Chapter 66 Yin Qi
"Master, I understand. You want to use my ability to confirm your guess. However, Master, whether it is Mr. Feng Shui or Mr. Ren, they are too cruel, and I am not able to deal with them now, so , Master, as far as the two of us are concerned, it is better not to do anything, so as not to die in the hands of that Feng Shui master?"

"Hmph, Lu Yue, in your opinion, is it that unreliable to be a teacher?" "Master, that's not true, but I'm worried that you won't be able to resist seeing zombies and want to kill them." .”

"Don't worry, I won't be impulsive as a teacher, because I know very well in my heart that if we really meet Mr. Feng Shui and that old man with the strength of the two of us, it can be said that we will definitely die. , with your aptitude, if this incident happened a year later, Mr. Feng Shui would not have escaped last night." Lin Jiu said regretfully.

"Who says it's not? After a year, with my aptitude, even if I can't reach the realm of a human teacher, I can still reach the realm of a warlock. With the addition of the Lightning and Thunder Fist and the Stake Dafa, I don't know how much my combat power will be enhanced. By the way , Master, do you still have the Thunderbolt Peachwood Sword in your hand? How about giving me a shield?" After speaking, Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiu flatteringly, hoping that Lin Jiu would give him one. If he had the Thunderbolt Peachwood Sword in his hand, , I should be able to enhance my fighting power a lot, it's not that I can't fight old master Ren with the lightning strike mahogany sword.

"Hmph, Lu Yue, do you think this lightning strike peach wood sword is from mainland China? This lightning strike wood is extremely precious and rare. In the entire Maoshan, there are only two. One is in the hands of the teacher, and the other is in the hands of the teacher. Don't think about it in the master's hand, but I have a good hundred-year-old mahogany sword in my master's hand, do you want it?" Now that Lu Yue's cultivation level is not low, it's time to give Lu Yue some magical weapons Yes, let him protect himself.

"Yes, master, when will you give it to me?" "I will give it to you now." After speaking, Lin Jiu took out a mahogany sword from his Taoist robe and handed it to Lu Yue.

"Thank you, master. By the way, what method did you use before? Why didn't I see where you hid this mahogany sword at all?" Such a long mahogany sword is hidden on the body, but it can If Lu Yue didn't see anything, wouldn't he not be curious, could it be that there is something treasure in the master's hand that can hide the magic weapon? If this is the case, then I really have to see it carefully. See if you can get one.

Looking at Lu Yue's shining eyes, how could Lin Jiu not know what Lu Yue was thinking, "Lu Yue, if you want to learn this skill, your current cultivation level is still far behind, and you need to wait until you reach the realm of Earth Master. Only then is it possible to learn. Well, now you sense, is there anything unusual on this mountain?"

"It's Master, I understand." After finishing speaking, Lu Yue sat cross-legged on the ground, letting go of his mind and establishing a connection with the surrounding vegetation, using the ubiquitous vegetation to sense the situation on the mountain.

This process is extremely energy-consuming. With Lu Yue's current strength, he can perform it up to three times a day. If there are more, Lu Yue's spirit will be damaged. It will take a very long time to recover.Looking at Lu Yue sitting cross-legged on the ground, Lin Jiu carefully guarded his surroundings so that Lu Yue would not be tricked by others.Originally, it was not easy for Lu Yue to sense the situation on the mountain, but unexpectedly, Lu Yue opened his eyes in just 10 minutes.

"Master, I didn't feel anything unusual. It seems that Mr. Feng Shui and Mr. Ren are not in this place." "Lu Yue, are you really sure that you are not on this mountain and did not find any abnormalities?" After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu looked straight at Lu Yue.

"Master, I'm sure there is nothing unusual on this mountain. How about we go to other places to take a look, Master?" , which places are more cloudy?"

Whether it is Mr. Feng Shui or the old man, they were all seriously injured under their attacks. If they want to recover in a short time, they need a lot of Yin Qi to help them. Therefore, these two people should hide in the Where the Yin Qi is relatively heavy, restore the injury.

Otherwise, it will take time for them to recover from their injuries. It is impossible for Mr. Feng Shui and others not to guess that they will keep looking for their traces. If they cannot recover from their injuries in a short time , may die at their hands.

Lu Yue is not an arrogant person. He feels that his sensing ability will not make mistakes. After hearing what Lin Jiu said, Lu Yue suddenly understood that Master was worried that his sensing would go wrong. "Master, you mean that Feng Shui Do you have a way to hide the disciple's reaction?"

"Of course, Lu Yue doesn't think that his sensing ability can't make mistakes. If you think so, you are too naive. Whether it is the Feng Shui master or the teacher, there are ways to make you feel nothing. , it is impossible for Mr. Feng Shui to guess, we will look for his traces, and want to kill him before he recovers from his injuries. In this way, Mr. Feng Shui will not use some means to hide his traces?"

"Master, don't worry, I am not the kind of arrogant person. I have long known that there are many ways in this world to hide the disciple's induction. However, Master, the disciple's induction ability will change with the strength Strengthening, and promotion, in the same realm, it is extremely difficult to hide the disciple's induction, by the way, master, can you tell me how to hide the induction?"

Hearing Lu Yue's words, Lin Jiu felt even more satisfied, "Lu Yue, don't worry, the most important thing for you now is to improve your cultivation.

As for other things, let’s put them aside for now. When the cultivation level is enough, the teacher will naturally pass on these methods to you. Otherwise, even if the teacher passes on these methods to you, you will not be able to use them to respond Some power, as for the ability to deceive the senses, it is not difficult to learn, but it requires a very high level of cultivation, and with your current level of cultivation, it is still impossible to learn. "

Hearing this, Lu Yue felt regretful, but he didn't force it. He knew that Lin Jiu was doing it for his own good. When his cultivation base was strong enough, he might not need to say anything, and the master would teach all these methods. Own.

"Master, according to my previous induction, the place with the strongest Yin energy on this mountain should be that place. There is a cave there. This disciple sensed that the Yin energy in the cave is extremely strong."

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(End of this chapter)

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