Chapter 72 Say Hi
"Master, that zombie and Mr. Feng Shui are very fierce, so, master, please give us some amulets." Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at Lin Jiudao flatteringly.Even if Qiusheng and Wencai don't talk about it, Lin Jiu will give them amulets to avoid any accidents between them.

With the three-legged kung fu of Wencai and Qiusheng, neither Mr. Fengshui nor Mrs. Ren can catch a single move. With this amulet, even Mr. Fengshui and zombies want to deal with Wencai and Qiusheng. There is a chance of rescue.

Although Lu Yue didn't say anything, Lin Jiu still handed over two amulets to Lu Yue to protect him.In this regard, Lu Yue naturally would not refuse Lin Jiu's kindness, and put two amulets on his body, and then followed Lin Jiu and others to the graveyard.

Soon, Lin Jiu and others came to the foot of the mountain. Afterwards, Lin Jiu stopped, looked at Lu Yue and said, "Lu Yue, now you can sense whether Mr. Feng Shui and the zombies are still in the cemetery."

Hearing this, Lu Yue nodded, and then, sitting cross-legged on the ground, he began to sense.Looking at Lu Yue sitting cross-legged on the ground, Wen Cai and other people who had never seen him before were all curious, and kept looking at Lu Yue, wanting to know what Lu Yue was doing.

It's a pity that the strength of Wencai and others is not very good, and they didn't see what Lu Yue was doing. Afterwards, Wencai and Qiusheng came to Lin Jiu's side, but they saw it before they saw it. , Lin Jiu stared at himself, letting Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng know that if they dared to say something at this time, Lin Jiu might get mad, so he didn't dare to say anything more, and quietly stayed away from Lin Jiu, so as not to be caught by Lin Jiu beat.

Seeing the hopeless appearance of Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, Lin Jiu was filled with anger. If there were not so many outsiders around now, Lin Jiu would definitely beat Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng to death.

Ah Wei and the others who were not far away saw Lin Jiu's serious look, but they still didn't understand that Lu Yue was now at a critical moment, so they didn't dare to say anything, so as not to disturb Lu Yue.

Lu Yue didn't keep Lin Jiu and the others waiting for a long time, and quickly opened his eyes, looked at Lin Jiu and said, "Master, I have confirmed that Mr. Feng Shui and the zombie are both in the cemetery, and Mr. Feng Shui seems to know that I When they were about to come, they left a lot of arrangements around them. Apart from the zombie Mr. Ren, there were three other zombies lying in ambush not far away.

I'm afraid, Mr. Ren and others can't leave before we kill Mr. Feng Shui, otherwise, Mr. Feng Shui will definitely drive these zombies to kill Mr. Ren. After finishing speaking, Lu Yue pointed to three different places and told where the three zombies were hiding.

"Lu Yue, you are right. Mr. Feng Shui did notice our arrival. Unexpectedly, Mr. Feng Shui was so cautious and left so many arrangements on the road, we were careless." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu took out a fire talisman, turned it into a ball of flames, and struck it not far away. A strange mouse appeared in everyone's eyes.

Not only was this mouse bigger than ordinary mice, but its eyes were bursting with red light, making Awei and the others feel hairy all over.After the mouse appeared, it quickly ran to the distance, hoping to escape the fireball turned into a fire talisman. Unfortunately, the speed of the fireball was faster. The mouse was hit by the fireball just after running a few steps, screaming a few times. After the sound, it turned into a pile of ashes.

"Master, what kind of mouse is this? How could it be so weird?" Before, he hadn't sensed anything unusual about this mouse?Moreover, the power of this mouse is greater than that of ordinary mice, and it can easily hurt Master Ren and others.

"Lu Yue, this is a corpse rat refined by the disciples of the Corpse Raising School with a unique method. Before activating these corpse rats, it is not easy to see the difference between them. As for How to distinguish this corpse mouse, I will tell you as a teacher in the future, now, Mr. Feng Shui already knows about our coming, the reason why he activated this corpse mouse is to tell us that our every move is under his control Under surveillance, there is no escape, let's go, let's meet this corpse cultivator disciple now." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu walked up the mountain.

"Master Ren, follow in the footsteps of my senior brother. Lu Yue, you stand in the middle, Wen Caiqiusheng, you stand on guard on both sides, and I stand at the end, so that even if something happens, you can deal with it." Although, Mr. Feng Shui made a move The possibility is not great, but, for the sake of prudence, it is better to make some preparations, so as not to be attacked by surprise.

"It's uncle." Fortunately, what Lu Yue and others were worried about did not happen, and soon, a group of them appeared not far from the cemetery.

At this time, Mr. Feng Shui did not appear. Seeing this scene, Lu Yue took out a lot of glutinous rice, and slapped the "wooden stake Dafa" on the ground. Many wooden vines appeared, and with the glutinous rice, they quickly moved towards the corpse raising cave.They could all clearly sense that Mr. Feng Shui was in the cave for raising corpses. Since Mr. Feng Shui didn't want to appear, they would say hello to Mr. Feng Shui.

"What an annoying junior, he is so rude. He wants to destroy the treasure land that has been formed for many years." The Feng Shui master jumped out of the corpse, appeared in front of the wooden vine, and quickly Wielding a pitch-black sword in his hand, he slashed at many wooden vines, trying to cut them off.

"To make you such an evil cultivator feel disgusting, for us decent disciples, it is a big compliment, and I will be proud. Lightning and Thunder Fist." A thunderbolt flew out of Lu Yue's fist , and hit Mr. Feng Shui.The speed of the lightning is extremely fast, even if it is as strong as Mr. Feng Shui, it is not an easy task to avoid the attack of the lightning.

"You junior, you are truly extraordinary. Not only have you practiced the method of wooden stakes, but you have also practiced the Lightning and Thunder Fist, and you have also cultivated these two powerful Taoist arts to a high level. The power of the Lightning and Thunder Fist , but it is stronger than the palm thunder cultivated by the unsatisfactory thing in the four eyes. Junior, I will give you a chance now to betray Maoshan and worship me as a teacher. In this way, not only will I not kill you, but I will How about teaching you all the Taoism of the Corpse Raising Sect, so that you can quickly strengthen yourself in a short period of time?"

While speaking, Mr. Feng Shui quickly waved the sword in his hand, condensed a jet-black sword energy exuding corpse aura, and struck at the thunder and lightning. Although it did not completely block the thunder and lightning, it also blocked most of the thunder and lightning's power. , the remaining small part hit Mr. Feng Shui's body, and did not cause too much damage to Mr. Feng Shui.

(End of this chapter)

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