Chapter 51 Lessons from Awei
This Awei's reputation in Renjia Town is not small, Qiusheng and Wencai naturally know about Awei, and also know that this Awei is the captain of the security team, has a gun in his hand and has a lot of dog legs.

Without Lin Jiu by his side, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng would not have dared to confront Ah Wei when they met Ah Wei, lest they be shot to death by Ah Wei.But with Lin Jiu here, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng are not worried at all. Others don't know Lin Jiu's methods, but Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng are Lin Jiu's disciples, how can they not know Lin Jiu's methods, and they are very clear in their hearts , with Lin Jiu's means, even if Awei had a gun in his hand, it would be impossible to do anything to them?
Qiu Sheng ignored Ah Wei's threat, looked at Ren Tingting embarrassedly and said, "Miss Ren, all this is a misunderstanding, because my aunt told me that day that girls from Yihong Court would come to buy things, so I misunderstood Miss Ren." Yes, I hope Miss Ren will forgive me."

This Qiusheng is Lu Yue's senior brother, if he really did something to Qiusheng, I'm afraid Lu Yue would not forgive him, besides, he had already slapped Qiusheng that day, so it was a lesson learned, "Forget it, those who don't know are not guilty. "After finishing speaking, Ren Tingting walked to Master Ren's place, wanting to know what Lin Jiu and others said to her father?
As soon as he came to Master Ren, he heard Lin Jiu look at his father solemnly and say, "Master Ren, I didn't lie to you. Your father's body has already turned into a zombie. If you don't burn your father for a while, This zombie will definitely keep haunting your family until it sucks the blood of Master Ren, you and Miss Ren dry?"

"Uncle Jiu can't do it. My father was afraid of fire when he was alive. As a son, I will never agree to burn my father's body. Uncle Jiu, you can think of a way. As long as you don't burn my father's body and bury it again, I will Willing to double the wages, what do you think?"

Ren Tingting has accepted Western culture in the provincial capital these years, and she is a firm atheist. How could she believe this? She quickly looked at her father and said, "Father, there are no zombies in this world. You have to believe in science." After finishing speaking, Ren Tingting looked at Lin Jiu thought that Lin Jiu wanted to take this opportunity to cheat money, and at the same time, his impression of Lu Yue also dropped a bit.

Seeing this scene, Lin Jiu and Si Mu felt angry in their hearts, but they also knew that it was hard to believe such a thing without seeing it with their own eyes.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu wanted to say something, but before he could open his mouth, he heard Lu Yue speak first, "Master Ren, Miss Ren, whether you believe it or not, this old man has already turned into a zombie. If you don't burn the old man, when the night comes, the old man will be resurrected. At that time, the first thing that the old man will deal with is your two immediate family members, because the blood of the two of you can make the old man become more powerful.

By the way, if you don't believe it, when the coffin is raised, the surrounding birds will be startled, and the surrounding temperature will also drop. What's more, your father didn't die when he was buried now and when he was just buried. any difference. "

"Xiao Daoist, how could this happen? My father has been dead for 20 years, and now he has probably turned into a pile of bones. How could it be exactly the same as before he died?"

"Master Ren, that's a normal situation, but is your father a normal situation? If Master Ren doesn't believe it, you can open the coffin and see if what I said is true or not. Why do you think I will use this Let me deceive you with something that you will know in a while?"

Lu Yue's words made Master Ren's complexion ugly, but Master Ren did not believe what Lu Yue said, but looked at Lin Jiu beside him, wanting to know what Lin Jiu said.

Seeing this, Lin Jiu nodded and said, "Master Ren, let's lift the coffin. However, if it is true what my disciple said, I hope that Master Ren will allow us to burn the body of Mr. Ren so as not to cause harm to the world." Uncle Jiu, let’s wait until the late father’s coffin is taken out.” After speaking, Master Ren took Lin Jiu to the cemetery.

Ren Tingting did not leave with Master Ren and others, but looked at Lu Yue fixedly and said, "Mr. Lu, is what you said before true? My grandfather really became a zombie?"

"Of course, I don't need to lie to you, and besides, it won't do me any good to lie to you?" "But why haven't I seen any ghosts and ghosts before?" Since the existence of zombies, it means that there are really ghosts in this world. Haven't seen it.

"Hahahaha, Miss Ren, we Taoist priests and monks are not here to eat. The reason why you didn't see it is because people like us have already eliminated you before you met. Besides, Miss Ren, you really If I meet you, you may not have the opportunity to stand in front of me today."

"What are you doing here, you little boy? Are you trying to deceive my cousin? Let me tell you, I, Awei, am the captain of the security team. If you dare to bully my cousin, I will definitely shoot you." After finishing speaking, Awei Coming in front of Lu Yue, he looked at Lu Yue unkindly and said.

Lu Yue's little boy's threat to him is too great, and he must not let the whole little boy and his cousin have a chance to get in touch, otherwise, his cousin will be taken down by Lu Yue in a short time. The property of the family has nothing to do with oneself.

Wencai and Qiusheng who were not far away looked at Awei gloatingly when they saw that Awei dared to target Lu Yue and call Lu Yue a bad boy.You know, Lu Yue didn't like others to call him a little boy. In the past, the two of them called him a few times because they were jealous of Lu Yue's appearance.

"Worthy of being the captain of the security team. This aura is really extraordinary. I will remember you." After speaking, Lu Yue came to Awei and patted Awei on the shoulder. A powerful force hit Awei's body , which made Awei feel uncomfortable, and wanted to do something, but found that he couldn't do anything, he could only stand tightly in place.

Fear arose involuntarily in his heart, knowing that Lu Yue was a capable person, he felt remorse for a while, if he knew this earlier, Ah Wei would never offend Lu Yue easily.

Unfortunately, it is too late to regret now.Especially what Lu Yue said before filled Awei's heart with worry. Like Master Ren, he knew very well that although the Lu family was in decline, they were not comparable to them. If Lu Yue really It is not difficult to do what he wants to do.

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(End of this chapter)

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