Chapter 90 The Bad-hearted Lu Yue
Later, Lin Jiu wanted to say something, but before he could say anything, he saw from the corner of his eye that Lu Yue came to Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng with a smile on his face.

Looking at the smile on Lu Yue's face, Lin Jiu understood that Lu Yue must be holding back something bad, so he didn't say anything more, and handed Wencai and Qiusheng to Lu Yue, believing that Lu Yue would not let him down, and would definitely give Wencai And Qiusheng, a profound lesson.

"Senior Brothers, do you want to know what this female ghost looks like?" Seeing the smile on Lu Yue's face, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng had an ominous premonition in their hearts. , Curiosity conquered everything, nodded and said, "I think."

Hearing this, the smile on Lu Yue's face became stronger. Looking at the smile on Lu Yue's face, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng felt even more uneasy. The opportunity for people to repent, to drive spiritual power, point to the eyes of Wencai and Qiusheng to help them open their eyes, so that Wencai and Qiusheng can see the true face of the female ghost clearly.

Before, Wencai and Qiusheng were so beautiful in the illusion. Now, Wencai and Qiusheng are so disgusting. Thinking that they almost had such a disgusting thing before, Wencai and Qiusheng couldn't bear it anymore. , Squatting on the ground and vomiting continuously.

Looking at the actions of Wencai and Qiusheng, Lu Yue did not have a trace of sympathy. If they were not obsessed with sex, it would not be difficult to find out the abnormality. It happened, I hope the two of them can remember today's lesson and stop thinking about having sex with ghosts, otherwise, the consequences are not something they can afford.

Looking at Wencai and Qiusheng who were squatting on the ground and vomiting continuously, the female ghost knew that it would not be easy for her to confuse them again. Thinking that all of this was because of Lu Yue, the female ghost now hated him. I hate Lu Yue so much, I wish I could cut Lu Yue into pieces.

Afterwards, the female ghost planned to cross Lin Jiu and fight Lu Yue.However, how could Lin Jiu give the female ghost this opportunity, and kept waving the mahogany sword in his hand, hitting the female ghost's body, wanting to kill the female ghost as soon as possible.At this time, Wencai and Qiusheng have regained their sobriety, so naturally Lu Yue will not stay where he is, watching Lin Jiu attack the female ghost, stepping on Yu steps, and using the Lightning and Thunder Fist to hit the female ghost Hit away, wanting to kill the female ghost as soon as possible.

The Lightning and Thunder Fist performed by Lu Yue did more damage to the female ghost than the mahogany sword in his hand. Therefore, Lin Jiu would naturally create an opportunity for Lu Yue to kill the female ghost in one fell swoop.

Facing Lin Jiu's attack, the female ghost already felt extremely strenuous. Now that there was another Lu Yue, the female ghost couldn't resist anymore. Soon, she was hit by Lightning Benlei's fist, and a powerful thunderbolt , gushed out from Lu Yue's body, and hit the female ghost's body, instantly causing the female ghost to fly away and disappear into the void.

"Finally, kill this female ghost, master, let's go back to eat quickly." Today they didn't eat anything other than breakfast. Yue felt a pang of hunger.

"Well, let's go back. You two are not up to date, you still don't keep up, do you want to be beaten?" Now that the female ghost has been killed, it's time for Wen Caiqiu to calculate the previous things .

At this time, Wencai and Qiusheng had completely regained their sobriety. Thinking of the stupid things they had done before, Wencai and Qiusheng's feet trembled involuntarily, unwilling to follow Lin Jiu back to Yizhuang.

Because, Wencai and Qiusheng knew very well that when they returned to Yizhuang, Lin Jiu would definitely clean up himself. Therefore, Wencai and Qiusheng naturally didn't want to return to Yizhuang so soon. The later he returned to Yizhuang, the less time Lin Jiu had to clean them up.

"Why, you two don't want to go back to Yizhuang, do you still want to find a female ghost, once a spring breeze?" After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu looked at Wencai and Qiusheng viciously.

Sensing Lin Jiu's gaze, Wencai and Qiusheng trembled even more, "Master, I remembered, my aunt has something to do with me, so I won't go back to Yizhuang with you, Master."

"Really, then you go, anyway, you will go back to Yizhuang sooner or later, when you are waiting, go back to Yizhuang, and I will chat with you about today's affairs as a teacher. By the way, I will spare a little time for a day or two Time, go to your aunt and chat with her about your performance today."

Lin Jiu's words changed Qiusheng's complexion greatly. If aunt knew about today's incident, aunt would definitely deal with him severely, and then send him to Yizhuang for Lin Jiu to teach him well. It is not easy to leave Yizhuang and return to my aunt's house.

"Master, don't tell my aunt about such a shameful thing, otherwise, my aunt will beat me to death?" Qiusheng looked at Lin Jiudao beggingly.

"Looking at your performance, today, my teacher will tell you that it is not easy to get over today's matter. In the next period of time, my teacher will definitely train you well and let you know what love between humans and ghosts is." In the end, you can't escape.

Even if you escape today, there will still be a lot of time waiting for you in the future, unless both of you will no longer appear in front of the teacher in the future.By the way, I want to tell you that I hold grudges very much. The longer this matter drags on, the more anger I feel in my heart. When the time comes, I don’t know what I will do. After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu showed a cruel smile, which made Wencai and Qiusheng feel their bodies go limp and almost collapsed on the ground.

They have never seen Lin Jiu like this before, knowing what they did before, really made Lin Jiu extremely angry, and I am afraid they will not let them go.After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu ignored Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng, and walked quickly to Yizhuang. Seeing this, Lu Yue hurriedly followed in Lin Jiu's footsteps, "Two senior brothers, there are several ghosts in this mountain. If you don't hurry up, you may be entangled, and you know what will happen at that time."

Hearing this, Wencai and Qiusheng didn't dare to delay any longer, and hurriedly followed in the footsteps of Lin Jiu and the others, fearing that they would be entangled. The shadow that the female ghost brought to them before was too great. Deep, it may take a little time to get rid of it. During this period of time, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng don't want to see any ghost, no matter how beautiful the female ghost is.

(End of this chapter)

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