Chapter 5 Cooking

After Lin Jiu's guidance, Lu Yue's Maoshan body training boxing has already started. Every time he practices Maoshan body training boxing, Lu Yue can sense a trace of something entering his body, which makes Lu Yue feel extremely comfortable, as if eating It's like a good thing, this feeling is so tempting that Lu Yue can't help being silent, and keeps practicing Maoshan body training boxing on the spot.

Looking at Lu Yue who was seriously cultivating in the courtyard, Lin Jiu showed a smile on his face. After so many years, he finally accepted a disciple who knew how to practice hard; uh.

This Lu Yue's aptitude is extraordinary, and it is not difficult to work hard to surpass him. Lin Jiu's aptitude is among many of his peers. For the physically fit Lu Yue, it was still a bit worse.

Thinking that Lu Yue would surpass her in cultivation soon, the smile on Lin Jiu's face became even stronger.Many of my brothers and sisters have also accepted disciples, but the qualifications of these disciples are hard to describe. Compared with their masters, they are still a little worse. It can be said that it is extremely difficult to surpass them as masters. If you can teach Having a powerful disciple will definitely make many fellow disciples envious. Thinking of this, the smile on Lin Jiu's face became even stronger.

Unfortunately, the joy in Lin Jiu's heart did not last for too long.It turned out that when Lin Jiu was immersed in the illusion of the future, Wen Cai's voice suddenly sounded, "Junior brother, you have been practicing for two hours, it is time to rest. Senior brother tells you that this way of cultivation is too haste, like If you cultivate like this, it is easy to damage your body, listen to my brother, take a break."

Hearing Wen Cai's words, Lu Yue stopped, full of doubts in his heart, is this true? Why did he not feel any discomfort when he was practicing, but instead felt more energetic.

Seeing Lu Yue's bewildered look, he asked Wencai and Qiusheng to know that Lu Yue didn't believe what he said, and felt anxious. They had practiced for two hours today and didn't want to continue practicing. After all, they could Not Lu Yue, practicing Maoshan Body Refining Boxing would be a great torture for the two of them.

"Yes, Junior Brother, what Wen Cai said is right. If you practice for too long, it will damage your body. You should stop thinking about it for a while, Junior Brother. After all, you are still young and have plenty of time to practice."

"Two evil disciples, my teacher warns you, don't bring your little junior brothers into harm's way, otherwise, my teacher will not let you go." As soon as the words fell, Lin Jiu appeared in front of the two of them with a rattan whip, without saying anything Nonsense, quickly waved the cane whip in his hand, and drew it towards the two of them, and a scream suddenly sounded, "Master, we know we were wrong, and we dare not do it again."

If at any other time, Lin Jiu might have stopped when he heard the two admit their mistakes, but today, Lin Jiu didn't stop. He made up his mind to teach Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng a profound lesson, and let them know how to lead Lu Lu to death. What will happen to Yue? You must know that this Lu Yue is his valued successor, and he will never allow Lu Yue to be led astray by Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng.After a stick of incense, Lin Jiucai stopped, looked at the two people who kept screaming, and said, "In the future, do you still dare to bring down your little brother?"

"Master, we don't dare anymore." Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng replied quickly, fearing that Lin Jiu would hit them again if they answered too slowly.

"Remember what you said, if there is another time, the teacher will not easily spare you, understand?"

Hearing this, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng breathed a sigh of relief, and left without any hesitation. "Lu Yue, your physique is extraordinary. This kind of cultivation is nothing to you. Continue to practice. If you are not a teacher, you must not stop."

"Yes, Master." After speaking, Lu Yue continued to practice.Traveling to this time, although Lu Yue didn't discover what system he had, but Lu Yue found that his comprehension had improved a lot. The previous practice gave Lu Yue a lot of insight into the first level of Maoshan Body Refining Boxing , Lu Yue is confident that he will be able to cultivate it to the realm of Xiaocheng in a short time.

Lu Yue sensed that there was nothing wrong with it. In the evening, Lu Yue sensed that the power of Maoshan Body Training Fist had increased a lot. Before, Lu Yue played Maoshan Body Training Boxing once, absorbing at most two traces of spiritual energy and entering the body, but now, Lu Yue He found that he could draw the six spiritual qi into his body by playing Maoshan Body Refining Boxing once. This discovery made Lu Yue happy. Maoshan body training boxing comes.

After Lu Yue started to practice, Lin Jiu has been paying attention to Lu Yue's situation. When he saw that Lu Yue had practiced the first level of Maoshan Body Refining Boxing to the Xiaocheng level in just one day, he was full of shock. , Lin Jiu already knew that Lu Yue's aptitude was extraordinary, but in Lin Jiu's view, it would take at least three days for Lu Yue to cultivate the first level of Maoshan Physical Training Boxing to the level of Xiaocheng. Thinking that Lu Yue did it in one day, it seems that Lu Yue's aptitude is more extraordinary than he estimated. "Lu Yue, come over to eat first."

"It's Master." After speaking, Lu Yue stopped and walked to the dinner table.As soon as Lu Yue sat down, he saw Wen Cai looking at him enviously and said, "Little Junior Brother, Master is so kind to you, and I don't even need you to cook." I don't know when I will be treated like this.

Hearing Wen Cai's words, Lu Yue smiled awkwardly, for a moment, he didn't know what to say. "Why, Wencai, don't you want to cook? That's fine. From that day on, you will practice with Lu Yue. Whenever your junior brother stops, you will also stop. I will leave the cooking to my master." What do you think?"

Hearing Lin Jiu's words, Wen Cai's precocious face immediately wrinkled together, full of joy, which made Lu Yue laugh involuntarily.Lu Yue's smile made Lin Jiu's unattractive complexion even more ugly, and he didn't dare to smile anymore, and continued to eat.

Seeing this, Lin Jiucai ignored Lu Yue and continued to look at Wencai, wanting to know what Wencai was thinking. "Master, you have so many things to do every day. If you still have to cook, it will be too hard. So, let the disciples do the small things of cooking."

"It's true, there are so many things to do every day as a teacher, and I really don't have the time to cook. However, your little brother is just getting started, or let your little brother cook, so that you have more time to practice. Just to give you some more time to practice Maoshan Body Refining Boxing?"

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