Chapter 352 Chaoyang Ziqi
After seeing Simu and Qianhe leave, Lu Yue continued to practice.Early the next morning, after refining Chaoyang Ziqi, Lu Yue came to the backyard, wanting to know how Simu and Qianhe had improved after a night of training.

When seeing Simu and Qianhe, Lu Yue found that Simu and Qianhe had just refined Chaoyang Ziqi, and the aura emanating from their bodies was a little stronger than before.I understand that Simu and Qianhe didn't waste all my painstaking efforts last night.

Seeing this, Lu Yue thought of something, and looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng who were not far away, wanting to know whether these two people can now draw Chaoyang Ziqi to practice.After all, this rising sun purple energy is of great benefit to Qiu Sheng and others whose cultivation base is not high. Waiting for someone to go further.

But when Lu Yue looked at Wencai and Qiusheng, Lu Yue found that Wencai and Qiusheng did not have any traces of refining Chaoyang Ziqi, or even traces of Chaoyang Ziqi.

Knowing that Qiusheng and Wencai have not yet started to refine the Chaoyang Ziqi, and they can't even draw the Chaoyang Ziqi, their brows are slightly frowned. I felt a burst of disappointment in my heart. It stands to reason that after cultivating to the level of Wencai and Qiusheng, they can already start to draw and refine Chaoyang Ziqi.

But Wencai and Qiusheng didn't start refining Chaoyang Ziqi. I really don't know whether Wencai and Qiusheng were too lazy to start drawing it, or they didn't know how to draw Chaoyang Ziqi.

Afterwards, Lu Yue looked at Jia Le who was not far away. Jia Le's cultivation was no worse than Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng's. Although Lu Yue knew that the possibility of Jia Le starting to refine Chaoyang Ziqi was not great, but Lu Yue still had a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that Jia Le could start refining Chaoyang Ziqi one step ahead of Qiusheng and Wencai.

It's a pity that what Lu Yue was looking forward to did not happen, and there was no trace of Chaoyang Ziqi on Jiale's body, which showed that Jiale, like Qiu Shengwencai, did not attract Chaoyang Ziqi.

Lu Yue didn't deliberately hide himself, so the moment Lu Yue came, Simu and Qianhe knew it, opened their eyes and looked at Lu Yue anxiously, wondering if they were satisfied with their cultivation.The cultivation environment here, under the transformation of Lu Yue, is better than their dojo, even Maoshan, Simu and Qianhe are reluctant to leave.

Seeing that Lu Yue just glanced at them and stopped looking at them, Simu and Qianhe breathed a sigh of relief. Since Lu Yue didn't say anything, it showed that Lu Yue was concerned about their progress in cultivation. Not much dissatisfaction.

Afterwards, Simu and Qianhe were about to go to the front yard. For some reason, ever since they knew that Lu Yue was the young head teacher of the Maoshan Sect, Simu and Qianhe realized that when they faced Lu Yue , as if facing the law enforcement elders and others, I felt a lot of pressure.Of course, this may be because Lu Yue's cultivation is getting stronger and stronger, but in this way, Simu and Qianhe are unwilling to stay in front of Lu Yue.

However, before Simu and Qianhe could do anything, Lu Yue looked at Qiusheng and Wencai.After that, Lu Yue frowned slightly.

This discovery made Simu and Qianhe worried for a while. Although they still don't know what's going on, but seeing Lu Yue like this, Simu and Qianhe secretly said badly, knowing that literary talent With Qiusheng, there was something that made Lu Yue dissatisfied.They had to leave as soon as possible, otherwise, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng might be implicated.

But at this moment, Simu and Qianhe both noticed that Lu Yue looked at Jiale not far away, and upon seeing it, Lu Yue's brows frowned even tighter.

This discovery made Simu and Qianhe full of doubts, wondering what is going on?However, Simu and Qianhe didn't intend to pay too much attention to it, and got up and walked to the front yard.

Now, Simu and Qianhe have confirmed that there must be something about Qiusheng and the other three that makes Lu Yue extremely dissatisfied. It is better for him to leave first, so as not to be involved.

It's a pity that things in this world are almost unsatisfactory. The more Simu and Qianhe don't want to involve themselves in this matter, the more they will be involved in this matter.

