Chapter 372
"Everyone, you are being polite. By the way, everyone, these are those evil spirits. Now I will hand over these evil spirits to you, and my disciples before offended you adults. Everyone can forgive me, Qiu Sheng, why don't you hurry over here and make amends to your lords."

Hearing this, Qiu Sheng and the others also knew that Lin Jiu was doing it for their own good, so they hurriedly came to the ghost messenger and knelt down, "My lords, I offended you before, and I hope your lords will forgive me."

Looking at the many evil spirits in Lin Jiu's hands, and Lu Yue not far away, the ghost messengers glanced at each other, "Forget it, this time it's for the sake of the two priests, what happened before, our brothers , as if it had never happened, but, the two priests, there are still many evil spirits hidden in this town, and I hope that the two priests can help us to subdue these evil spirits, so that these evil spirits will not be killed. Harm the people around you?"

Even if these ghost messengers don't say anything, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue will surrender many evil spirits in Renjia Town, and naturally they will not refuse, and they promised, "Don't worry, everyone, our masters and apprentices will definitely subdue the Renjia Town. All the evil spirits in the town have surrendered, but tonight we, master and apprentice, have exhausted a bit too much, and we are unable to do anything about these evil spirits, we have to wait until tomorrow night."

Before, Qiu Sheng and the others were possessed by a ghost. Although the patriarch killed the evil ghost, Lin Jiu was still worried about how the bodies of Qiu Sheng and the others would be affected. He wanted to check carefully and see Let's see if Qiu Sheng and the others will leave any hidden dangers.

More importantly, Lu Yue wasted a lot. Now Renjia Town is filled with a large number of evil spirits. These evil spirits are not weak. Lin Jiu can't rest assured that he will let Lu Yue deal with those evil spirits at this time.

Although Lin Jiu didn't say it clearly, how could these ghost messengers not know what Lin Jiu was worried about? Bring the evil ghost in your hand back to the underworld, so as not to cause any misfortune.

Looking at the many ghost messengers who disappeared, Qiu Sheng and the others breathed a sigh of relief. Without the help of the evil ghosts, Qiu Sheng and others felt great pressure when facing these ghost messengers. In my heart, Qiusheng and the others felt uncomfortable.

"Master, what should we do next?" After the previous events, Qiu Sheng and others have decided that they must stick to Lin Jiu or Lu Yue from now on. If you don't come out of Yizhuang, there is danger.

"Of course we're going back to Yizhuang. Do you still want to subdue those evil spirits outside?" Lin Jiu looked at Qiusheng and others angrily and said.They are also his own direct disciples, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, why can't they let themselves worry less like Lu Yue.

You know, if it wasn't because of Qiu Sheng and others beating up the ghost messengers before, he and Lu Yue would have benefited a lot from the ghost messengers for their help tonight. Unfortunately, all are gone now.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu thought of something, and came to Lu Yue's side and asked worriedly, "Lu Yue, are you okay?" Before, when Lu Yue's spiritual power was exhausted, he had cast such a powerful palm thunder. To deal with the ghost king, Lin Jiu worried that Lu Yue was seriously injured now.

Seeing Lin Jiu's worried look, Lu Yue shook his head and said, "Master, don't worry, I'm fine. Before I used the palm thunder, I used the spiritual power in the Jinyang sword."

However, the spiritual power of the Golden Sun Sword is consumed a lot now, and in the next time, I can no longer freely mobilize the spiritual power in the Golden Sun Sword as before, so as not to exhaust the spiritual power in the Golden Sun Sword. Let yourself lose a powerful hole card.

"Really, then let's go back to Yizhuang now and recover the aura that was consumed before." After speaking, Lin Jiu walked outside.Seeing this, Lu Yue and others quickly followed Lin Jiu's footsteps and walked towards Yizhuang.Not long after walking, Lu Yue sensed that there were many eyes in the dark, spying on him.

I don't understand where, there are many evil spirits hiding nearby, wanting to know the situation of their master and apprentice.If the two of them, the master and the apprentice, are now seriously depleted of spiritual power, or even severely injured, these evil spirits are very likely to attack the two of them and want to kill them.

Although Qiu Sheng and the others didn't know that there were many evil spirits hiding in the dark, they also sensed the surrounding temperature, which was a little strangely low. They quickly came to Lin Jiu's side, looked at Lin Jiu worriedly and asked, "Master, what's the temperature around here?" Why did the temperature drop so much, is there something dirty nearby?"

As soon as Qiu Sheng finished speaking, Wen Cai and the others looked at Lin Jiu worriedly, wanting to know why the surrounding temperature was so low. "This time, you guys are a little smarter. That's right, there are quite a few evil spirits around here, and they want to know what's going on with Lu Yue and me." As soon as Lin Jiu finished speaking, he was ready to attack the surrounding evil spirits. Let them know what the consequences are.

"Master, let me do it." Hearing this, Lin Jiu didn't speak, but looked at Lu Yue, wanting to know what Lu Yue thought? "Master, don't worry, although I have consumed a lot of spiritual power before, but if I want to deal with these evil spirits, I can still do it with Lightning and Thunder Fist."

Thunderbolts flew out of Lu Yue's body and struck at the many evil spirits, letting them know that Lu Yue was still able to fight and kill them evil spirits. If he was not afraid of death, he would continue Just monitor their master and apprentice.

Seeing that Lu Yue can still use such a powerful thunder technique to attack them, they still don't understand that Lu Yue's consumption is not as great as they expected before, so he ran away quickly without any hesitation, so as not to Died at the hands of Lu Yue and Lin Jiu, master and apprentice.

Before, they clearly sensed that the master and apprentice fought against the ghost king. Originally, these evil spirits thought that it would not be difficult to kill Lu Yue and Lin Jiu with the powerful strength of the ghost king. Even if it can't, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue will be seriously injured.

Unexpectedly, the ghost king did not kill Lu Yue and Lin Jiu. What is even more strange is that Lin Jiu and Lu Yue were not injured yet, but their spiritual energy was consumed a bit.

The hearts of many evil ghosts were filled with shock, and they also knew that Lin Jiu and Lu Yue's master and apprentice were stronger than they estimated, otherwise, it would be impossible to repel the ghost king.

In this way, how dare these evil spirits stay here, otherwise, they will all die in the hands of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue before they leave for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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