Cultivating Immortals in the World of Nine Uncles

Chapter 94: The Three Unlucky People

Chapter 94 The Unlucky Two

Seeing Lu Yue who was recovering from his injuries, Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief. He stopped caring about Lu Yue and began to check the condition of his peach trees, wanting to know if there was any lightning strike tree born.

But the result disappointed Lin Jiu for a while. These peach trees had all died under the attack of the sky thunder, and there was no power of the sky thunder left in the torso, and it was not the lightning strike wood.

Fortunately, pulling the sky thunder this time is not without any gains. At least, Lu Yue has refined a lot of the power of the sky thunder, which has strengthened his body a lot.And although these peach trees did not retain any power of thunder, these peach trees have undergone some changes under the tempering of the power of sky thunder. If Lu Yue can absorb the power of vegetation in the peach trees, Can get some benefits.

When recovering from the injury, Lu Yue's condition was clearly displayed in Lu Yue's senses. Naturally, he knew that the Lightning Tree had not been born this time, and a tinge of disappointment flashed in his heart.

The disappointment in Lu Yue's heart just disappeared in a flash. Although he failed to create the Lightning Strike Wood this time, Lu Yue found that it was not impossible for him to succeed. It is not difficult to create the Lightning Strike Wood.

Afterwards, Lu Yue devoured all the power of vegetation in the peach trees. These peach trees have been destroyed. Even if he didn't swallow the power of vegetation in the peach trees, it won't take long for these powers of vegetation to be destroyed. It disappeared completely, and Lu Yue sensed that there was a trace of thunder in the power of the grass and trees. If he swallowed the power of the grass and trees, his Lightning and Thunder Fist should be able to go a step further, and he would be able to break through in a short time to the third floor.

Although, with Lu Yue's current spiritual power, he couldn't exert the full power of the third layer of Lightning and Thunder Fist, but it could also make his body stronger.After all, this Lightning and Thunder Fist is not only a powerful thunder technique, but also can temper the body.The power of the Lightning and Thunder Fist has increased, and the effect of body training will naturally increase accordingly.

Two hours later, Lu Yue recovered most of the injuries on his body, and did not continue. Before that, he swallowed a lot of the power of the surrounding vegetation. If he continued to swallow, I am afraid that these vegetation will All withered, this is not what Lu Yue wants to see.

"Lu Yue, do you feel that something is wrong?" Lin Jiu looked at Lu Yue worriedly and asked.Lu Yue smiled slightly and said, "Master, I'm fine. After refining the power of thunder these days, I feel that the power of the Lightning and Thunder Fist has increased a lot. In a maximum of two weeks, the disciple will be able to beat the Lightning and Thunder Fist." Fist cultivation to the third level."

Hearing this, Lin Jiu breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, "Lu Yue, you can't do this, even if you have an extraordinary physique, you can't create a lightning strike wood, and even if you create a lightning strike wood, the effect of this lightning strike wood will not Anyway, it’s better to give up. However, this method will allow you to refine the sky thunder and enhance the power of thunder. In the future, you can use this method to practice Lightning Running Thunder Fist and Palm Thunder .”

"No, master, you are wrong. It is not impossible to make lightning strike wood with this method, but the disciple's cultivation base is too low to do it now. After I break through the realm of warlock, I want to make lightning strike wood. Impossible." Lu Yue looked at Lin Jiudao confidently.

"Well, then, Lu Yue, when will you be able to break through the realm of a warlock?"

"Master, within one month, the disciple will be able to break through to the realm of a ninth-rank Taoist boy. As for breaking through to the realm of a warlock, I don't know. Of course, if you can take me to the deep mountains and old forests to practice, it shouldn't take long. Break through to the realm of a warlock, and if you can give me some elixir, Master, I can also break through to the realm of a warlock in a short time." After speaking, Lu Yue fixedly looked at Lin Jiu, wondering if Lin Jiu would give him Some elixir, let yourself break through.As a genius disciple of the Maoshan School, the master must have other elixir in his hand.

"Hmph, Lu Yue, don't think about the elixir in my master's hand for now. I won't hand over these elixir to you at this time. With your aptitude, you want to break through to the realm of a warlock , It’s not a difficult thing, if I hand over those elixir to you now, it will only be a waste of these precious elixir.” After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu walked towards Yizhuang.

Regarding this, Lu Yue didn't say anything, and quickly followed Lin Jiu's footsteps. Before that, Lu Yue knew that even if Lin Jiu had the elixir in his hand, he would not give the elixir to himself at this time.

It was also Wencai and Qiusheng who were unlucky. When Lin Jiu and Lu Yue returned to Yizhuang, Wencai and Qiusheng were resting. When they saw Lin Jiu and Lu Yue who came in suddenly, Wencai and Qiusheng were both I was taken aback, and thought in my heart that it's bad luck, when will the master and the younger brother come back, it's not good, do they have to come back when they are resting?

"Master, please listen to our explanation. We have been practicing before, and we stopped to rest for a while more than ten minutes ago, and we will continue to practice immediately." "Master, if this is really the case, Master, you must believe us As soon as Qiu Sheng finished speaking, Wen Cai quickly said, hoping that Lin Jiu would believe what they said, otherwise, Lin Jiu would definitely beat them up soon.

"Wen Cai, Qiu Sheng, do you think the teacher will believe your words?" Lin Jiu looked at Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng jokingly and asked?Thinking of the impression they left on Lin Jiu, Wen Cai and Qiu Sheng shook their heads involuntarily. They are not junior juniors. How could Lin Jiu believe that the two of them, who are always lazy, will not be lazy this time.

But this time Wencai and Qiusheng really didn't slack off. The two of them really took a break because they were tired from practicing. Unexpectedly, Lin Jiu and Lu Yue would come back during their rest. Seeing this, Wencai and Lu Yue Qiu Sheng and the two of them were not saying anything, they used Yu steps and quickly ran to the backyard.

"You two little bastards, it's just a dream to run away in front of your teacher with your cultivation level." After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu stepped on Yu steps and chased after Wencai and Qiusheng, intending to kill them. Give them a good meal, let the two of them know what is the end of being lazy.

Seeing this, Lu Yue planned to wash up. Before that, he was struck by lightning, which made Lu Yue's whole body burnt black, and made Lu Yue feel uncomfortable for a while.When Lu Yue came to the courtyard and was about to practice, he saw Wencai and Qiusheng practicing in the courtyard again with bruised noses and swollen faces.

Seeing Wencai and Qiusheng's embarrassed appearance, Lu Yue couldn't help laughing. The two senior brothers are really pitiful. I don't know when they will be able to get out of this kind of life.

(End of this chapter)

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