"You two uncles, I don't know whether the three of Qiusheng can't draw the Chaoyang Ziqi, or they still can't draw the Chaoyang Ziqi?" Hearing this, Simu and Qianhe finally knew where the three of Qiusheng were. , making Lu Yue dissatisfied.

Before Lu Yue didn't say anything, Simu and Qianhe hadn't noticed this matter. Now that Lu Yue said, Simu and Qianhe's brows were also slightly frowned, like Qiusheng and others. By the time they were done, they were already able to draw the Chaoyang Ziqi to practice.

Before Simu and Qianhe could say anything, Lin Jiu appeared not far away, looking straight at Simu and Qianhe, thinking that Lin Jiu had heard what they said before.

Lu Yue's gaze alone made Simu and Qianhe feel great pressure, and now with the addition of Lin Jiu, who has reached the fourth-rank celestial master, the pressure in Simu and Qianhe's hearts is even greater. When he got older, he quickly said, "Young Master, senior brother, the world can learn from us. We have used this method to draw Chaoyang Ziqi before, but you should also know, Young Master Master, that it is not a task to draw Chaoyang Ziqi." It's an easy thing, obviously Qiu Sheng and the others can't do it yet."

After hearing Simu's words, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu. Although Lu Yue drew a large amount of Chaoyang Ziqi every day and had rich experience, Lu Yue was good at refining Chaoyang Ziqi.

As for pulling Chaoyang Ziqi, Lu Yue had no choice but to say sorry. For Lu Yue, who has an innate wood spirit body, if he wanted to pull it, he could pull it over?

For the three of Qiu Sheng, the most difficult thing is to draw the Chaoyang Ziqi, not to refine the Chaoyang Ziqi.In this way, Lu Yue naturally couldn't tell them how to draw Chaoyang Ziqi. After all, drawing Chaoyang Ziqi was something that Lu Yue could do as long as he thought about it.

Although Lu Yue didn't say anything, how could Lin Jiusan not know what Lu Yue was thinking, and he was speechless for a while. Thinking of how much time they spent in order to attract the rising sun and purple energy, how could it be like that? Lu Yue can draw Chaoyang Ziqi with such ease.

"Master, two senior brothers, for the three senior brothers now, the most important thing is not to improve their cultivation, but to attract the rising sun and purple energy as soon as possible and stabilize the foundation. Only in this way can the three senior brothers go further, and leave it to the master." I'm with the three uncles, and I don't have any experience in this area." After speaking, Lu Yue began to practice in the backyard.

The commotion caused by Lu Yue and the others was not small. How could Qiu Sheng and the others not know it? As soon as they opened their eyes, they saw Lin Jiusan looking directly at him, and an ominous premonition arose in their hearts. "Qiusheng, Wencai, Jiale, let me ask you, why are you still unable to draw Chaoyang Ziqi?"

Hearing this, Qiu Sheng and the others said inwardly, "Master, it's not that we don't want to draw Chaoyang Ziqi, but Master, we tried many times, but we couldn't draw Chaoyang Ziqi. It's really too difficult, so we didn't Continue to pull Chaoyang Ziqi?"

Although Qiu Sheng and the others also know that this rising sun purple energy is of great benefit to cultivators like them, but in the eyes of Qiu Sheng and the others, there is no need for them to worry at all, and when their cultivation base becomes stronger After that, just try to draw Chaoyang Ziqi again. Anyway, they will be able to draw Chaoyang Ziqi sooner or later, so there is no need to worry.

But now, Qiu Sheng and the others realized that the purple aura of the sun was more important than they had expected, otherwise, Lin Jiu and the others would not have looked at them like this. "Master, is this sunny purple energy important to us?" Qiu Sheng looked at Lin Jiu cautiously and asked.

As soon as Qiu Sheng finished speaking, Wen Cai and Jia Le looked at their master cautiously.If this Chaoyang Ziqi is really important to them, then for the next period of time, they need to focus their cultivation on drawing the Chaoyang Purple Qi.

The questioning of the three of Qiusheng made Lin Jiu and Simu's complexions extremely ugly. If this question was asked by the three of Awei, it is understandable. After all, the three of them have joined their sect. For a long time, I haven't told them about the Chaoyang Ziqi, so naturally I don't know how important this Chaoyang Ziqi is to them who are cultivators.

