Chapter 7 The Beginning of Hell

Lu Yue just started to practice, Lin Jiu also came out from the room, looked at Lu Yue standing in the courtyard, Lin Jiu nodded imperceptibly, it seemed that his disciple was quite obedient, and he asked him to get up early To practice boxing, you really get up early to practice boxing.Afterwards, Lin Jiu came to Lu Yue and began to practice his Maoshan body training boxing.As the sun rose, Lu Yue sensed a warm force entering his body, which made Lu Yue feel comfortable, and he couldn't help crying out.

Originally, Lu Yue thought that when Lin Jiu heard him moaning suddenly, he would say that he paused, but he found that Lin Jiu was staring at him incredulously.Seeing this, Lu Yue frowned, "Master, is there something wrong with me?"

"Lu Yue, what did you feel before?" "What kind of feeling, no, by the way, Master, I felt the warmth and comfort all over my body before, so I couldn't help crying out? Master, is there something wrong with this?" ?”

Hearing this, Lin Jiuyi didn't know what to say for a while. Now that the aura is thin, it is extremely difficult for them, cultivators, to improve. Fortunately, there is Chaoyang Ziqi, and this Chaoyang The magical effect of purple qi is extraordinary, if it can be absorbed and refined, it will be of great benefit to their practitioners, but it is not an easy task to absorb the rising sun purple qi.

At least, when Lin Jiu absorbed Chaoyang Ziqi, he had already practiced the Maoshan body training boxing to the third level, and he did it. At that time, he shocked the whole Maoshan, and shocked many Maoshan elders, and regarded himself as a One of the hopes of Maoshan's revival.

But this Lu Yue can absorb the Chaoyang Ziqi just by practicing Maoshan Body Refining Boxing for one day. How can Lin Jiu's heart not be filled with shock? At the same time, Lin Jiu's heart also has a clear understanding of the innate spirit body' Sure enough, these innate spirit bodies are all abnormal, and they are not comparable to mortals like them. Fortunately, thinking that Wencai and Qiusheng have been practicing for so many years, they can't absorb the purple energy of the rising sun, so Lin Jiu's heart is more balanced.

"It's okay, Lu Yue, continue to practice and try to break through as soon as possible." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu turned around and left. He didn't practice today, and he had to calm down a little bit after being hit by Lu Yue.Lin Jiu didn't plan to tell Lu Yue about Chaoyang Ziqi now, lest Lu Yue be proud.

Looking at Lin Jiu who was leaving, Lu Yue was puzzled. He didn't know what was going on, and why the master stopped practicing because of his good manners. However, Lu Yue didn't think too much, so as not to be beaten by Lin Jiu. Continue to practice Maoshan body training boxing.

Somehow, when Lu Yue just started practicing Maoshan Body Refining Boxing, he sensed that his body had suddenly strengthened a lot, which made him a little uncontrollable.

This discovery made Lu Yue feel puzzled, not knowing what was going on. Fortunately, as Lu Yue continued to practice Maoshan Body Refining Boxing, the uncontrollable feeling began to disappear slowly, and he felt a little relieved. He took a deep breath, thinking that he had an illusion, so he didn't care, and continued to practice his Maoshan body training boxing.

But he said that even though Lin Jiu no longer practiced, he also paid attention to Lu Yue's situation. When he saw Lu Yue's suddenly strengthened body and regained control, Lin Jiu showed a smile on his face, but at this moment, Lin Jiu heard a burst of snoring, and his face suddenly became extremely ugly. Without any hesitation, he picked up the cane whip not far away, and walked towards Wencai's place.

Looking at Wen Cai who was still sleeping soundly, Lin Jiu showed a cruel smile, and quickly waved the cane whip in his hand, and drew it towards Wen Cai, and there was a burst of screams and begging for mercy.Not long after, Lu Yue saw Wen Cai appearing not far from him, and reluctantly began to practice his Maoshan Body Refining Boxing.

"Little brother, can I discuss something with you?" For Wencai, it was too painful to practice Maoshan body training boxing, and Wencai didn't plan to practice it properly.

Hearing Wen Cai's words, Lu Yue did not stop, and continued to punch. After punching, Lu Yue stopped, looked at Wen Cai and said, "Brother Wen Cai, what do you want?"

"Junior brother, can you call me when you wake up in the future?" Wen Cai looked at Lu Yue resentfully when he said this.Originally, he thought that the addition of a younger junior was the beginning of his literary and happy life, but now it seems that this is not the beginning of a happy life, it is obviously the beginning of a life in hell.This little junior brother has only been under the master's door for two days, and he has been beaten several times, and he can't even sleep late.

Wen Cai's resentful eyes made Lu Yue's heart tremble, "Brother, why?" Although he had not been in contact with Wen Cai for a long time, Lu Yue still had some understanding of Wen Cai's personality, knowing that Wen Cai is not hard work Why would you suddenly make such a request? Could it be that there is some conspiracy in it? After all, although Wencai and Qiusheng are not very strong, they are capable of deceiving people. Yue was not careful.

"Because, I'm afraid that if I continue like this, one day I will be beaten to death by Master. Junior brother, you don't know how hard Master beat me before. Now I feel pain all over my body, especially my heart. It's more like being hacked into pieces, little brother, you don't know, the master said before, if I dare to sleep in in the future, I will be beaten once." At the end, Wen Cai couldn't help but shed tears. I shed sad tears.

Seeing this, Lu Yue couldn't help but feel a little guilty, it couldn't be because of him. 'No, it's definitely not because of me, and even if it was, it must not be now. '

"Don't worry, brother, I will definitely wake you up in the future." Lu Yue's words caught Wencai by surprise. He thought Lu Yue would say something, but he didn't expect that Lu Yue would agree so simply, "Little brother, in fact, if you can get up an hour later If so, I don’t need you to call me, Junior Brother, I can wake up by myself, otherwise, Junior Brother, how about you wake up an hour late in the future?”

'This little junior is really stupid, why is he pretending to be stupid, why didn't he hear the unfinished meaning in his words?Does Wencai really want him to call? He hopes that Lu Yue can take the initiative to delay the time to wake up, so that the master will not beat him because of it. '

"Wen Cai, it seems that the lessons I gave you before becoming a teacher are not deep enough, so that you don't want to get up early. How about being a teacher to help you recall memories?" After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu took the rattan whip and walked towards the two of them. Come.I was glad for a while, but fortunately, I had been paying attention to the situation of the two of them before, otherwise, Lu Yue might have been spoiled by Wen Cai.

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