Chapter 56
Originally, Lin Jiu was still worried that after Lu Yue broke through to the eighth-rank Taoist boy, he couldn't help the temptation and continued to break through. If this was the case, he would definitely interrupt Lu Yue's cultivation.

Fortunately, in the end, Lu Yue did not disappoint himself. After breaking through the eighth-rank Taoist boy, he did not continue to break through, but began to stabilize his cultivation base. Without the help of ginseng, Lu Yue wanted to stabilize the cultivation base he had just broken through , It will take a few days, but now, with the help of ginseng, Lu Yue spent an hour to initially stabilize the cultivation base that he just broke through.

However, Lu Yue broke through so quickly this time, and still left some hidden dangers. It is not suitable to break through to a higher level in a short time.Fortunately, with Lu Yue's means, it is not difficult to eliminate this hidden danger, and it doesn't take too much time. It only takes one or two months to completely eliminate the hidden danger.

Seeing Lu Yue opened his eyes, Lin Jiu said, "Lu Yue, let's go." Now that it was getting dark, Lin Jiu worried that Mr. Feng Shui and the old man Ren would go to Ren's mansion. With such strength, it is extremely difficult to resist these two people. As for Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, it is not bad if they don't disturb the four eyes.

Looking at Lin Jiu's worried look, how could Lu Yue not know what his master Lin Jiu was worried about? Thinking of the unreliable hearts of his two senior brothers, Lu Yue didn't say anything, took out a magic amulet and stuck it on his body, Together with Lin Jiu, they quickly walked to Ren Mansion.

Fortunately, what Lu Yue and Lin Jiu were worried about did not happen. When they came to Ren's Mansion, they did not feel anything unusual in this Ren's Mansion, which made Lin Jiu and Lu Yue's hearts a little bit. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing the arrival of Lin Jiu and Lu Yue, Master Ren breathed a sigh of relief. Although Simu arrived early, Master Ren did not dare to relax before seeing Lin Jiu coming. It seems that Lin Jiu's ability should be better than Simu's. "Uncle Jiu, you are finally here. The banquet has been set, let's take a seat quickly and eat."

The dinner prepared by Ren's mansion was extremely sumptuous, which satisfied Lin Jiu and the others.Seeing that Lin Jiu and the others were satisfied with the dinner he had prepared for his servants, Master Ren breathed a sigh of relief, and then looked at Lin Jiu and asked, "Uncle Jiu, I don't know, what can you do to find that zombie?" , kill him?"

Although Lin Jiu and the others are by my side to protect me, as long as the zombie doesn't die for a day, Master Ren and the others won't feel at ease. kill.Moreover, the Ren family has a big business, and there are big things that need to be handled by Mr. Ren. It is impossible to stay in Ren's mansion for a long time, otherwise, their Ren family's money will be lost a lot.

"Master Ren, there is no rush for this matter. We suspect that the Feng Shui master who killed your family before is not dead. If we guessed correctly, we need to get rid of it this time. The crisis at home will not be resolved, by the way, Master Ren, do you still remember the appearance of Mr. Feng Shui?"

If they can know the appearance of the Feng Shui master, whether they want to confirm whether the Feng Shui master is still alive, or even find the location of the Feng Shui master, it will be easier.

"Uncle Jiu, since I got home, I've been recalling the appearance of that Fengshui master. If I could see him, I'd be able to recognize him, but I don't know how to draw, so I can't draw the appearance of that Fengshui master? "Master Ren, leave this matter to me, Miss Ren, can I trouble you to prepare a piece of white paper, a drawing board, a pencil and an eraser for me."

Master Ren and others may not know these things, but Lu Yue believes that Ren Tingting, who has received a western education, will definitely know, even if she doesn't have them, she knows where to find these things. "Mr. Lu, I have all these things. Please wait a moment, sir. I will go get these things for you now." After speaking, Ren Tingting got up and walked to the room.

Wen Cai, who was sitting next to Lu Yue, saw Ren Tingting leaving, looked at Lu Yue curiously and asked, "Junior Brother, what do you want these things for?" As soon as Wen Cai finished speaking, the others also looked at Lu Yue curiously. , I want to know what Lu Yue wants these things for?
"Brother, you will know soon." Soon, Ren Tingting brought the things Lu Yue wanted to Lu Yue, "Mr. Lu, this is what you want. Mr. Lu, I am very interested in sketching. I wonder if you can let me watch from the sidelines?"

"Yes." "Really, that's great, thank you Mr. Lu." After speaking, Ren Tingting sat beside Lu Yue.Seeing this, Wencai and Qiusheng on the side also came to Lu Yue's side, "Junior brother, what kind of sketch do we want to learn too?" The two of them are working hard now, and they want to make Ren Tingting, the eldest lady of the Ren family. If it is won, I naturally don't want to miss any opportunity to get in touch with Ren Tingting.

Seeing this scene, Lu Yue sighed in his heart, "Senior brothers, let's talk about this later. The most important thing now is to overcome the difficulties in front of us. Master Ren, please describe the appearance of Mr. Feng Shui ""No problem." After that, Master Ren began to talk about the appearance of the Feng Shui master.

After a while, Lu Yue handed the painting in his hand to Master Ren and asked, "Master Ren, take a look, does this look like Mr. Feng Shui?" It's what I remember, Mr. Feng Shui's appearance."

Master Ren looked at Lu Yuedao with a smile, his eyes full of appreciation. If Lu Yue was not a Taoist priest, it would be a good choice to marry his daughter to him. "Master Ren is full of praise." After speaking, Lu Yue handed over the drawing board in his hand to Lin Jiu.

Before, when they heard that Lu Yue drew the appearance of Mr. Fengshui so quickly, Lin Jiu and Simu felt curious, wanting to know what Mr. Fengshui looked like and what this sketch was about.Looking at the lifelike appearance on the paper, Lin Jiu couldn't help but sigh with emotion, "Lu Yue, I didn't expect that you still have this ability. You are indeed a child raised by a rich family. It is really extraordinary. With this portrait, we want to It will be much easier to determine whether Mr. Feng Shui is hiding in Renjia Town." After speaking, Lin Jiu handed over the drawing board in his hand to A Wei.

Awei is the captain of the security team in Renjia Town. It is best to let Awei handle the matter of finding Mr. Feng Shui.Seeing Lin Jiu's actions, without Lin Jiu saying anything, Master Ren took the lead and said, "Ah Wei, I will leave the matter of finding Mr. Feng Shui to your security team, and tell your subordinates, whoever can find him Mr. Feng Shui, I will give thirty oceans, if anyone can catch Mr. Fengshui, I will give one hundred oceans, understand?"

(End of this chapter)

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