But the three of Qiusheng, Wencai, and Jiale are different. They have been by his side for so many years. How come they don't even know the effect of Chaoyang Ziqi, and they ask such stupid questions in front of Qianhe, which will make Qianhe How the crane sees them.

Afterwards, Simu and Lin Jiu secretly looked at Qianhe beside him, wanting to know what Qianhe was thinking at this time.Although Qianhe suppressed a smile at this time and tried to make himself look expressionless, but he was familiar with Qianhe's four eyes and Lin Jiu, and he could still see that Qianhe was suppressing a smile at this time. If the two of them said it, Qianhe would probably laugh outright.

Regarding this, Lin Jiu and Si Mu didn't feel any surprise. If this matter had nothing to do with them, they would also laugh out loud when they heard what Qiu Sheng and others said.

But now, Lin Jiu and Simu only feel angry. This disciple of his is really too disappointing. He has been by his side for so many years, and he still asks such stupid questions, and he is still in other places. In front of the same door, let them lose face.

At this time, Simu and Lin Jiu had only one thought, that is, if their disciple made them lose face in front of their fellow disciples, then they would make him even more ashamed.

Afterwards, without saying anything, Lin Jiu took out two vines from the storage bag, and handed one to Simu.Simu was worried that there was no vine in his hand, now Lin Jiu sent the vine to him, so naturally Simu would not be polite, waved the vine in his hand, and hit Jiale, today he let Jia Le, a disciple who does not live up to expectations, remembers what Chaoyang Ziqi means to their practitioners.

When Lin Jiu took out the vines, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai knew what was going to happen, and ran to the front yard without any hesitation.Lu Yue was practicing not far away. If they dared to disturb Lu Yue's training, based on their previous experience, Lin Jiu would definitely attack harder.

Seeing Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng running away, Lin Jiu didn't stop him. Lin Jiu even wanted Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai to go to the front yard so as not to disturb Lu Yue's cultivation.

However, Lin Jiu would not let Qiusheng and Wencai go because of this, and followed them to the front yard.As soon as he came to the front yard, Lin Jiu appeared in front of Wencai and Qiusheng in an instant. The vines in his hands fell on Qiusheng and Wencai like a storm, making Qiusheng and Wencai scream.At this time, Jia Le was driven by four eyes and came to the front yard.

After arriving at the front yard, Simu was the same as Lin Jiu, without any other scruples, he cleaned up the house.Half an hour later, Lin Jiu and Simu stopped, "Now, do you three understand the importance of Chaoyang Ziqi?"

If this is the case, Qiu Sheng and the others still don't know the importance of Chaoyang Ziqi, Lin Jiu doesn't mind beating the three of them hard, so that they can have a clearer understanding.

Seeing Lin Jiu and Simu's unfriendly looks, how could Qiu Sheng know that if they dared to say no, Lin Jiu and Simu would definitely beat them up again, so he nodded quickly and said, " Master, we understand, and from now on we will try our best to draw Chaoyang Ziqi."

"Seven days, I'll give the three of you seven days. If you can't draw and successfully refine a rising sun purple energy within seven days, I will let you have a good taste of the law enforcement stick." Lin Jiu said seriously Looking at Qiusheng and the three of them, they said.

Qiusheng and Wencai had already seen the power of the law enforcement stick, and it left a profound impact on Wencai and Qiusheng, so much so that when Wencai and Qiusheng heard the name of the law enforcement stick, their bodies would tremble involuntarily stand up.

Although Jia Le has never experienced the power of the law enforcement stick, Jia Le has heard Si Mu and Lin Jiu mention the law enforcement stick more than once. Although he has never felt the power of the law enforcement stick, Qiu Sheng and Jia Le are trembling. Le knew that the law enforcement stick was absolutely powerful, otherwise, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai would not be so afraid of the law enforcement stick.Therefore, although Jiale has never felt the power of the law enforcement stick, he is absolutely unwilling to feel the power of the law enforcement stick.

"It's Master (Uncle Master), we know." Hearing this, Lin Jiu no longer looked at Qiusheng and the other three, but at Simu and Qianhe who were not far away.

Although Lin Jiu didn't say anything, how could Simu and Qianhe didn't know what Lin Jiu meant and started to practice without saying anything.

At this time, Lin Jiu was not in a good mood, they had better not provoke Lin Jiu, otherwise, Lin Jiu would definitely treat the two of them as a punching bag.

(End of this chapter)

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