yue didn't feel any panic in his heart. It has to be said that the choice of these evil spirits was very correct. Unfortunately, what these evil spirits didn't know was that they possessed the innate wood spirit body. With the help of many plants and trees, this sensing ability has been greatly improved.

What's more, Lu Yue has also practiced the method of wooden stakes to the sixth level. In this way, Lu Yue's sensing ability has become even stronger. With the help of many plants and trees in Changbai Mountain, Lu Yue's sensing ability, but said It is extremely powerful. When Lu Yue observed these evil spirits and monsters before, they didn't notice anything. Therefore, for Lu Yue, there is no difference between these evil spirits hiding and not hiding.

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(End of this chapter)

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