Chapter 46
How could Lin Jiu's concerns not be known to Simu, nodded and said, "Brother, don't worry, I won't hurt my nephew Lu Yue, and I plan to wait until my nephew breaks through to the realm of a celestial master and help me improve my cultivation?" With the help of Lu Yue, it is not impossible for him to reach the realm of a celestial master in the future. Thinking of that scene, his four eyes are full of smiles.

With the guarantee of Simu, Lin Jiu no longer paid attention to Simu. Based on his understanding of Simu, he knew that Simu could not do this kind of thing, so he deceived himself and looked at Lu Yue not far away, wanting to know whether Lu Yue could do it. Sensing the ginseng on the body.

Lu Yue did not disappoint Lin Jiu. The moment Lin Jiu put the ginseng on him, he felt a sense of urgency in his body, making Lu Yue want to devour the ginseng.

Lu Yue didn't do this. He suppressed his body's instincts, divided part of his spiritual power and star power, and put them into ginseng, hoping to revive the ginseng.

The moment he sensed the ginseng, Lu Yue sensed that the ginseng hadn't completely died. If he could send the spiritual power and the power of the stars into the ginseng, the ginseng could be revived again, and even grow rapidly. If you devour this ginseng, you will get the most benefits.

Following that, Lu Yue sent the spiritual power and the power of the stars into the ginseng. Lu Yue could clearly sense that the effect of ginseng was increasing, but what made Lu Yue feel puzzled was that he did not I didn't sense the ginseng on my body, so I came back alive, and I felt a little doubt in my heart. Could it be that my previous induction was wrong, and this ginseng had already died.

As soon as this idea came up, Lu Yue denied it, because Lu Yue was very sure that it was not his own illusion before, and he really sensed a trace of vitality in the ginseng. There should be something missing, which made the ginseng not fully alive. .

Later, Lu Yue thought of something, ingested a bunch of grass and trees, and put it into the ginseng. He wanted to know whether this would make the ginseng recover. After cultivating it, devour it, otherwise, I will devour this ginseng myself, so that my cultivation can break through to a higher level.

Fortunately, the final result did not disappoint Lu Yue. As Lu Yue sent the power of vegetation into the ginseng, Lu Yue could clearly sense the vitality of the ginseng and began to strengthen it. In this way, the ginseng would be better Absorb the power of the stars and grow spiritually.

Originally, Lin Jiu and Simu thought that after Lu Yue sensed the existence of this ginseng, he would absorb the ginseng to enhance his cultivation, but he did not expect that Lu Yue would use his own speciality to nourish ginseng, so that Simu and Lin Jiu could feel the ginseng. People frowned slightly, wondering why Lu Yue did this.

Afterwards, Simu wanted to interrupt Lu Yue's cultivation of ginseng, so as not to damage Lu Yue's origin and prevent him from breaking through to a higher level in the future. "Junior Brother Simu, let's wait for a while. Based on my understanding of Lu Yue, this Lu Yue is not a stupid person. He should know that it is an extremely stupid thing to consume the source to grow ginseng. Therefore, Lu Yue is Impossible to do that."

Hearing this, the four eyes stopped and looked at Lu Yue, wanting to know what Lu Yue wanted to do. When they saw Lu Yue sending part of the power of the stars and spiritual power into the ginseng, the four of them shuddered. In Mu and Lin Jiu's eyes, there was a flash of understanding. It turned out that Lu Yue wanted to enhance the effect of ginseng.Afterwards, Lin Jiu and Si Mu were shocked to discover that under Lu Yue's action, the ginseng that had already died had regained its vitality, and under Lu Yue's action, it had rapidly strengthened.

This discovery shocked Simu and Lin Jiu. They didn't expect Lu Yue to have such a means. "Brother, do you know that Lu Yue still has such tricks?"

"How is it possible? I'm not an innate wood spirit body. How could I know this?" Lin Jiu frowned. "That's right, there are so few records about the congenital wood spirit body, so that we don't know anything about the congenital wood spirit body at all. As a result, it is not easy to cultivate the congenital wood spirit body. Something happened."

"It's not because those people imprisoned the innate wood spirit body as soon as they discovered it, and did not give the innate wood spirit body a chance to grow. Otherwise, how could we not understand the innate wood spirit body?" When it came to the end, Lin Jiu couldn't help but feel a little anger in his heart, obviously he was extremely displeased with those who persecuted the congenital wood spirits.

Hearing this, Simu didn't say anything, and he was extremely displeased with those who persecuted the innate wood spirit body.Then, he thought of something in his four eyes, and looked at Lin Jiudao, "Senior brother, there are many trees around my dojo, and the aura is stronger than that of your place, brother. Otherwise, let Lu Yue live with me for a while. At that time, this Lu Yue's cultivation may be able to increase rapidly in a short period of time, brother, what do you think?"

"Junior Brother Simu, let's talk about this matter in the future. Lu Yue's cultivation base is still low, not enough to protect himself. I don't intend to let Lu Yue leave Yizhuang, so as not to be noticed by others?"

Although there are many trees in the four-eyed dojo, and the aura is more intense than his own Yizhuang, it is a pity that the strength of the four-eyes is too low. If something really happens, the strength of the four-eyes may not be able to protect Lu Yue's safety .After all, the deep mountains and old forests are the most dangerous places.

Based on his understanding of Lin Jiu, how could Simu not know that Lin Jiu disliked that his cultivation base was too low to protect Lu Yue, otherwise, even if he didn't say anything, Lin Jiu would let Lu Yue go to him Dojo practice.However, if he were Lin Jiu, he would not let Lu Yue go to his dojo.Thinking of this, Simu sighed in his heart, stood where he was, and paid attention to Lu Yue, wanting to know how far this ginseng could reach under Lu Yue's cultivation.

Following that, the power of many stars, spiritual power and vegetation were sent into the ginseng, and this ginseng was completely alive. After that, special spiritual energy flew out of this ginseng, which merged into Lu Yue's body, making Lu Yue His body, as if he had eaten something tonic, strengthened rapidly, and the feeling of hunger quickly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yue was overjoyed. He didn't expect such benefits, but soon Lu Yue discovered that as the ginseng continued to send spiritual energy into his body, the age of ginseng was rapidly decreasing. This 500-year-old ginseng has turned into 200-year-old ginseng when you don't feel a trace of hunger.

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(End of this chapter)

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