Chapter 363 Crisis
And the moment these evil spirits left, the golden yang sword in Lu Yue's hand pierced the heart of the zombie, and a large amount of pure yang power forcibly entered the zombie's body and began to burn.

Although the zombie was pierced through the heart by the Golden Sun Sword, he did not die immediately. He took a step forward and grabbed Lu Yue. Even if he died, Lu Yue would have to pay the price.

Unfortunately, before he could do anything, Lu Yue kicked the zombie out and landed on the ground. The pure yang power that had invaded the zombie's body broke out completely and turned into flames, burning continuously The zombie's body, and soon the zombie's body was incinerated into nothingness.

Afterwards, Lu Yue planned to go to where the other zombies were, but found that the aura of the other zombies had disappeared, and he knew that the remaining zombies had all been killed.He didn't stay in Renjia Town, put on the amulet, and prepared to go back to Yizhuang.

I don't know what happened, after leaving Yizhuang, Lu Yue felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if something bad was about to happen.And this feeling of uneasiness, with the passage of time, continued to increase, so that Lu Yue did not dare to stay in Renjia Town for too long.

Originally, Lu Yue thought that with the strength he showed before, the evil spirits around him would not attack him with death. After all, the Golden Sun Sword in his hand had a great restraint effect on these evil spirits.But what Lu Yue didn't expect was that before he had gone far, he saw many evil spirits appearing in front of him, blocking his way and preventing him from returning to Yizhuang.

His complexion became extremely ugly, "Get out of the way, or die." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue stared straight at the many evil spirits, not hiding the killing intent in his heart at all, and let these evil spirits know that if they don't move away, they will die. , Lu Yue will really go on a killing spree.

Before, Lu Yue knew that the possibility of these evil spirits retreating was not great, otherwise, these evil spirits would not appear in front of him. Before, Lu Yue's battle made a lot of noise, but Lu Yue didn't think that, These evil spirits will not know, since these evil spirits know and block their way, it means that these evil spirits have reasons to prevent themselves from returning to Yizhuang.

It also made Lu Yue more sure that something happened to Yizhuang. Therefore, when he saw these evil spirits and did not leave, Lu Yue would not talk nonsense about these evil spirits. Thunder and lightning struck many evil spirits.

At the same time, in order to increase the power of the Lightning and Thunder Fist, these thunders and lightnings did not directly hit the many evil spirits, but entered the Golden Sun Sword, and with the help of the pure Yang power in the Golden Sun Sword to enhance the power of the thunder and lightning, Drive these thunderbolts to hit many evil spirits.

This time, Lu Yue didn't show any mercy, he used all his strength, coupled with the increase of the Golden Sun Sword, the many evil spirits present were unwilling to be struck by lightning, otherwise, he might be injured by the lightning attack , if it is more serious, even under the attack of thunder and lightning, the soul will be scattered.

Therefore, when you see a lot of thunder and lightning hitting you, many evil spirits will drive a lot of ghost energy to hit the lightning. Own injuries are too serious.

In the eyes of many evil spirits, although the thunder and lightning condensed by Lu Yue are powerful, but with so many evil spirits attacking together, it should not be difficult to resist Lu Yue's attack, even if they can't. It won't hurt too much.

But the scene that happened next shocked many evil spirits. Driven by Lu Yue, many thunderbolts quickly merged together and turned into a thunder dragon, which quickly swam around them continuously. , gushed out from Lei Jiao's body, and struck many evil spirits.

The evil spirits who came here this time have a lot of strength, but they are not very powerful. They only have the realm of ghost generals. Facing these powerful thunder and lightning, these ghost generals do not have much resistance. Almost instantly, under the attack of thunder and lightning, In this way, the soul flew away.

However, those ghost commanders are not doing well, even if they are injured, the injuries are not serious.It made Lu Yue feel a burst of regret. Fortunately, Lu Yue had already expected this kind of thing. The regret in his heart disappeared completely after a flash. In the Thunder Jiao, enhance the power of the Thunder Jiao.

After that, Lu Yue didn't pay attention to these evil spirits any more, and went to Yizhuang with his fastest speed, wanting to know what happened in Yizhuang. Of course, Lu Yue didn't forget, and told Lin Jiu about it. .

The Yizhuang has a ghost weapon refined by the judge to defend it. Without enough strength, it is impossible to enter the Yizhuang. If I have a hunch that something really happened to the Yizhuang, then the situation must be extremely critical. I can't handle it myself, or let it go. It is better for Master to be with me.In this way, even if something really happens, the master and apprentice can take care of each other.

Seeing Lu Yue running towards Yizhuang, those evil spirits were naturally unwilling, and let Lu Yue return to Yizhuang like this, and quickly chased after Lu Yue. Hit him, trying to prevent Lu Yue from returning to Yizhuang.Of course, it would be great if Lu Yue could be seriously injured or killed.

Fortunately, for this situation, Lu Yue had already expected that Lei Jiao, who had not disappeared, was driven by Lu Yue to attack the evil spirits who attacked him, preventing them from continuing to follow him, and at the same time , but also to prevent them from easily attacking themselves.

Of course, Lu Yue didn't forget that many evil spirits' attacks had been dodged. If he couldn't dodge, Lu Yue would either wave the Golden Sun Sword in his hand to block the attack, or urge the golden light robe on his body to resist it forcibly. Come down, anyway, just never stop.

After a while like this, Lu Yue sensed Lin Jiu's breath, breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly approached Lin Jiu's place. When Lu Yue sensed Lin Jiu's existence, Lin Jiu also discovered Lu Yue's existence. Quickly approach Lu Yue's location.

Before, Lin Jiu didn't take Lu Yue's speculation to heart, but, just to be cautious, Lin Jiu planned to go back to Yizhuang to take a look, but now seeing so many evil spirits, chasing and killing Lu Yue, Lin Jiu knew , Lu Yue's previous guess was true, Qiu Sheng and others might have encountered some danger, otherwise, there would not be so many evil spirits attacking Lu Yue, and I was worried for a while.

Not only did Lin Jiu not have his own aura because of this, but he even actively released his own aura, trying to get these evil spirits back and stop attacking Lu Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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