Chapter 70 find
Looking at Wencai and Qiusheng's dejected look, Simu couldn't help laughing. Sure enough, seeing Wencai and Qiusheng were unlucky, his depressed mood improved a lot, and although Lu Yue was not as good as Simu He also laughed out loud, and his face was also full of smiles. It could be seen that Lu Yue suppressed the smile in his heart, so he didn't laugh out loud.

Hearing Simu's laughter and the smile on Lu Yue's face, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng felt even more depressed.If not, if Lin Jiu's complexion is not very good-looking at this time, what will Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng say?
Looking at Wencai and Qiusheng who had started to practice, their four eyes did not say anything, and they took Lu Yue to the old man's cemetery quickly.An hour later, Lu Yue and Simu came to the foot of the mountain where the cemetery was located. Seeing this, Simu stopped, looked at Lu Yue and warned, "Nephew Lu Yue, from now on, you must obey me in everything, so as not to appear What an accident, understand?"

"Yes, uncle, I know, but, uncle, let's not worry about going to the mountain now, I will check here first to see if I can find any clues, what do you think?"

Hearing Lu Yue's words, he looked at Lu Yue in surprise. There is a long distance from the cemetery. Can Lu Yue really sense the situation of the cemetery? "Nephew, are you sure you can sense the situation in the cemetery?" After finishing speaking, he looked at Lu Yue with four eyes and asked.

"Master, I won't use this kind of thing as a joke. Besides, even if I can't sense anything, I can still have something to lose." After speaking, Lu Yue sat cross-legged on the ground, using the method of wooden stakes, and began to sense.Seeing this, the four eyes carefully guarded the surroundings to avoid any accidents.

With the help of many plants and trees, Lu Yue's mental strength slowly approached the graveyard, and the closer he got to the graveyard, soon a cold and disgusting aura appeared in Lu Yue's induction.I understand, that breath should be the graveyard I was looking for.

Afterwards, Lu Yue did not approach the cemetery, but carefully sensed it on the spot, wanting to see if he could find anything. Today, following Lin Jiu's side, Lu Yue's knowledge has been enhanced a lot, and he dare not tell Mr. Feng Shui If there is any underestimation, I am afraid that if I get too close, the Feng Shui master will give birth to a reaction.

Of course, if it doesn’t work, it’s not too late to approach the cemetery slowly. Under Lu Yue’s careful sensing, Lu Yue found that the yin and corpse qi in the cemetery were constantly losing, but soon, Lu Yue discovered that the cemetery The yin and corpse qi in the body did not decrease in the slightest because of this.

This discovery made Lu Yue feel puzzled.After that, Lu Yue slowly withdrew his spirit, so as not to be discovered by the Feng Shui master. "Uncle, I found that the yin and corpse qi in the cemetery are constantly losing, but what makes me feel puzzled is that I haven't found that the yin and corpse qi in the cemetery have decreased at all?" After finishing speaking , Lu Yue looked at the four eyes suspiciously, wanting to know what's going on?

"Nephew Lu Yue, are you sure that your induction is correct?" Seeing the four eyes looking at him sharply, Lu Yue understood that this matter is extremely important to the four eyes. He nodded solemnly and said, "Master, I am sure, my own Sensation, there is nothing wrong?" "Let's go, let's go back quickly." After speaking, Simu took Lu Yue away quickly, and soon, Simu took Lu Yue back to Renjia Town.

Along the way, Lu Yue kept paying attention to Simu. When he saw Simu entering Renjia Town, he was obviously relieved, and he no longer rushed as hard as before.

Seeing this, Lu Yue looked around and asked, "Master, is it confirmed now that Mr. Feng Shui and Mr. Ren are in the cemetery?"

"You are really smart, but if your impression is correct, Mr. Feng Shui and the zombie should be in the cemetery. Moreover, Mr. Feng Shui's skills are more extraordinary than our previous estimates. If Mister fights, even if I join forces with my senior brother, it may not necessarily be the opponent of Mr. Feng Shui and the zombies, we need to wait until daytime before we can do it."

However, Lin Jiu, who was in Ren's mansion, saw Lu Yue and Si Mu come back so soon, and a bright light flashed in his eyes. It seemed that they had already confirmed that Mr. Feng Shui and the zombie were in the cemetery, otherwise, Also won't come back so soon.

Sure enough, the next four words let Lin Jiu know that his guess was not wrong, "Senior brother, if your disciple is not wrong, then Mr. Feng Shui and the zombies are in the cemetery.

However, what is the situation in the cemetery, brother, you know that even if we join forces, it will not be an easy task to kill Mr. Feng Shui and the zombies? "After finishing speaking, four eyes looked at Lin Jiu curiously, wanting to know what Lin Jiu can do?
"Junior brother, don't worry, I already have a countermeasure. If the Feng Shui master and the zombies are still there tomorrow, we will be able to kill them all together, and even destroy the corpse farm." This corpse raising place is a rare treasure for those evil cultivators. It can allow their cultivation to increase rapidly in a short period of time. It must be destroyed to avoid endless troubles.

"In that case, let's go to the cemetery together tomorrow morning and kill the Feng Shui master and the zombies. Senior brother, let me make some preparations first." "Junior brother, you go, I also want to make some preparations. After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu and Si Mu left separately.

Wencai and Qiusheng who were not far away, after seeing Lin Jiu leaving, planned to be lazy for a while, but found that Lu Yue was looking at the two of them jokingly at this time, causing Wencai and Qiusheng to feel an ominous feeling in their hearts. I have a hunch that this Lu Yue is not suing the master.

When Lu Yue came to his side, Qiu Sheng quickly asked, "Junior Brother, let's take a break, you don't want Master to sue?" Cultivation, I am really too tired, just rest for a while, junior brother, you must not complain to the teacher, otherwise, we will not be able to sleep tonight."

"Don't worry, two brothers, I won't tell Master." After speaking, Lu Yue began to practice his Lightning and Thunder Fist. Tomorrow's battle will definitely be extremely fierce. If you can improve a little, you can improve a little more. Bar.

Looking at Lu Yue who started to practice, Wencai and Qiusheng didn't dare to disturb him. During this period of contact, both Wencai and Qiusheng understood that Lu Yue didn't like it very much. If they were practicing, Lu Yue would definitely tell Master about their laziness, and when the time came, the two of them might get beaten up.

(End of this chapter)

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